The Immunomodulation Role of Vaginal
Microenvironment On Human Papillomavirus
Lingyan Sun1, Li Li1, Wenxin Xu1, Cen Ma1
1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Laboratory, e First Aliated Hospital of Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215000,
Correspondence to:
Cen Ma, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Laboratory, The First Aliated Hospital of Soochow
University, No. 188, Shizi Street, Gusu District, Suzhou,
Jiangsu 215000, China.
Telephone Number: +86 512 6522 3637
Email Address:
Received 2023-04-03
Revised 2023-05-14
Accepted 2023-05-18
Background: Evidence suggests the role of the vaginal microbiome and microenvironment
in the immunity state. The human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is widely dependent
on the healthy vaginal microenvironment. Hence, this study aimed to investigate the
role of the vaginal microenvironment in the rate of high-risk HPV (hr-HPV) infection.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 512 women with hr-HPV
positive (n=212) or negative (n=300) infection. The vaginal samples of women were examined
regarding yeas and Gardnerella vaginalis infection. Also, Lactobacillus acidophilus, pH, and
enzyme activity (such as catalase, proline aminopeptidase, and leucocyte esterase) were compared
between the two groups. Also, the histopathological study was performed on the vaginal samples.
Results: The higher rate of yeast and G. vaginalis infections as well as decreased L. acidophilus,
were signicantly observed in women with hr-HPV positive infection (P<0.001). Also,
histopathological ndings indicated that cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade I-III and cervical
cancer lesions were markedly higher in hr-HPV positive group compared with control women.
Conclusion: The hr-HPV infection was markedly correlated to vaginal microenviron-
ments, and it could a risk factor for the elevation of the rate of high-grade cervical lesions.
[GMJ.2023;12:e2991] DOI:10.31661/gmj.v12i0.2991
Keywords: Human Papillomavirus; Vaginal Microenvironment; Lactobacillus acidophilus;
Cervical Cancer; Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia
In the vagina of healthy women, coexist of
multiple microorganisms provides the natu-
ral micro-ecological environment [1]. Vaginal
dysbiosis is a common condition that disrupts
the immune balance, leading to a breakdown
in the protective layer of cells and enhanced
sexually transmitted infections [2]. Indeed,
vaginal dysbiosis is an imbalance in the types
and amounts of bacteria in the vagina, which
can lead to various diseases [2]. In a normal
microenvironment vagina, Lactobacillus aci-
dophilus is the main microorganism that bal-
ances the vaginal environment [3]. When the
vagina is aected by exo- and/or endogenous
factors, the imbalance of vaginal microecolo-
gy occurs [3]. The common vaginal infectious
Copyright© 2021, Galen Medical Journal.
This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License
Sun L, et al. Role of Vaginal Microenvironment On HPV Infection
diseases in women include bacterial vaginosis
(BV), vulvovaginal candidiasis, Trichomonas
vaginitis, and aerobic vaginitis (AV) [3, 4].
The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a small
spherical DNA virus with no envelope, which
can lead to abnormal proliferation of squa-
mous epithelium of cervical mucosa and then
develop into cervical lesions and even cer-
vical cancer (CC) [4]. The HPV infection of
most susceptible people is transient and can
be eliminated by itself, but when the vaginal
microecology is impaired, the high-risk HPV
(hr-HPV) persistent infection may occur [5].
HPV infection can cause local immune chang-
es in the cervix and vaginal mucosa, change
the composition of vaginal ora, and lead to
oxidative stress reaction, which impairs the
antioxidant enzyme system [6-8]. Chao et al.
showed that some vaginitis diseases play an
important role in the gradual transformation
of normal cervical tissues into cancer [9].
Hence, in this study, we aimed to investigate
the role of the microenvironment of the va-
gina on hr-HPV infection and its association
with cervical lesions.
Materials and Methods
1. Participants and Study Design
This cross-sectional study was performed
on 512 women who visited at the outpatient
department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of
the aliated hospital of Soochow Universi-
ty, Suzhou, China, during 2019-2022. All the
women were evaluated regarding HPV status
and divided into hr-HPV-positive group and
controls (hr-HPV-negative). HPV infection
diagnosis was performed based on standard
methods. Briey, the exfoliated cells were
centrifuged at room temperature at 12000 R /
minute for 1 minute. HPV-DNA was extract-
ed with DNA Extraction Kit (Wuhan Boruida
Biotechnology, China). HPV genotypes were
detected by polymerase chain reaction based
on hybridization microarray. This genotyping
test can qualitatively detect 18 high-risk types
(such as HPV16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52,
53, 56, 58, and 59) and three low-risk types
(such as HPV6, 11, and 81). In this study,
HPV-DNA positivity was dened as the di-
agnostic standard of HPV infection positivity,
and HPV16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 53,
56, 58, and 59 were considered as 13 high-risk
2. Sample Size Calculation
Regarding Lv et al. [10], vaginal infections
were observed in 0.36 % of controls, and with
α=0.05 and power of 0.8, the sample size was
calculated as 187 for each group.
3. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
All the women aged over 18 years were in-
cluded in this study. Also, women with preg-
nancy, history of genitalia dysplasia and/or
malignancy, human immunodeciency virus
(HIV) infection, immunosuppressive diseas-
es, history of chemotherapy and/or radiother-
apy, multi-partner, and history of previous
HPV infection were excluded from the study.
4. Data Collection
4.1. Vaginal Sampling
To assess the vaginal microenvironment, se-
cretions on the lateral wall of the vagina were
collected with three sterile cotton swabs by
trained midwives based on a similar protocol
4.2. Assessment AV
One swab was used by the chemical reaction
method for AV. The AV was considered pos-
itive in the case of Donders diagnostic scale
score ≥3 points.
4.3. Determine pH of Vaginal Secretion
The pH value of vaginal secretions of the two
groups was examined using a joint inspection
analyzer (Anhui Anchang Biotechnology,
China) with the vaginitis ve-link Kit (Guang-
zhou Ruihui Biotechnology, China), and the
results showed that blue means pH≥4.8, and
yellow and green means pH<4.8.
4.4. Normal Flora
One swab was placed into a test tube contain-
ing a small amount of 0.9% sodium chloride
for routine microscopic examination, includ-
ing leukocytes, epithelial cells, T. vagina-
lis, Candida, L. acidophilus, miscellaneous
bacteria, and clue cells. L. acidophilus was
considered absent if its counts were ≤30/ in
each high power eld (HPF), and counts of
Role of Vaginal Microenvironment On HPV Infection Sun L, et al.
>30/HPF were considered normal. Observa-
tion of candida spores and hyphae under the
microscope was considered positive; micro-
scopic evaluation also detected T. vaginalis.
4.5. Measurement Proline Aminopeptidase,
Catalase, and Leucocyte Esterase Activity
To evaluation of the proline aminopeptidase
activity, a microplate was used, and GBC fast
garnet salt (Sigma, Germany) was added after
4 hours of incubation at 35°C. After an addi-
tional 5 minutes of incubation with the dye, a
pink-red color indicated a positive test, while
a yellowish-amber color indicated a negative
test [12].
Based on the manufacturers instructions,
Chemstrip Leucocyte esterase was used (Bo-
eringer Mannheim Diagnostics, China). A
dipstick test with a trace color was considered
positive [13]. Also, catalase enzyme activity
was evaluated based on changes in measured
absorbance at 240 nm of wavelength.
4.6. Identication of BV
Certain criteria, such as the presence of vag-
inal discharge, pH >4.5, amine production,
and a decrease in Lactobacillus morphotypes,
were considered to diagnose BV, along with
specic bacterial morphotypes.
Also, in the case of Nugent ≥7 points, the
sample was considered positive for BV. Al-
though recovering Gardnerella vaginalis by
culture was not a specic indicator of BV, it
was considered as additional test [14].
4.7. Histopathological Study
Cervical tissues were collected by colposco-
py biopsy or cervical circumcision for his-
topathological examination. Two expert pa-
thologists who were blinded to the results of
high-risk HPV-DNA testing read the lms and
nally reported the pathological sections ac-
cording to the Bethesda System classication
recommended by the International Cancer In-
stitute in 2001 [4].
Pathological examination results were divided
into normal or inammatory, cervical intraep-
ithelial neoplasia (CIN) I-III, and CC. Normal
or inamed cervix was dened as chronic
cervicitis (NC), CIN grade I was dened as
a low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
(LSIL), and CIN grade II and III were dened
as high-grade SIL (HSIL).
5. Ethical Issues
This study was approved by the First Aliat-
ed Hospital of Soochow University (approval
code: 201906001). Also, the written informed
constant was obtained from all the partici-
6. Statistical Analysis
Data were presented as number and percent
and/or mean and standard deviations. The
IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, version
21 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) using the
chi-square test was applied for data analysis.
Also, logistic regression analysis was used for
multivariate analysis to determine the Odds
ratio (OR). A P-value<0.05 was considered as
statistically signicant.
Regarding HPV testing, 212 women had
positive results, and 300 were considered
HPV-negative. The median age of participants
in hr-HPV-positive and -negative groups were
38 years (ranged 20-65) and 37 years (ranged
There were no signicant dierences among
studied women in terms of age (P=0.056).
