Evaluation of Apoptosis-Related Genes and
Hormone Secretion Proles Using Three
Dimensional Culture System of Human Testicular
Aghbibi Nikmahzar
, Farnaz Khadivi
, Morteza Koruji
, Mehrdad Jahanshahi
, Masoomeh Dehghan Tarazjani
Maryam Shabani
, Yasaman Abbasi
, Mehdi Abbasi
Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Shahrekord, Iran
Stem Cell and Regenerative Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Neuroscience Research Center, Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran
Vali-E-Asr Reproductive Research Center, Family Research Institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Program in Neuroscience, Center to Advance Chronic Pain Research, Department of Neural and Pain Sciences, School of Dentistry,
University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, United States
Correspondence to:
Mehdi Abbasi, Enqelab Square, Qods Street, Poursina
Avenue, Tehran, Iran.
Telephone Number: (0098)2166419072
Email Address: abbasima@tums.ac.ir
Received 2022-11-11
Revised 2022-12-15
Accepted 2023-01-21
Background: In reproductive biology, testicular organoids can be used to treat infertili-
ty and to study testicular development and spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) dierentiation.
Generating organoid from primary cells is challenging. In this study, testicular organoids
were created using human primary testicular cells and evaluated the apoptotic gene expres-
sion and hormone secretion proles of the organoids. Materials and Methods: Primary hu-
man testicular cells were isolated using 2-step enzymatic digestion from three brain-dead do-
nors. Immunocytochemistry and ow cytometry analyses were performed to conrm human
SSCs. Isolated cells were cultured in three experimental groups: control group (2 dimension-
al (2D)), group 1 (organoid culture after 2D culture), and group 2 (organoid culture imme-
diately after enzymatic digestion). Testicular organoids were cultured in DMEM/F-12 media
supplemented with follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and fetal bovine serum (FBS) for four
weeks. After 24 hours and four weeks of culture, reverse transcription quantitative real-time
PCR (RT-qPCR) was used to investigate the relative expression of apoptotic genes (caspase
3, 9, Bax, and Bcl-2). At 24 hours, two weeks, and four weeks after culture, enzyme-linked
immunoassay (ELISA) was used to determine the testosterone and inhibin B concentrations.
Light microscopy and toluidine blue staining were also used for morphological analysis. Re-
sults: RT-qPCR results revealed that pro-apoptotic (caspase 3, 9, Bax) gene expression lev-
els were highest in group 2 after 24 h and four weeks of culture. In contrast, the expression
level of Bcl-2 (anti-apoptotic) was lower in group 2 compared to other groups. The hormone
secretion levels decreased in a time-dependent manner during the cultivation. According to
morphological evaluations, testicular organoids are compact, spherical structures with two
to three elongated cells organized along their border. Conclusion: Our ndings revealed that
the testicular organoid culture system maintained hormonal secretory abilities, demonstrat-
ing the function of Sertoli and Leydig cells in the absence of testis-specic environments.
[GMJ.2023;12:e2805] DOI:
Keywords: Spermatogonial Stem Cells; Organoid Culture; Apoptosis; 3D Culture
Copyright© 2021, Galen Medical Journal.
This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License
Nikmahzar A, et al. Apoptosis Genes Expression in Human Testicular Organoids
emarkable advances in pediatric can-
cer therapy have signicantly increased
the life expectancy of cancer survivors by
up to 80% [1, 2]. Gonadotoxic chemothera-
py and radiotherapy treatment could damage
extremely spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs)
and can lead to male infertility [3]. Before
gonadotoxic medications, the most eective
strategy for maintaining male fertility in adult
men and young teenagers is sperm cryopres-
ervation [4]. Because spermatogenesis does
not begin until puberty, this strategy cannot be
used on prepubertal boys.
The only way to preserve a childs’ fertility is
to cryopreserve testicular tissue or SSCs prior
to cancer treatment [5]. Recently, in vitro sper-
matogenesis using two and three-dimensional
(2D and 3D) culture techniques has received
considerable attention to obtain functional
sperm and restore fertility after cryopreserva-
tion in these patients [6, 7]. Compared to 2D
conditions, 3D culture methods can provide
an ideal microenvironment for SSCs dier-
entiation and proliferation. They can create
a suitable condition like the testis microenvi-
ronment [8].
