Investigation of Kelussia Odoratissima and
Angelica Sinensis Similarities in Zebrash-based
In-vivo Bioactivity Assays and Their Chemical
Mohammad Rezaei1, Parisa Fooladi1, 2, Mohamad Norani3, Alexander Crawford3,4, Shahram Eisa-Beygi5, Yaser
Tahamtani1, 6, Mahdi Ayyari3
1 Department of Stem Cells and Developmental Biology, Cell Science Research Centre, Royan Institute for Stem Cell Biology and
Technology, ACECR, Tehran, Iran
2 Department of Developmental Biology, University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran
3 Department of Horticultural Science, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
4 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Oslo, Norway
5 Department of Radiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
6 Reproductive Epidemiology Research Center, Royan Institute for Reproductive Biomedicine, ACECR, Tehran, Iran
Correspondence to:
Mahdi Ayyari, Department of Horticultural Science,
Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University,
Tehran, Iran.
Telephone Number: +98-21 48292093
Email Address:
Received 2022-11-07
Revised 2023-01-04
Accepted 2023-04-17
Background: Kelussia odoratissima (KO) and Angelica sinensis (AS) have been
used in their indigenous traditional medicine, for various diseases. This study
was conducted to evaluate the volatile oil composition of KO leaves (KVL) and
AS root (AVR) and biological activity of essential oils (EOs) and hydroalcohol-
ic extracts of both plants using two dierent transgenic zebrash (Danio rerio) models.
Materials and Methods: Both EOs were isolated by hydrodistillation and analysed by GC and
GC/MS. For viability tests, larvae were treated with dierent concentrations of extracts to deter-
mine an appropriate starting concentration. Hydroalcoholic extracts and EOs have been tested in a
dose-dependent manner for their biological activity using tissue-specic transgenic zebrash Tg(-
i-1: EGFP) and Tg (ins: GFP-NTR) embryos and larvae. One-way ANOVA was used to compare
the mean of pBC area and intersegmental vessels (ISVs) outgrowth between the treatment groups.
Results: Eleven compounds were in common to both oils, comprising 51.3% of KVL and 61.7%
of AVR, of which 39.3% in KVL and 37.6% in AVR were phthalide structures. Results revealed that
both EOs blocked ISVs formation in the Tg (i-1: EGFP) embryos increased to 10% of the control
value, while both hydroalcoholic extracts did not show any anti-angiogenesis eects in these em-
bryos. In addition, AVR has been shown to signicantly induce PBC regeneration following abla-
tion in the Tg (ins: GFP-NTR), but its regenerative activity was lower than that of 5′-N-ethylcar-
boxamidoadenosine (NECA) as a positive control. Taken together, the anti-angiogenesis activity
of both EOs could be attributed to the phthalide structures while for the PBC regenerative activi-
ty, other compounds including β-Thujaplicinol, exclusively existing in AVR, might be eective.
Conclusion: Although the genera, organs, and origin of these plants are dier-
ent, their similar chemical composition and biological activities make them valu-
able resources for further investigation in basic medical and pharmaceutical science.
[GMJ.2023;12:e2793] DOI:10.31661/gmj.v12i0.2793
Keywords: Angiogenesis Inhibitors; Pancreatic Beta Cell; Zebrash; Essential Oil
Copyright© 2021, Galen Medical Journal.
This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License
Rezaei M, .Zebrash-based In-vivo Bioactivity Assays
Plants containing molecules with phthalide
structures have long been of interest in
traditional medicine around the world. Natu-
ral phthalides are a relatively small group of
compounds that exhibit a wide range of bio-
logical activities. They exist in several high-
er and lower plants and are used in many of
the traditional medicinal practices in Asia,
Europe, and North America [1]. Kelussia
odoratissima and Angelica sinensis are the
two most abundant sources of phthalides in
Iran and China, respectively. K. odoratissi-
ma known as “Kelows” or “Karafse kouhi”
grows exclusively in central Zagros Mountain
mainly in Chaharmahal & Bakhtiari prov-
inces. This plant is consumed traditionally
in yogurt-based products and pickles. It has
a pleasant aroma and is known for its warm
nature, according to Iranian traditional medi-
cine, especially for feminine disorders [2, 3].
