Evaluation of the Eect of Artemisia Absinthium
L. Eye-Cream on Infra-Orbital Dark Circle: A
Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled
Clinical Trial
Hanan Hamdi1, Laila Shirbeigi2, Mitra Rahimzadeh3, Alireza Firooz4, Gholamreza Amin5, Kazem Mousavizadeh6,
Arman Zargaran1
1 Department of Traditional Pharmacy, School of Persian Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2 Department of Traditional Medicine, School of Persian Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3 Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, School of Health, Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Alborz University
of Medical Sciences, Karaj, Iran
 Center for Research & Training in Skins Diseases & Leprosy, Clinical Trial Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
5 Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
6 Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences
Correspondence to:
Arman Zargaran, Department of Traditional Pharmacy,
School of Persian Medicine, Tehran University of Med-
ical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Telephone Number: +989122060881
Email Address: zargarana@sums.ac.ir
Received 2022-02-02
Revised 2022-03-13
Accepted 2022-05-12
Background: The relative darkening of the lower eyelid skin, often linked with
dark circles, may make one seem tired and older than the actual age. Consider-
ing the recommendations in the sources of Persian medicine regarding Artemisia ab-
sinthium L., this clinical trial aimed to investigate the eectiveness of cream prepared
from the aqueous extraction of A.absinthium for infra-orbital dark circles removal.
Materials and Methods: In this double-blind controlled clinical trial, an eye cream
is made with 20% of the aqueous extract of A.absinthium in the base of the cream.
For standardization based on Artemisinin, the high-performance liquid chromatogra-
phy (HPLC) method was used. In two drug and placebo groups, 60 patients were equal-
ly enrolled in the trial. Erythema and pigmentation were evaluated via Mexameter®.
Results: The cream was standardized, including 1.29±0.02 µg/mg Artemisinin in the product.
Finally, 21 and 24 patients in the drug and placebo groups completed the study, respectively. In
these groups, the dierence in the mean ± standard deviation (SD) delta erythema (DE), delta lumi-
nance (DL), erythema, and melanin factors before and after the research were signicant (P<0.05).
However, the rate of reduction of DE, Erythema, and Melanin and the rise of DL are more signi-
cant in the treatment group than in the placebo group. Furthermore, the mean values of DE and DL
factors before the research were signicantly dierent in the two groups (P<0.001), but after the
investigation did not show a signicant dierence. The mean value of the Erythema factor in the
two groups before (P=0.25) and after (P=0.5) did not show a signicant dierence. The mean value
of Melanin after the research between the two groups showed a signicant dierence (P=0.01).
Conclusion: The results show that the cream prepared from the herbal compo-
sition of Persian medicine improves the infra orbital dark circle around the eyes.
[GMJ.2023;12:e2413] DOI:10.31661/gmj.v12i0.2413
Keywords: Artemisinin; Persian Medicine; Periorbital Hyperpigmentation; Infra Orbital Dark
Circle; Herbal Medicine
Copyright© 2021, Galen Medical Journal.
This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License
Hamdi H, et al. Artemisia Absinthium L. Eye-Cream Eects on Infra-Orbital Dark Circle
Infra orbital dark circle (IOD) is identied
as one of the most widespread problems
in cosmetic disorders. It can lead to psycho-
logical dysfunctions due to the inuence of
self-perception and judgment of others [1].
Although no morbidity is associated with in-
fraorbital dark circles, it is a health problem
that is gaining public attention. IOD can be
observed based on a person’s appearance and
several essential parameters, such as age and
degree of fatigue [2]. It can occur in people of
all genders and all races but more frequently in
females and generally aect colored patients
more than Caucasians. This complex multi-
factorial entity requires an expanded knowl-
edge base on the etiology, management, and
treatment [3]. As a major cosmetic issue, IOD
can inuence self-condence, well-being, and
quality of life, particularly in female patients.
Despite the global prevalence of IOD, there
are few studies and investigations on the dark
circle, including its pathogenesis, treatment,
and burden [4].