The organ-culture method, microuidic sys-
tems, air-liquid interface, 3D printing, and or-
ganoids are examples of 3D culture systems
[9]. Organoids are novel strategies generated
from tissue-specic stem cells and provide
the investigation of the developmental mech-
anisms in an in vitro system [10, 11]. These
structures have been used to create a variety
of tissues, including the intestine [12], brain
[13], liver [14], prostate [15], etc., that con-
duct distinct stages of organ development or
particular function of the organ [16]. Testic-
ular organoids appear as a proper model for
research because they can be easily manipu-
lated and rapidly reorganized from testicular
cells [9, 17].
Testicular organoids can investigate testicular
development, reorganization, and interactions
between dierent cell populations in the testis
niche. This is a helpful approach for identi-
fying the unknown factors involved in the
survival, proliferation, and dierentiation of
SSCs [9, 11, 17]. Previous experiments have
demonstrated that testicular organoid culture
systems can create appropriate conditions that
promote SSCs survival and dierentiation
[18, 19]. Testicular organoids’ can be generat-
ed using dierent techniques, and there is no
generally accepted protocol for testicular or-
ganoid culture. Three-layer gradient system,
hanging drop technique, and decellularized
testicular tissue fragments were utilized to
generate testicular organoids [17-20].
Previous testicular organoid studies have only
focused on animal models [19, 21] and plurip-
otent or immortalized Leydig and Sertoli cells
The organoids generation from immortalized
cells could not be transferred to humans. The
production of human testicular organoids
using primary human testicular cells has re-
ceived little attention due to the limited pro-
liferation ability and complex challenges in
testicular cell culture. Immortal cells are dif-
ferent from primary cultured cells. Since they
have undesired genetic alterations and dier-
ent molecular structures, which makes them
The results of primary cell culture may be ob-
tained in human experiments because they are
directly taken from tissues using optimized
enzymatic digestion [22]. Recently, research-
ers generated human testicular organoids us-
ing rst-trimester human embryonic gonadal
cells in a three-layer gradient method. Hor-
mone production and dierentiation of Serto-
li and Leydig cells were examined after one
week of 3D culture [20].
The pool of testicular tissue within the SSCs
must be preserved. Apoptosis is a permanent
event in early development and the mature
testis. The SSCs pool in the testes must be
Any defects in consecutive mitosis and mei-
osis divisions during spermatogenesis can
result in the progression of apoptosis and the
elimination of abnormal cells [23].
The death of testicular germ cells involves two
apoptotic pathways: the internal system, also
known as the mitochondrial mechanism, and
the extrinsic pathway, also known as the death
receptor [24]. Death receptors, including Fas
(CD95L), tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and
others, activate the initiator caspase 8 in the
extrinsic pathway. Bcl-2 catalyzes intrinsic
or mitochondrial reactions. Caspase 3 is ac-
Apoptosis Genes Expression in Human Testicular Organoids Nikmahzar A, et al.
tivated by both internal and extrinsic caspase
activation, which increases the probability of
apoptosis [23, 25]. For the rst time, we in-
vestigated the apoptotic gene expression lev-
els in human testicular cells being cultured in
an organoid culture system. Also, the levels
of inhibin B and testosterone were analyzed
to assess the functioning of human testicular
Materials and Methods
1. Sample Collection and Enzymatic Diges-
Testicular tissues were donated by three brain-
dead donors from Sina Hospital, a part of Teh-
ran University of Medical Science. Consent
was obtained from the patients’ relatives by
the organ Procurement Unit of Sina Hospital
before utilizing the tests in this study. This
study was approved by the Ethics Committee
of the Tehran University of Medical Scienc-
es (IR.TUMS.VCR. REC.1398.450). For the
testicular cell isolation, a two-step enzymatic
digestion procedure was used according to the
Baert et al. protocol [26, 27]. After enzymatic
digestion, the cell suspensions were ltered
using a cell strainer with a 40 m mesh size to
obtain a suspension of single cells. Hemocy-
tometer was used for counting obtained cells,
and the viability rate was calculated using
0.04 percent Trypan blue (Sigma-Aldrich).