Angelica sinensis, also known as “Don qui”,
is one of the most well-known medicinal
plants in traditional Chinese medicine for the
invigoration of blood and treatment of female
irregular menstruation cycles as well as toni-
fying and relieving pain [4].
It is also used in the formulation of other Chi-
nese medicinal plants for various treatments
[5, 6]. A long list of potential biological activ-
ities associated with phthalides was recently
published by León et al. [1], including anal-
gesic, antihyperglycemic, antithrombotic and
antiplatelet, neurological eects on Alzhei-
mers disease, Parkinson’s disease and other
cognitive impairments, GABAergic, sedative,
anticonvulsive and anti-stroke. Phthalides
have also been shown to display some proges-
togenic and cytotoxic eects.
Zebrash (Danio rerio) is a powerful verte-
brate model organism in genetics, drug dis-
covery, developmental biology, and regener-
ative studies. Zebrash have become an ideal
model for high-throughput screening systems
because of their high fecundity, transparency,
external development, and short generation
times [7-10]; additionally, ease of housing and
maintaining large numbers in captive [11-13].
For these reasons, zebrash have been recog-
nized as a unique model for various human
diseases, including Alzheimers disease [14,
15], diabetes [16], muscular dystrophy [17],
and cancer [18]. Zebrash have many con-
served disease proteins with humans. So, the
drugs used for humans often have the same
eects on these models [19, 20]. Even in some
of the diseases, zebrash are considered better
models than mice [21]; in this regard, there
is a list of small molecules that have been
screened in zebrash and are currently in clin-
ical trials [22].
In contrast to mammalian models, zebrash
can regenerate pancreatic beta cell (pBCs)
throughout their entire life [23, 24]. Tg(ins:FP-
NTR) zebrash line has been introduced as a
model to study pBC regeneration [25-27], and
the uorescent protein-nitroreductase (FP-
NTR) fusion protein is expressed in pBCs
around 24 hours post fertilization (hpf) under
the insulin promoter activity [28].
NTR converts metronidazole (MTZ) into
a toxin such that exposure of this model to
MTZ, results in ablation of NTR-expressing
PBCs [29]. Therefore, we generated and es-
tablished Tg(ins: GFP-NTR) transgenic mod-
el in our lab for conducting bioactivity tests of
natural products [30].
The promoter activity of i1, an endotheli-
al-specic transcription factor, was previous-
ly used to establish the endothelial-specic
transgenic zebrash lines including Tg(-
i1:EGFP) [31].
In this model, the enhanced green uorescent
protein (EGFP) signal is localized to the blood
vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries). So,
this model is appropriate for vascular analy-
sis during zebrash embryonic development
The inhibition of the formation of interseg-
mental vessels (ISVs) and subintestinal ves-
sels (SIVs) is used as a measure of the po-
tential anti-angiogenesis eects of natural
compounds and small molecules; according-
ly, Tg(i1: EGFP) is also an ideal model for
cancer research [33-35].
The aim of this study was to compare the
chemical composition and biological activ-
ities/eects of two essential oils (EOs) and
hydroalcoholic extracts from K. odoratissi-
ma leaves and A. sinensis root. The potential
inhibition of angiogenesis and/or induction
of pBC regeneration was assessed by a ze-
brash-based bioassay system, which can be
Zebrash-based In-vivo Bioactivity Assays Rezaei M, et al.
related to the anti-cancer and/or anti-diabet-
ic activity of the compounds, respectively.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the rst
report on the evaluation and comparison of
chemical composition and in vivo bioactivity
for K. odoratissima and A. sinensis.
Materials and Methods
Chemicals and Plant Materials
N-Phenylthiourea (PTU), MTZ, and methy-
lene blue was obtained from Sigma-Aldrich
(St. Louis, Missouri, United States). 5′-N-eth-
ylcarboxamidoadenosine (NECA) was pur-
chased from Torcis (Bristol, UK.) and SU5416
was obtained from Abcam (Cambridge, Unit-
ed Kingdom). Ethanol and other chemicals
were purchased from Merck (Darmstadt, Ger-
The leaves of K.odoratissima was collected
in May 2018 from Bazoft (Chaharmahal &
Bakhtiari province, Iran), at an altitude of c.
2500 m. A voucher specimen was deposited
in the Herbarium of Medicinal Plants and
Drugs Research Institute in Shahid Beheshti
University, Tehran (Voucher No: MPH-1414).