Although IOD is primarily known as a
non-pathological situation, it can also be asso-
ciated with serious pathogenesis. Hereditary
or environmental melanocytosis is the leading
cause that explains the development of this
complex entity. Some examples of environ-
mental melanocytosis are sunlight exposure,
the side eect of anti-allergic medications,
and atopic dermatitis as post-inammatory
Besides, IOD is increasingly prevalent in the
elderly. No clear etiology is generally associ-
ated with IOD’s cause [5].
Various cosmetic, radiofrequency, surgical,
and laser treatments exist to facilitate this con-
dition [5, 6]. Neither invasive nor non-inva-
sive therapies can provide eective treatment
yet; consequently, the satisfaction and cure
of patients are not satised. Therefore, new
approaches and nding new medications for
IOD are appreciated [7, 8].
Traditional medicines and natural products
have been proposed as possible sources of
novel pharmaceuticals [9, 10]. Persian med-
icine (PM), which dates back about 7,000
years [11-13], is one of the most well-known
and oldest procedures among traditional and
supplementary medical systems. IOD is doc-
umented in PM sources. This traditional med-
ical system was called Kamnat al-Dam [14].
Razes (854-925), one of the most prominent
Persian scientists, recommended the topical
use of zamad of Artemisia absinthium L. (Af-
santin in Persian language) for IOD in Liber
continents (Al-Havi) in his comprehensive
medical book. Although no direct studies have
been conducted on the eects of A.absinthium
on IOD, current literature supports its possible
eects. For example, recent studies approved
the antioxidant eect of A.absinthium extract
[15-17], which can play an essential role in its
impact on IOD. Zamad (salve) is an ancient
dosage form made from a decoction mixture
of grinded medicinal herbs. It currently has
insucient patient compliance. As a result, it
is required to reformulate it into a more pop-
ular formulation to improve product quality
and patient compliance. Due to the unpop-
ular form of this traditional formulation, an
eye cream containing an aqueous extract of
A.absinthium was created. Various concen-
trations of the extract have been tested pre-
viously. Ultimately, an eye cream containing
10% A.absinthium extract was selected as the
best option for this clinical study. We aimed to
evaluate the ecacy of this product as a clin-
ical trial.
Materials and Methods
Study Design
This double-blind, controlled clinical trial in-
vestigated the eect of Artemisia absinthium
L. Eye-Cream on patients with Infra-Orbital
Dark Circle who referred to Dermatology and
Leprosy Research Center of Tehran Univer-
sity of Medical Sciences clinic from 1st Oc-
tober 2019 to 1st December 2019. Based on
Inclusion criteria enrolled in this study.
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
All volunteer patients aged 18 to 65 years who
had dark circles under their eyes at least for
six months were included in the study, accord-
ing to the inclusion criteria.
The patients during breastfeeding or pregnan-
cy, the patients using any chemical peeling
procedures, performing microdermabrasion in
the last 3 months, doing lasers in the last three
Artemisia Absinthium L. Eye-Cream Eects on Infra-Orbital Dark Circle Hamdi H, et al.
months, doing a solarium or intense sun expo-
sure and sunburn during the last three months,
taking medicine due to other diseases, intoler-
ance to the drug, reluctance to continue treat-
ment and taking oral contraceptive pills while
studying were excluded from this study.
Sample Size Calculation, Randomization, Al-
location Process, Blinding
All participants were allocated into two
groups of drug and placebo randomly via
computer generated block-randomization
list (non-stratied with equal-length blocks).
The sample size was calculated by the below
formula. Also, there were 5 more patients for
each group (a total of 30 patients in each pla-
cebo and drug groups) for probable missing
or excluded enrolled patients in both groups.