2. Culture and Proliferation of Human SSCs
The procedure was performed according to
the previous study on the propagation of hu-
man primary testicular cell [28]. The somat-
ic cells elimination was performed using the
dierential plating method. Floating cells
were then collected and cultured at a density
of 15000 to 20000 cells/cm
in 25 cm
in DMEM/F12 containing 5% fetal bovine
serum (FBS; Gibco, Paisley, Uk), 10 ng/mL
glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor
(GDNF; G1401, Sigma-Aldrich), and 10 ng/
mL broblast growth factor (bFGF; F3685,
Sigma-Aldrich), 10 ng/ml leukemia inhibitory
factor (LIF; L5283, Sigma Aldrich), and 5%
knock-out serum replacement (KSR; Invitro-
gen, USA). For 3 weeks asks were incubated
at 35°C and the culture media was changed
every two to three days. At the end of the 2D
culture period, the cells were trypsinized and
used for organoid culture and further analysis.
Trypsin-EDTA (0.25%) was utilized to tryp-
sinize the cultured cells and then used for or-
ganoid culture and further analysis.
3. Formation and Culture of Testicular Or-
In this study, we performed a 3D organoid
culture system using the Pendergraft et al.
method [18]. Immediately following enzy-
matic digestion and 3 weeks of human SSC
2D culture, isolated cells were employed for
3D organoid culture. A 1:1 ratio of matrigel
(Matrigel; P/N 356231, Corning, Tewksbury,
MA, USA) and DMEM/F12 containing 10%
FBS was used to suspend the cells. A droplet
with a density of 10000 cells/20 μL was used
for the hanging drop culture technique. Or-
ganoids were transferred onto 24-well plates
containing DMEM/F12 supplemented by
10% FBS and 2.5 × 10
IU recombinant fol-
licle-stimulating hormone (FSH, Sigma-Al-
drich), 100 ng/mL recombinant human stem
cell factor (SCF, Sigma-Aldrich. Louis, MO,
USA). After 2 days of incubation at 37 °C in
5% CO
, organoids were cultured in 3 groups:
Control group: 2D culture of human SSCs for
4 weeks.
Group 1: 2D culture of human SSCs and or-
ganoid culture for 4 weeks.
Group 2: organoid culture immediately after
enzymatic digestion for 4 weeks.
4. SSCs Conrmation Tests
4.1. RT-PCR Analysis
After enzymatic digestion, RT-PCR was used
to analyze the relative expression of VASA,
OCT4, PLZF (human germ cell-specic
genes), Sertoli and Leydig cell-specic genes
(Vimentin and CYP11A1).
Three replicates of each evaluation were per-
formed. Utilizing a qiazol reagent (Qiagen,
Hilden, Germany) and according to the rec-
ommended guidelines, total RNA was extract-
ed. spectrophotometry apparatus (Eppendorf,
Hamburg, Germany) was used to assess the
purity and agarose gel electrophoresis (1.5%
w/v agarose/TEA) was performed using the
protocol of Mushtaq et al. to analyze the in-
tegrity of the total RNA [29]. The genomic
Nikmahzar A, et al. Apoptosis Genes Expression in Human Testicular Organoids
Table 1. The Designed Primers for RT-PCR and RT-qPCR Analyses
Gene Type and Sequences
Size (bp)
106 59
Reverse :
190 59
3 PRM2
125 61
4 Oct4
128 60
5 Vimentin
89 59
6 CYP11A1
Reverse :
83 61
77 60
8 Bcl-2
77 62
196 60
10 Caspase 9
156 62
11 Caspase 3
95 60
142 61
Apoptosis Genes Expression in Human Testicular Organoids Nikmahzar A, et al.
DNA contamination was eliminated using
DNase I (Fermentas, Waltham, MA, USA).
Complementary DNA (cDNA) was generated
using extracted RNA (1 g), random hexamers,
oligo (dT), and a cDNA synthesis kit (Fer-
mentas, Waltham, MA, USA).
Table-1 shows the primers utilized in the cur-
rent study. When the cDNA was synthesized,
PCR products were subjected to 1.5 percent
(w/v) agarose gel electrophoresis, and the UV
gel doc system was used to monitor the gels’
4.2. SSCs Purity and Flow Cytometry Analya-
For the calculation of the SSCs’ purity per-
centage, ow cytometry analysis was used.