A. sinensis roots were also collected in Gansu
province, China in the autumn of 2018.
Isolation and Analysis of the Essential Oil
One-hundred grams of air-dried leaves of K.
odoratissima were powdered and the EOs was
isolated by hydrodistillation in a Cleveng-
er-type apparatus for 3 h. The EOs was sepa-
rated and dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate
and kept in the freezer at -20°C until analysis.
The same procedure was performed to isolate
EOs from the root of A. sinensis.
Preparation of Hydroalcoholic Extracts
The ethanol/water (50%, 100ml) extracts of
10 grams of Kelussia and Angelica were sep-
arately prepared by sonication for 30 min.
Subsequently, the extract was ltered though
Wathman paper (no. 1).
The extracts were concentrated at 40 °C us-
ing a rotary evaporator and nally powdered
in a freeze drier to remove the residual water.
The hydroalcoholic extract of Kelussia leaves
(KEL) and Angelica root (AER) were stored
at -20 °C until analysis.
GC and GC/MS Analyses and Interpretation GC and GC/MS Analyses and Interpretation
of Volatile Oil Componentsof Volatile Oil Components
The isolated EOs were analysed using a GC
Agilent 7890B equipped with a ame ioniza-
tion detector (FID). The HP-5 column length,
inner diameter, and lm thickness were 30 m,
0.25 mm and 0.25 µm, respectively. The oven
temperature was programmed from 60 °C to
280 °C with the ramp of 5 °C/min and held at
280 °C for 2 minutes. Helium was used as the
carrier gas at a ow rate of 1.1 mL/min. The
detector and injector temperatures were kept
at 280 °C and 250 °C, respectively. A Thermo-
quest–Finnigan gas chromatograph coupled
with a trace mass spectrometer (GC/MS) with
the same parameter for fused silica column,
oven temperature, carrier gas, ow rate, and
injector temperature was also used to identify
individual peaks. The ionization voltage was
set at 70 eV and the interface temperature and
ion source were kept at 250 °C and 200 °C, re-
spectively. The identication of the individual
components of both EOs was performed by
comparing their mass spectra with those of the
Adams and Wiley 7.0 internal references mass
spectra library and was conrmed by compar-
ing their calculated retention indices (relative
to n-alkanes C8–C24) with those reported in
literature data [36]. The quantication of the
individual component in both samples was
performed by relative area percentages using
Zebrash Models and Maintenance
Tg(ins: GFP-NTR) [28] and Tg(i1:EGFP)
[31] zebrash strains were used as transgen-
ic models to test the bioactivity of the com-
pounds. Adult zebrash, both male and fe-
male, were mixed and maintained at 28 °C
on a 14 h light/10 h dark cycle. Mating was
routinely carried out at 28 °C, male and fe-
male zebrash were placed in a breeder basket
the night before and embryos were collected
in the morning. The embryos were washed
and staged as described previously [37]. Ap-
proximately 300-400 embryos were generated
on average and cultured in E3 media (5 mM
NaCl, 0.33 mM MgSO4, 0.33 mM CaCl2,
0.17 mM KCl, and 0.1% methylene blue).
Some embryos were raised in the presence of
0.003% PTU, starting from 24 hpf, to prevent
Rezaei M, et al. Zebrash-based In-vivo Bioactivity Assays
Viability Tests
To test the viability of 12 hpf of Tg(i1: EGFP)
embryos and 4 dpf of Tg(ins: GFP-NTR) lar-
vae, we treated them with ve dierent con-
centrations of K. odoratissima leaves (KVL),
KEL, AER and A. sinensis root (AVR) (500,
125, 31.25, 7.81 and 1.95 µg/ml). At least ten
of 4 dpf of Tg(ins: GFP-NTR) larvae were
treated for 2 days. Next, the viability of em-
bryos/larvae at each concentration were then
reported as percentages and plotted as a via-
bility curve. A similar procedure was used to
evaluate the possible pBC regeneration ca-
pacities of Kelows extracts (Hexane (KHL),
EtOAc (KEtL), MeOH (KML)). The viability
test was used to determine the working con-
centration of each compound. The details are
provided in the supplementary data.