In this double-blind study, neither the patients
and medical team nor the statisticians knew
which group was receiving the drug or place-
The study is a double-blind, controlled, ran-
domized clinical trial. The participants (60
patients, 18-65 years old) were entered into
two placebo and drug groups. Physicians,
statisticians, and patients were unaware of the
cream type. For this study, 60 healthy female
and male volunteers with IOD were divided
into two groups of 30. The cream was applied
twice a day to the area around the eyes in each
group for 60 days. By ending the period, the
improvement in the intensity and appearance
of dark circles of the participants were ana-
lyzed by a spectrophotometric colorimeter
adapted for reectance (Color Guide Sphere;
Byk Gardner, Geretsried, Germany) and a
Mexameter® (Courage and Khazaka, Koln,
Germany) instruments. In this method, Mex-
ameter® measured skin pigmentation (Mela-
nin) and Erythema for investigation of drug
eect. The infra-orbital and adjacent (cheeks)
areas were selected for measurements by the
probes, before and after the 60-day treatment
(D1⁄T0 and D60). So, to evaluate the ecacy
we used the color dierence (ΔE) between the
dark circles and the normal skin tone, the dif-
ference of lightness between dark circles and
native skin tone (ΔL).
Ethical Issues
This study was approved by the Ethics Com-
mittee of Tehran University of Medical Sci-
ences (no. IR.TUMS.VCR.REC.1398.017).
Moreover, the trial registration number was
obtained from the Iranian Clinical trial regis-
tration center, no. IRCT20190413043259N1.
All patients were included in the study after
being completely informed about the study
and signing an informed consent form.
Chemical Substances
The chemical substances were provided from
Sigma-Aldrich® (St. Louis, Missouri, United
States). These includes Methanol High-Per-
formance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
grade, Acetonitrile HPLC grade, paran oil,
cetyl alcohol, Tween 80, aspan 20, carbomer,
sepigel, methylparaben, propylparaben, pro-
pylene glycol, NaOH, Na2HPO4, NaH2PO4,
Preparing Cream and Placebo
The aerial part of the plant Artemisia absin-
thium L. was collected from Gaduk passes of
Mazandaran province in the north of Iran. The
plant was approved by the Herbarium center
in the School of Pharmacy, Tehran University
of Medical Sciences (voucher number: 6604).
Then, the freshly collected plant was washed
and dried. The next step was the extraction
process. In brief, 100 g of the powdered plant
was placed in an extraction bottle and then
was soaked with 1L of distilled water for 30
min at 100 °C and 180 rpm rotation. The ex-
tract was ltered and centrifuged at 4000 rpm
(for 10 min) and stored at 4 °C.
The cream was made based on an aqueous ex-
tract. Components and their weight percent-
ages are shown in Table-1. The placebo cream
was made based on Osirian without extract
and the brown color (Khat e Zard brand, made
in Iran, No. 110) was used to make a similar
color to the drug. Moreover, a small amount
of A.absinthium essential oil was rubbed on
the placebo cream cap to make a similar smell
to the drug.
Hamdi H, et al. Artemisia Absinthium L. Eye-Cream Eects on Infra-Orbital Dark Circle
Standardization of the A.absinthium Cream
via the HPLC Method
An Agilent Technologies 1260 Innity Π ap-
paratus was used for HPLC analysis. for the
quantication of Artemisinin, it was attached
to an HPLC column Eclipse Plus-C18 (Agi-
lent), 3.5 µm column (4.6×100 mm). The iso-
cratic mobile phase of water, methanol, and
acetonitrile (40:30:30% v/v) was used at a
ow rate of 1.0 ml/min. UV monitoring was
carried out at 210 nm. All solutions were l-
tered through a 0.45 mm lter before injec-
tion. Data analysis was performed using Ag-
ilent ChemStation software (Agilent, USA).
The six concentrations of Artemisinin (5, 10,
30, 50, 70, and 100 µg ml-1 for Artemisinin)
were used to generate a calibration curve of
standard Artemisinin.
Dried extract or prepared cream was sonicat-
ed (15 min) in 2.5 mL of methanol. Centrifu-
gation at 3300rpm was then used (5 min). A
10 mL volumetric ask was used to collect
the supernatant. The aqueous extraction and
formulated cream were injected into an HPLC
apparatus to determine the quantied amount
of Artemisinin in the preparation.