Following the enzymatic digestion and 3
weeks 2D culture ow cytometric analysis
using a PLZF marker was accomplished by
applying standard procedures. Paraformalde-
hyde (PFA; Sigma-Aldrich) containing 4%
and 0.4% Triton X100 was used to x and per-
meabilize the primary testicular cells. Follow-
ing permeabilization, 15 μl of the anti-PLZF
primary antibody (anti-PLZF antibody, 1:100,
ab104854, Abcam, Cambridge, MA, USA)
with 10
cells were incubated overnight at
room temperature.
The cells were washed in PBS, and then at 4
°C anti-mouse FITC conjugated secondary
antibody (1:180; ab97022, Abcam, USA) was
added. A Beckman Coulter ow cytometer
(Partec AG, CH-4144 Arlesheim, Switzer-
land) equipped with a 15-mW argon-ion laser
and 488 nm excitation wavelength was used.
4.3. Immunocytochemistry Assay
Immunocytochemistry analyses were used to
identify the human Sertoli cells marker (Vi-
mentin) and SSCs specic markers (PLZF,
GFRα-1), following the 3 weeks of 2D cul-
ture. For this purpose, 4 % PFA (xation) and
0.5 % Triton X100 (permeabilization) were
added respectively. Five percent bovine serum
albumin (BSA; Sigma-Aldrich) was added to
inhibit the non-specic binding regions.
The xed cells were treated with anti-GFRα-1
(sc-28319, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, USA)
and anti-PLZF (sc-271546, Santa Cruz Bio-
technology, USA) primary antibodies at 1:100
concentrations and 37 °C for 2 h.and was vi-
sualized using DAPI (Sigma Aldrich) stain-
ing. The negative control has no primary an-
tibody. Fluorescence pictures were acquired
using a uorescence microscope (Olympus
BX51TRF, Tokyo, Japan) and a camera.
4.5. Quantitative PCR (q-PCR) Evaluation
In the experimental groups, after 24 hours and
4 weeks of culture, apoptotic gene expression
was assessed using qPCR and the compara-
tive CT approach. Total RNA extraction from
2D culture, performed using a qiazol (Qiagen,
Hilden, Germany) reagent, and in organoid
cultures was performed by the Da Silva et
al. protocol (30). PCR gene expression was
quantitatively assessed by an Applied Bio-
Systems (Applied BioSystems, Foster City,
USA) RT-qPCR equipment using the SYBR
Green Premix Ex Taq Kit (Tli RNaseH Plus).
As an internal control, the gene glyceralde-
hyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)
was chosen. Table-1 shows the primers used
to determine gene expression levels by qPCR.
All amplication reactions were carried out
in triplicate. The comparative CT method
(ΔΔCT) was used to assess the relative gene
4.6. Histological Analysis
After four weeks of cultivation, a morpholog-
ical analysis of human testis organoids was
performed using light microscopy. The human
testis organoids were xed in 4% PFA for 1
hour, dehydrated through increasing ethanol
concentrations, and xylene cleaning was fol-
lowed by paran embedding and sectioning
to a thickness of 5 μm. Toluidine blue staining
was used to stain the prepared sections and
histological analysis was carried out by light
microscopy (Olympus, Japan).
4.7. Statistical Analysis
For data analysis, SPSS software (version
16.0, Armonk, NY, USA) was used. All sta-
tistical analysis results were reported as mean
± standard deviation (SD). One-way analysis
of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s test were
used for apoptotic gene expression analysis,
and two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni post
hoc test were performed for hormone secre-
tion prole data analysis. P values of <0.05
were considered statistically signicant.
Nikmahzar A, et al. Apoptosis Genes Expression in Human Testicular Organoids
Evaluation of Human SSCs Viability
Trypan blue was utilized to measure the vitali-
ty of human cultured cells after enzymatic iso-
lation and after three weeks of culture. After
enzymatic digestion, the viability percentage
of freshly acquired human testicular cells was
more than 70%. The viability rate of obtained
human SSCs colonies increased above 88%
after 2D culture for three weeks. One week af-
ter the testicular cell suspension culture, small
colonies of SSCs appeared on the surface of
the Sertoli cells (Figure-1A), and SSC col-
onies proliferated and became larger after 3
weeks and became large (Figure-1B and 1C).