Testing Antiangiogenic Activity
Synchronized and healthy Tg (i1: EGFP)
embryos were harvested again at the 6-somite
stage (12 hpf). Embryos were placed into 24-
well plates, with 10 embryos per well, in 1.5
ml E3 medium and incubated at 28 °C with
desired concentrations of each compound that
were previously determined by the viabili-
ty test. Eighteen hours later, using an Olym-
pus SZX16 Fluorescence stereomicroscope
equipped with a Canon digital camera, embry-
os were observed and imaged for blood ves-
sel development, morphological changes, and
toxicity. We scored the anti-angiogenic activ-
ity of extracts by determining the extent of
the ISVs dorsal outgrowth in live transgenic
embryos. The mean extent that ISVs extended
dorsally from the dorsal aorta/posterior car-
dinal vein (100, 75, 50, 25, or 0%) was used
as a scoring value. The anti-angiogenic com-
pound, SU5416, previously described as the
inhibitor of vascular endothelial growth factor
(VEGF) receptor [38], was also used as a pos-
itive control. In all experiments DMSO treat-
ment (1%) was used as the vehicle, healthy
sh were denoted as an untreated group, and
NC as the negative control.
Testing PBC Regeneration Activity
Fertilized Tg (ins: GFP-NTR) transgenic
zebrash embryos were collected and incu-
bated at 28 °C for 24 hours. Dead embryos
were removed and the E3 medium was re-
placed with fresh embryo medium containing
0.003% PTU to prevent pigment formation.
GFP-positive larvae with green uorescent
pBCs were selected at 3 dpf, and subject-
ed to MTZ treatment at a concentration of 5
mM was performed to induce pBC ablation,
so heterozygous transgenic larvae were im-
mersed in MTZ solution for 24 hours. In the
following, 10 larvae were placed per well in
24-well plate containing 1.5 ml E3 medium
and optimum concentrations for each extract.
Forty-eight hours after treatment, live larvae
were imaged with a uorescent stereomicro-
PBC regeneration for each compound was
evaluated by measuring Pancreatic beta cell
arbitrary unit (pBC area AU) of each larva
by using ImageJ software (National Institutes
of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Maryland, USA).
NECA which increases pBC regeneration by
activating adenosine G protein-coupled recep-
tor (GPCR) signaling was used as a positive
control [39].
Statistical Analysis
Each experiment was carried out at least three
times, and all data are presented as mean ±
S.D. One-way ANOVA was used to analysis
the statistical signicance of the data pro-
duced from experiments using Graph Pad
Prism 6 software (GraphPad Software, Inc.,
San Diego, CA). P values less than 0.05 were
considered signicant.
Ethical Statement
All animal procedures were approved by the
Royan Institute Ethics Committee with the eth-
ical code IR.ACECR.ROYAN.REC.1398.211
and conducted in full compliance with the
guidelines of the Animal Care Committee.
Chemical Composition of the EOs
Pale yellow colour EOs with especial aroma
in 0.03 and 0.04% yield (V/W % relative to
dry weight of plant materials) by hydrodistil-
lation process for volatiles of KVL and vola-
tiles of AVR, respectively.
A total of 52 compounds were identied in
both samples, representing 92.7 and 95.8% of
the EOs for Kelows and Don qui, respectively.
Zebrash-based In-vivo Bioactivity Assays Rezaei M, et al.
GC chromatograms of AVR and KVL demon-
strated that the Z-ligustilide (24.5% in KVL
and 19.3 % in AVR) followed by E-ligustilide
(14.1% in KVL and 10.1% in AVR) are the
major compounds in both samples (Figure-1A
section i and ii, respectively).
More specically, eleven compounds were
found to be present in both oils, comprising
51.3% of Kelussia and 61.7% of Angelica
EOs, despite the dierences in genus, organs,
and origin bases.
For example, phthalide structures comprise
39.3% of Kelussia and 37.6% of Angelica, in-
cluding the (Z/E)-ligustilides and (3E/3Z)-bu-
tylidene phthalides. The structures of the main
components (with a relative percentage of
more than 5%) of both EOs included n-Prop-
ylbenzene, 2-Undecanone, α-Copaene, β-Thu-
japlicinol, (Z)-γ-Bisabolene, Sclarene as well
as other phthalide structures (Figure-1B).