Investigation of Toxic Material via GC-MS
Thujone is a neurotoxic terpene substance
found in an infamous plant such as A.absin-
thium [18]. Therefore, gas chromatography
connected to mass detector (GC/MS) device
was used to check for the presence of Thujone
in the extract. The analysis of the aqueous ex-
tracted essence was performed using an Ag-
ilent 7890B GC, equipped with an HP-5MS
capillary column (30 m, 0.25 mm i.d., 0.25
µm lm thickness) and connected to a mass
spectrometer 5977A as a detector. Helium was
used as the gas carrier, with a ow rate of 1.5
mL/min. The column temperature was initial-
ly 30 °C (5 min), then gradually (5 °C/min)
increased to 200; nally increased (10 °C/
min) to 300 °C. GC-MS detections was car-
ried out via an electron ionization system with
an ionization energy of 70 eV. Then, diethyl
ether was used to dilute the extract (sample)
1:100 (v/v), and 1.0 µL of it was injected into
the apparatus automatically in splitless mode;
with an injector temperature of 300 °C.
Preparation and Standardization of Drug and
Both drug and placebo creams were quite sim-
ilar in appearance, color, and smell. Figure-1
shows HPLC chromatograms of the a) aque-
ous extract of A.absinthium and b) formulated
cream of the standardization. The amount of
Artemisinin in the plant extract and formulat-
ed cream were quantied at 4.33±0.02 µg/mg
and 1.29±0.02 µg/mg, respectively.
As shown, the resulting extract is composed
of 20 chemicals and the extract does not
contain thujone which causes toxicity in the
compounds. Therefore, the extract is safe for
further research and preparation of the cream.
In this section, the data were arranged and
compiled based on the research objectives.
The Shapiro-Wilk normality test was used for
analyzing the normality of data. An indepen-
dent t-test was used to evaluate the similarity
of the two groups based on quantitative vari-
ables. The Chi-square test or Fisher’s exact
test was used for qualitative variables.
Parametric analytical tests (paired t-test and
independent t-test) were used for normally
Table 1. Components and Their Weight Percent-
age of Formulated Cream
5Paran oil1
5Cetyl alcohol2
0.5Tween 803
0.5Span 204
0.8Carbomer 5
Liquid phase
5propylene glycol3
20Aqueous extract4
Up to 100Water5
Artemisia Absinthium L. Eye-Cream Eects on Infra-Orbital Dark Circle Hamdi H, et al.
distributed data according to these tests, and
non-parametric tests were used for non-nor-
mally distributed data according to these tests
(Using IBM® SPSS® Statistics for Windows,
version 22 (IBM Corp., Armonk, N.Y., USA)).
According to the demographic data in the
baseline, there was no signicant dierence
between the two groups (P=0.75) and in the
percentage of female participants in the both
groups (P=0.19, Table-2) as shown in the
CONSORT owchart (Figure-2), among a to-
tal number of 60 patients, 45 (placebo group:
24 patients and drug group: 21 patients) com-
pleted the therapeutic protocol. The results of
paired t-test in Placebo and Drug Groups are
shown in Table-3 and -4. Table-5 shows the
enrollment of patients in the study.
The Melanin, Erythema, ΔE and ΔL of 21 vol-
unteers in the drug group and 24 volunteers in
the placebo group were measured. After that,
they were treated with a designed cream and
a placebo, and the desired parameters in both
groups were tested again. The data was then
evaluated using statistical techniques in the
next stage.
Since the assumption of normality of quan-
titative characteristics is required in samples
less than 30, this default is evaluated in Ta-
ble-5 by the Shapiro-Wilk test.
Considering the signicance level of the Sha-
piro-Wilk test shown in Table-2 for all factors
in both groups before and after the research is
greater than 0.05 (except Melanin is less than
0.05 and greater than 0.01 before the research
in the placebo group), we concluded that the
distribution of the above factors is not signi-
cantly dierent from the normal distribution.
Therefore, the normal default is considered
for performing statistical tests.