Human SSCs Colonies and Sertoli Cells Iden-
tication by Immunocytochemistry
GFRα-1 and PLZF proteins Expression as
markers of undierentiated SSCs was detect-
ed in obtained human SSCs colonies after 2D
culture of human testicular cells. Also, after
3 weeks of 2D culture, Sertoli cells express
the specic marker Vimentin according to the
immunocytochemistry results (Figure-2A-C).
Human SSCs Characterization by RT-PCR
The RT-PCR data showed the expression of
PLZF, VASA, OCT4 (human SSCs markers),
Vimentin (Sertoli cells marker), and CY-
P11A1 (Leydig cells marker) after enzymatic
digestion (Figure-2D).
Purication Percentage of Human SSCs by
Flow Cytometry Analysis
Flow cytometric analysis was performed after
enzymatic digestion and 3 weeks of 2D cul-
ture using a PLZF marker. Data showed that
after enzymatic digestion, 27.6% of testicular
cell suspension was possess the PLZF marker
(Figure-3A). The number of SSCs increased
signicantly after three weeks of 2D culture,
reaching 40.5 % (Figure-3B).
Morphological Assessment of Human Testic-
ular Organoids
Toluidine blue staining showed close mor-
phological similarity in groups 1 and 2. Hu-
man testicular organoids displayed a compact
structure after 4 weeks of culture. This com-
paction was pronounced in both groups at the
boundary of organoids; two to three layers of
compact cells were seen within the border of
organoids. Arrowheads indicate the elongated
cells (Figure-4).
Apoptosis-related Genes Expression in Hu-
man Testicular Organoids
The apoptosis gene expression in SSCs was
investigated by examining apoptosis genes,
including caspase 3, caspase 9, Bax, and Bcl-
2. Our ndings demonstrated that after 24
hours of culture, group 2 had greater expres-
sion levels of caspase 3, caspase 9, and Bax
than the other groups (P≤0.05). There was no
signicant dierence in caspase 3 and 9 rela-
tive expressions between group 1 and group
2 (P≥0.05). Data showed that after 24 hours
of culture, Bcl-2 (anti-apoptotic) expression
was higher in the control group compared to
experimental group 2 (P≤0.05). No signicant
dierence was found between test experi-
mental groups 1 and 2, as well as between the
control group and group 1. (P≥0.05). The rel-
ative expression level of pro-apoptotic genes
(caspase 3, 9, and Bax) after 4 weeks of cul-
ture was upregulated in group 1 and group 2
Figure 1. Human SSCs morphologies during 2D cultures. (A-B): After three weeks of culture, the arrow
indicated the Sertoli cells, and the arrowhead displayed the SSCs colonies. All scale bars=500μm.
Apoptosis Genes Expression in Human Testicular Organoids Nikmahzar A, et al.
Figure 2. Immunocytochemistry and RT-PCR analyzes for SSCs characterization. (A-D): Double immu-
nostaining against GFR-α1, Vimentin, and PLZF in human SSCs 2D culture after 3 weeks. (A): GFR-α1
and Vimentin double immunostaining. (B): GFR-α1 and PLZF double immunostaining. (C): Negative con-
trol. All scale bars=20 μm. (D): RT-PCR images. The results for SSCs (VASA, OCT4, and PLZF), Sertoli
cells (Vimentin), and Leydig cells (CYP11A) detection at the RNA level, after enzymatic digestion. GAPDH
was used as the internal control.
Figure 3. Flow cytometry analyses for PLZF marker in primary testicular cells. A: Following two-step enzy-
matic isolation at day 0. B: After 3 weeks 2D culture.
Nikmahzar A, et al. Apoptosis Genes Expression in Human Testicular Organoids
compared to the control (P≤0.05). Based on
the RT- qPCR ndings, the highest level of
Bcl-2 gene expression was observed in the
control (P≤0.05). In contrast, Groups 1 and
2 did not indicate any signicant dierence
(P≥0.05 , Figure-5).