Antiangiogenic Properties of the Compounds
The Tg (i1: EGFP) and Tg(ins: GFP-NTR)
transgenic zebrash embryos were used to
evaluate the possible anti-angiogenic and/or
pBC regeneration abilities of the compounds
derived from KEL and Angelica root (details
depicted in Figure-2A and -B). The viability
results showed that all compounds, including
KVL, KEL, AER, and AVR, were 100% via-
ble for 12 hpf Tg (i1: EGFP) embryos when
administered at nal concentrations lower
than 7.81 µg/ml (Figure-3A). Results showed
that KVL and AVR had signicantly (P<0.01)
decreased relative vascular outgrowth index
compared to the vehicle (1% DMSO) and
healthy groups (Figure-3B). However, other
compounds including KEL and AER showed
no signicant eect in this regard. As expect-
ed and consistent with previous reports, the
positive control, SU5416, decreased the rel-
Figure 1. A: GC chromatograms of essential oils of Kelussia odoratissima (i) and Angelica sinensis (ii);
B: Structures of some of the main compounds (more than 5%) 1: n-Propylbenzene, 2: 2-Undecanone,
3: α-Copaene, 4: β-Thujaplicinol, 5: (Z)-γ-Bisabolene, 6: (3E)-Butylidene phthalide, 7: (Z)-Ligustilide, 8:
(E)-Ligustilide, 9: Sclarene
Rezaei M, et al. Zebrash-based In-vivo Bioactivity Assays
ative vascular outgrowth index signicantly
compared to the vehicle (1% DMSO) and
healthy groups (Figure-3B). To conrm the
above results, representative uorescence mi-
croscopy images were presented (Figure-3C).
PBC Regeneration Potentials
According to the viability test for Tg(ins:G-
FP-NTR) larvae at 4 dpf, KVL and AVR at a
concentration of 1.95 µg/ml, KEL and AER
at lower than 31.25 µg/ml showed 100% vi-
ability (Figure-4A). The average values of
pBC area (AU) for each compound is illus-
trated in the graph (Figure-4B). According to
the results, only the volatile oil from AVR was
eective in pBC regeneration (Figure-4C)
Figure 2. A: Schematics of zebrash anti-angiogenesis and pBC regeneration bioassay methods. B: (1)
Kelussia leave. (2) Angelica root. Bright-eld and GFP lter view of: (3) 12 hpf Tg (i: EGFP) embryo, (4) 3
dpf Tg(ins: GFP-NTR) larvae, (5) 4 dpf Tg(ins: GFP-NTR) larvae treated by MTZ, (6) 6 dpf Tg(ins: GFP-
NTR) larvae, (7) 30 hpf Tg(i: EGFP) embryo. Abbreviations: WT: Wild type; Tg: transgenic; dpf: days post
fertilization; hpf: hours post fertilization; MTZ: metronidazole; PS: primary stock; WS: working stock; NT:
Not treated; NC: Negative control; Ve: Vehicle; GFP: Green Fluorescent Protein NE: NECA.
Zebrash-based In-vivo Bioactivity Assays Rezaei M, et al.
and pBC area (AU) signicantly (P<0.01) in-
creased in this sample compared to negative
and vehicle controls. Other samples, includ-
ing KVL, KEL and AER were not able to sig-
nicantly increase the pBC area (AU). NECA
as positive control showed the highest regen-
eration close to the healthy group.
To investigate the bioactivity of Kelussia in
more detail, we prepared a series of subse-
quent fraction extracts; obtained based on the
increasing polarities of solvents from KHL,
to KEtL and KML. The extraction method
for this step was also the same as what we
mentioned previously in the Materials and
Methods section. Whereas KHL and KEtL
induced 100% embryonic viability/survival at
Figure 3. The anti-angiogenesis bioassay in the Tg(i: EGFP) embryos A: Viability rate of zebrash em-
bryos exposed to di󰀨erent concentrations of extracts and essential oils. B: Relative vascular outgrowth in
30 hpf embryos after 18 h exposure to di󰀨erent samples in 7.81 µg/ml concentration (Larvae n:10). C: Vas-
cular system of controls and treated zebrash embryos. All the measurements were taken in triplicates and
the values were presented as mean ± SD of three independent experiments, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001. KVL:
Kelussia volatile oil leaves; KEL: Kelussia leaves; AER: Angelica root; AVR: Angelica volatile oil root.