As shown in Table-6 in the drug group, the
dierence of the mean (SD) ΔE , ΔL, Erythe-
ma and Melanin factors before and after the
research were signicant using paired t-test
(P<0.001, P<0.001, P<0.002 and P<0.001,
respectively) also in the placebo group were
signicant with paired t-test (P=0.001). As
shown in Figure-3a-d, the decreased rate of
ΔE, Erythema, and Melanin and the increase
of ΔL in the drug group were more than in the
placebo group, respectively. The results of the
independent t-test showed that the mean val-
ue of ΔE and ΔL factors in both groups be-
fore the research were signicantly dierent
(P<0.001), but after the research between the
two groups did not show a signicant dier-
ence (P=0.46 and 0.49, respectively). The re-
sults of the independent t-test show that the
mean value of the Erythema factor in the two
groups both before (P=0.25) and after (P=0.5)
between the two groups did not show a sig-
nicant dierence. The results of the inde-
pendent t-test showed that the mean value of
the Melanin factor in the two groups before
Figure 1. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) chromatograms of a) aqueous extract of Arte-
misia absinthium L. and b) formulated cream.
Hamdi H, et al. Artemisia Absinthium L. Eye-Cream Eects on Infra-Orbital Dark Circle
Table 2. Demographic Character of Participants in Treatment and Placebo Groups
Variable (quantitative) Treatment Placebo P-Value
Age (year) mean±SD 41.43±10.08 40.57±1.72 0.75
Gender (F/M) 29/1 25/5 0.19
SD: Standard deviation.
Figure 2. CONSORT owchart of participants in the study in two groups.
Table 3. Paired t-test in Placebo Group
Paired t-test
Parameters mean±SDmean±SD
ΔE: the color di󰀨erence between dark area and normal skin tone; ΔL: the light di󰀨erence between dark
area and normal skin tone.
Figure 3. Comparison chart of mean (SD) of a): delta erythema (DE); b): delta luminance (DL); c): erythe-
ma and d): melanin factors before and after research in two groups.
Table 4 Paired t-test in Drug Group
Paired t-test
ΔE: the color di󰀨erence between dark area and normal skin tone; ΔL: the light di󰀨erence between dark
area and normal skin tone.
the research was not signicantly dierent
(P=0.80), but after the research between the
two groups showed a signicant dierence
Based on the results of paired t-tests, it can
be determined that all variables have changed
substantially in both groups. The medication
group, on the other hand, faced a faster rate of
change. But, the results obtained from the in-
dependent t-test in comparing the two groups
before the test showed that both groups are
comparable just in two factors, Erythema and
Melanin (P>0.05) and in the two factors ΔE
and ΔL before the experiment, the two groups
have signicant dierences (P>0.05). As a re-
sult, comparing two factors ΔE and ΔL using
the independent t-test, regardless of the dif-
ference in their initial values, is not without
According to the results, it can be concluded
that except for the Erythema factor, all oth-
er factors after the research was signicantly
dierent from the placebo group. This means
that ΔE decreased, ΔL increased, and Mela-
nin showed a signicant increase in the drug
Artemisia Absinthium L. Eye-Cream Eects on Infra-Orbital Dark Circle Hamdi H, et al.
Table 5. Shapiro-Wilk Test for Normality of Research Factors before and after the Research in the Drug
and Placebo Groups
Drug (n=21) Placebo (n=24)
tSig. (t-tailed) tSig. (t-tailed)
Before ΔE 0.95 0.39 0.94 0.2
intervention ΔL 0.95 0.37 0.92 0.055
Erythem 0.94 0.26 0.95 0.28
Melanin 0.92 0.1 0.91 0.036
After ΔE 0.93 0.16 0.96 0.34
intervention ΔL 0.96 0.53 0.94 0.17
Erythem 0.97 0.64 0.97 0.58
Melanin 0.96 0.55 0.92 0.054
ΔE: the color di󰀨erence between dark area and normal skin tone; ΔL: the light di󰀨erence between dark
area and normal skin tone.