Hormone Secretory Prole in Organoids
The presence of hormones (testosterone and
inhibin B) in the culture medium is essential to
demonstrate the functionality of human testic-
ular organoids. The presence of active Leydig
and Sertoli cells in organoids was conrmed
by the detection of testosterone and inhibin B,
respectively. The results showed that human
testicular organoids are functionally active
and they can secrete hormones. Testosterone
and inhibin B levels in culture supernatants
after 24 hours, two weeks, and four weeks of
culture showed that at 24h after organoid cul-
ture, testosterone concentration in group 1 had
the highest level compared to the other groups
(P ≤ 0.0001). The dierence between groups 1
and 2 was insignicant following 24 h of cul-
ture (P>0.05). We did not observe a signicant
dierence in testosterone levels between the
3 groups, after 4 weeks of culture. The con-
centration of inhibin B was higher in group 2
compared to group 1 and the control group,
also the dierence between groups 1 and 2
was remarkable (P<0.05). After two weeks of
culture, there was a signicant dierence in
the amount of inhibin B between group 2 and
other groups. Similar to testosterone, we did
not observe signicant dierences between
groups after 4 weeks of culture (Figure-6).
Our data showed that testosterone and inhibin
B levels were reduced during two weeks of
organoid culture compared to 24 hours of
culture in all three groups. This reduction in
hormone levels continues until the end of the
culture period (fourth week) (Figure-6). The
ndings demonstrate that despite the culture
medium containing the FSH, the hormone
secretion ability of adult human testicular or-
ganoids time-dependently decreased.
In this study, we produced testicular organ-
oids from primary human testicular cells. The
morphology, hormone secretion proles, and
apoptotic gene expression were examined un-
der two dierent conditions: after 2D culture
and immediately after enzymatic digestion.
Cell arrangements and morphological charac-
teristics were similar in groups of human tes-
ticular organoids. The formation of spheroid
structures with elongated compact cells at the
boundaries was demonstrated. It was discov-
ered that pro-apoptotic gene levels increased
while Bcl-2, an anti-apoptotic gene, decreased
after 4 weeks of culture in the enzymatic di-
gestion group (group 2) compared to other
Concerning recent advances in human organ-
oid culture, drug ecacy assessment may
now be assessed in 3D primary cultures. Un-
Figure 4. Morphological assessment of testicular organoids after 4 weeks culture. All groups had similar
morphology and cell arrangement, with higher compaction in organoid edges. Arrowheads indicate the
elongated cells in border of organoids. (A-B): Toluidine blue staining of semi-thin sections for morphologi-
cal evaluation of testicular organoids. (A) group 1 , (B) group 2. Scale bars:100 μm.
Figure 5. Apoptosis genes qPCR results. (A): Expression rates of cas 3, cas 9, Bax and Bcl-2 after 24h.
(B): Expression rates of cas 3, cas 9, Bax and Bcl-2 after 4 weeks culturing in three groups. *: P>0.05; **:
P<0.005; ***: P<0.0005. Data are shown as means ± SD (n=3).
Apoptosis Genes Expression in Human Testicular Organoids Nikmahzar A, et al.
fortunately, similar progress has not yet been
achieved in the testicular organoids. Testicu-
lar organoids are helpful approaches to assess
in vitro spermatogenesis, development, and
physiology of the human testis [31].
The apoptotic pathways (extrinsic and in-
trinsic) are active in the testicular cells. In
the mitochondrial or intrinsic pathway, Bax
is transferred from the cytoplasm to the mi-
tochondria. Cytochrome c is released into
the cytoplasm, stimulating programmed cell
death via apoptosis in this pathway. Members
of the Bcl-2 protein contribute to the intrinsic
pathway through its interaction with Bax [23].
The Fas ligand activates the Fas protein on the
cell membranes, activating the extrinsic path-
way, commonly known as the death receptor
mechanism [32].
It is well known that the intrinsic apoptosis
pathway regulates the population of testic-
ular germ cells. According to previous stud-
ies, failure to regulate apoptosis during the
rst phase of spermatogenesis resulted in in-
creased spermatogonial cells in mice lacking
the Bax gene [32, 33].
