Kharrati-Koopaee H, et al. PALB2 and BRIP1 Genes Expression under Tamoxifen
progesterone receptor (PR, PGR gene), and
human epidermal growth factor receptor 2
(HER2, ERBB2 gene) are included in the
aforementioned classication.
Tumors without these protein markers are
called triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC)
Patients with breast cancer can be treated
through surgical methods, ray methods, and
endocrine therapy (or anti-estrogen therapy).
Tamoxifen (TAM), the selective estrogen re-
ceptor modulator (SERM) that competes with
estrogens to connect to ER, as well as aro-
matase inhibitors (AIs), such as letrozole, are
implemented in endocrine therapy to block the
conversion of androgens into estrogens [4,5].
TAM is an ER antagonist, which has helped
millions of females with breast cancer since
50 years ago [5].
However, it comes with several issues in-
cluding drug resistance and consequent side
eects. Unfortunately, 30 to 40% of patients
are obstinate and show increased metastatic
cancer [6,7].
Because breast cancer is a heterogeneous
disease, identifying molecular markers, gene
expression proles, and genomic alteration
patterns are considered analytical tools neces-
sary for determining treatment outcomes and
choosing the best treatment approaches [8,9].
Therefore, it is very important to achieve a
good understanding of the cellular and molec-
ular pathways related to breast cancer devel-
opment and progression to improve the treat-
ment conditions and clinical outputs [10].
By interacting with the BRCA2 protein, the
tumor suppressor partner and localizer of
BRCA2 (PALB2) plays a critical part in repair-
ing DNA damage and preventing the growth
of tumors. The mutation in the structure of
PALB2 protein increases the risk of cancer by
14% and 35% among 50- and 70- year old in-
dividuals, respectively [11, 12].
Similarly, the mutant protein of BRCA2 among
80-year-old females increases the risk of can-
cer exposure by 72%. Furthermore, BRCA1
Interacting Helicase 1 (BRIP1) encodes a pro-
tein belonging to RecQ Helicase DEAH.
Similar to PALB2, this gene is on chromosome
17 and repairs DNA damage in a complemen-
tary gene action with BRCA2. Compared to
BRCA2, the importance of mutation in BRIP1
does not increase the risk of cancer exposure;
however, its product is recognized as a tumor
suppressor and also an oncogene protein [12,
In this study, the performance and alterations
in gene expression of PALB2 and BRIP1, as
well as their roles in cancer progression are
investigated through conducting quantitative
Materials and Methods
Cancer Cells Culture and Tamoxifen Treat-
ment Implementation
Experimental research was executed to an-
alyze gene expression in breast cancer cell
lines. MCF7 cells (National Cell Bank, Pas-
teur Institute of Iran) were cultured in RPMI
1640 (Bioidea Company) medium with pH
The culture medium was supplemented with
10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (Gib-
co-BRL), 1% penicillin (), and streptomycin
() (Biosera). Furthermore, the mentioned cells
were maintained in the 5% humidied atmo-
sphere at 37 .
Cell viability assays were also carried out by
conducting the colorimetric MTT assay (Sig-
ma-Aldrich-UK) for quantifying cell viability
After 24 hours of the cell culture process,
TAM (Iran-Hormone Company-Tehran, Iran)
was added to the culture mediums at the den-
sity of.
The sampling procedure was conducted after
12 hours for RNA extraction.
RNA Extraction and Qualitative and Quanti-
tative Assessments
Following the guidelines given by Denazist
Asia Company, RNA was extracted from a
cell culture medium. Then, the quantity and
quality of the extracted RNA were assessed
by 1% agarose gel electrophoresis and Nan-
oDrop. The absorption rate of extracted RNA
was assessed on the wavelengths of 280,
230, and 260, as well as rates of 260/280 and
260/230 [15].
Designing a Primer for Q-PCR
In this study, primers were designed by the
gene sequence of PALB2 and BRIP1 with the