Table 6. Comparison of Mean (SD) of Melanin, Erythema, DL and DE Factors before and after the
Research in Two Groups
Parameters PlaceboDrugSigPlaceboDrug
Hamdi H, et al. Artemisia Absinthium L. Eye-Cream Eects on Infra-Orbital Dark Circle
ΔE: the color di󰀨erence between dark area and normal skin tone; ΔL: the light di󰀨erence between dark
area and normal skin tone.
dark circles’ issue [1, 19]. This problem oc-
curs by various factors, such as the presence
of excessive pigment, thinness, and clarity of
the skin below the eyelid and shading due to
looseness and tearing of the skin [20]. Unfor-
tunately, existing treatments for dark circles,
such as lasers, injections, llers, and chemi-
Although IOD, as the darkness of the infra-or-
bital eyelids is not identied as a medical
concern, it is highly prevalent and can be a
cosmetic concern. On the other hand, unfor-
tunately, few published articles are about the
Artemisia Absinthium L. Eye-Cream Eects on Infra-Orbital Dark Circle Hamdi H, et al.
cals, have several issues and adverse eects
Herbal medications are the most promising
complementary and alternative therapy being
among patients, according to studies [25], al-
though these studies were restricted. There-
fore, we investigated the eect of a cream
prepared from the aqueous extract of Artemis-
ia absinthium L., which was used in Persian
medicine for the treatment of dark circles un-
der the eyes.
The main purpose of this investigation was
to analyze the eectiveness of eye cream pre-
pared from an aqueous extract of A.absinthi-
um on dark circles around the eyes.
The results of this study showed that treat-
ment of dark circles with herbal cream for 8
weeks (2 months) can be eective except for
the Erythema factor. In this study, the ΔE de-
creased, ΔL increased, and Melanin showed a
signicant decrease in the drug group.
Generally, the rate of improvement in patients
with dark circles in the group receiving herb-
al cream based on the indicators has signi-
cantly increased without any side eects. The
antioxidant eect is a key point for managing
Numerous studies have conrmed the exis-
tence of free radical scavenging properties
in the total extract of Artemisia absinthium
L. [26, 27]. Rashidi et al. showed that the
extracts of Artemisia absinthium L. can pre-
vent the damaging eects of oxidative agents
on cells [28]. Furthermore, Kharoubia et al.
suggested that wormwood extract restored en-
zyme activities perturbed by exposure to lead;
therefore, wormwood extract had a protective
role against lipid peroxidation [29]. Accord-
ing to studies, oxidative damage could be oc-
curred due to the formation of reactive oxygen
species (ROS). It leads to the deterioration of
cellular macromolecules like lipids, deoxyri-
bose nucleic acids (DNA), proteins, and en-
zymes [30, 31].
On the other hand, a study showed that ex-
tracts with free radical scavenging properties
can reduce Melanin and skin pigmentation
[32]. As a result, the characteristic of free rad-
ical scavenging of the Artemisia absinthium
L. extract may be linked to the reduction in
Melanin seen in those who have used the me-
dicinal cream.
Moreover, another study showed that the ex-
tract of this plant increased blood circulation,
which can be attributed to the increased Ery-
thema [33].
Despite the widespread use of various meth-
ods of treating dark circles under the eyes,
many people today suer from this problem.
On the other hand, these treatments, such as
exfoliators, chemicals, lasers, etc., have many
side eects for patients.
As a result, using traditional Persian medical
remedies might be one of the most promis-
ing solutions to this condition. Unfortunately,
there is very little study on the use of herbal
medicines to address this condition. The pres-
ent study is the rst study which investigated
the eect of A.absinthium in the treatment of
this problem.
In general, based on the results of this re-
search, the cream prepared from this extract
of the plant can be suggested as an eective
and safe treatment for removing dark circles.
This paper is a result of PhD thesis of Hanan
Hamdi, supported by the vice chancellor for
research and technology at Tehran University
of Medical Sciences (Code: 9542711002) and
presented in the School of Persian Medicine at
Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
Conict of Interest
There is no conict of interest.
10 GMJ.2023;12:e2413
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Artemisia Absinthium L. Eye-Cream Eects on Infra-Orbital Dark Circle Hamdi H, et al.