After 24 hours of culture, group 2 showed
higher levels of apoptotic gene expression
than the other groups. This increase resulted
in the enzymatic digestion of human testicular
tissue by collagenase and hyaluronidase. Ex-
pression of apoptotic genes decreased in group
1 using 2D culture after enzymatic digestion.
After four weeks of organoid culture, it was
found that the expression of pro-apoptotic
genes in group 2 was increased compared to
other groups, and the expression of anti-apop-
totic genes was decreased. It was observed
that group 2 had higher levels of pro-apoptotic
and lower rates of anti-apoptotic gene expres-
sion levels compared to the other groups.
Similar to our experimental results, in tes-
ticular tissue culture, Bax expression levels
increased while Bcl-2 expression levels de-
creased [34, 35]. Also, the previous study’s
ndings demonstrated that the percentage of
cells that undergoes apoptosis increased in
human testicular tissue culture. On the other
hand, selective germ cell apoptosis is neces-
sary for spermatogenesis [35].
Our results revealed that the concentration of
hormones decreased in the second week of the
existence of FSH in the culture media, and the
level of hormones decrease gradually during
the study. The physiological concentration of
gonadotropins did not aect the generation of
testosterone or Inhibin B. Presence of inhib-
in B and testosterone in the conditioning me-
dia suggested the functionality of Leydig and
Sertoli cells during the culture. In agreement
with our results, another study demonstrated
that the secretion of inhibin B and testosterone
was reduced in testicular organoids despite
the presence of gonadotropins in the culture
medium. The culture of mature testicular cells
leads to failure in stimulating gonadotropin
response [17].
The histological evaluations revealed that hu-
man primary testicular cells were structural-
ly transformed into spheroidal organoids. No
evidence of necrosis in testicular organoids
Figure 6. Testosterone and inhibin B secretory prole. Testosterone and inhibin B in the medium were
measured after 24 h, 2 weeks and 4 weeks of culturing. *: P<0.05; **: P<0.005; ***: P<0.0005. The data is
shown as means ± SDs (n=3).
Nikmahzar A, et al. Apoptosis Genes Expression in Human Testicular Organoids
was observed by toluidine blue staining. Oval
or round-shaped cells were detected in the
central compartment of the organoids, while
spindle- or elongated broblast-like cells
were found in the outer part. According to our
results, spindle-shaped cells might be peritu-
bular myoid cells. Although, further investi-
gation is required to be done. Similar to our
research, the expression of the α-SMA marker
as the marker of myoid cells was reported in
elongated peritubular-like cells at the border
of human testicular cell clusters in the 2D cul-
ture of human testicular cells [36].
We created spheroid-shaped testicular organ-
oids using the hanging drop approach. The
interaction between surface tension and grav-
ity eld is the basis of the hanging-drop tech-
nique. Spheroid-shaped organoids help stimu-
late the cell to ECM interactions, resulting in
chemical and cellular gradients forming sim-
ilar to in vivo conditions [37]. According to
the previous experiment, the advantage of the
hanging drop technique is the ability to easi-
ly manipulate testicular organoids and control
the size and organization of cells [18].
Testicular organoids could provide insight
into the processes that explain normal sper-
matogenesis and underlying diseases. The 3D
culture systems that are currently available
are only appropriate for quick assessments
[38]. The missing piece in the treatment of
non-obstructive azoospermia and male fertili-
ty preservation in the clinic is a technique that
permits in vitro spermatogenesis [39].
Generation of organoids from primary human
testicular cells in a 3D microenvironment is a
novel approach that enables cell-cell interac-
tions, cell polarization, ECM production, and
cell-specic gene expression. Spherical tes-
ticular organoids are easy to manipulate and
investigate. Also, the functioning of Leydig
and Sertoli cells could be maintained in the
testicular organoids. Testicular organoids can
be suggested for in vitro normal spermatogen-
esis, drug toxicity research, and future clinical
A grant (98-02-30-42456) from the Tehran
University of Medical Sciences supported this
research. The ndings of this paper were in-
cluded in a Ph.D. thesis.
Conict of Interest
The authors declare that they have no conict
of interest.
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Apoptosis Genes Expression in Human Testicular Organoids Nikmahzar A, et al.