Regarding Table-1, there was no signicant
dierence between the two groups in terms of
pH (OR= 0.84, P=0.67).
However, the presence of proline aminopepti-
dase (OR=4.83), catalase (OR=2.41), and leu-
cocyte esterase (OR=2.531) were signicant-
ly associated with HPV positivity (P˂0.001,
Table-1). As shown in Table-2, yeast, G. vag-
inalis, and L. acidophilus were signicantly
more observed among women in hr-HPV pos-
itive group (P<0.001).
Indeed, HPV positivity reduced L. acidophilus
in 70.28% of women compared with 52.33%
in controls (OR: 1.71, P=0.017, Table-2).
Multivariate logistic regression analysis
showed that yeast infection, G. vaginalis in-
fection, catalase positivity, proline aminopep-
tidase activity, leucocyte esterase positivity,
and decreased L. acidophilus were indepen-
dent risk factors for hr-HPV-positive infection
Sun L, et al. Role of Vaginal Microenvironment On HPV Infection
Table1. The Baseline Characteristics of Studied Women
hr-HPV OR (95%
CI) P-value**
pH, n(%)
≥ 4.6 14 (6.6) 17 (5.6) 0.84 (0.39 to
1.8) 0.673
<4.6 198 (93.4) 283 (94.4)
P-value* 0.774
Proline aminopeptidase, n(%)
Absent 175 (82.5) 283 (94.4) 4.83 (2.17 to
11.02) ˂0.001
Present 37 (17.5) 17 (5.6)
P-value* 0.01
Leucocyte esterase, n(%)
Absent 52 (24.5) 93 (31) 2.531 (1.28
to 3.65) <0.001
Present 160 (75.5) 207 (69)
P-value* 0.323
Catalase, n(%)
Absent 21 (28.3) 154 (51.4) 2.41 (1.26 to
4.62) 0.008
Present 152 (71.7) 146 (48.6)
P-value* <0.001
* Between two groups based on the Chi-square test
**Logistic regression
HPV: Human papillomavirus; CI: Condence interval
Table 2. Vaginal Microbial Features of Women
hr-HPV OR (95%
CI) P-value**
L. acidophilus, n(%)
Normal 63 (29.7) 143 (47.6) 1.71 (1.15 to
2.53) 0.017
Decreased 149 (70.3) 157 (52.3)
P-value* 0.009
Yeasts, n(%)
Absent 100 (47.1) 227 (75.6) 2.7 (1.04 to
7.03) 0.041
Present 112 (52.9) 73 (24.4)
P-value* <0.001
G. vaginalis, n(%)
Absent 112 (52.9) 237 (79) 3.35 (1.44 to
7.8) 0.005
Present 100 (47.1) 63 (21)
P-value* <0.001
* Between two groups based on Chi-square
**Logistic regression
HPV: Human papillomavirus; OR: Odds ratio; CI: Condence interval
Role of Vaginal Microenvironment On HPV Infection Sun L, et al.
Histopathological Study
The histopathological ndings revealed that
352 (68.7%) of all the individuals had NC
results; however, 11 (2.1%) women have
malignant lesions (Table-3). The LSIL,
HSIL, and CC were signicantly observed
in the women of the hr-HPV positive group
(P<0.001, Table-3). Indeed, HPV infection
leads to malignant changes in the vagina and
cervix of women.
The results of the current study showed
that HPV infection was correlated with the
presence of proline aminopeptidase, catalase,
and leucocyte esterase. Also, high-grade
lesions were signicantly observed among
women with hr-HPV infection.
Our ndings in line with previous studies
indicated that L. acidophilus was more
frequent in women with HPV-negative
infection [15-17]. In contrast, yeast and
G. vaginalis were signicantly present in
women with HPV-positive infection. Santella
et al. [18] demonstrated that the microbiota
composition in patients with HPV infection
diered signicantly from control women.
Wei et al. [19] found that there were microbial
perturbations in the early phase of hr-HPV
infection, with a decrease in L. acidophilus
and an increase in bacteria related to BV, such
as G. vaginalis.
Their ndings are consistent with our study.
Also, Wei et al. [19] suggested that the
predominance of some BV-associated bacteria
during hr-HPV infection may increase the risk
for cervical neoplasia.
In our study, the detection rates of yeasts and
G. vaginalis in the hr-HPV-positive group
were also higher than those in the HPV-
negative group.
In line with our study, Dareng et al. [20]
evaluated the association between vaginal
microbiota and persistent hr-HPV infection in
vaginal microbiota of Nigerian women, which
showed a high diversity vaginal microbial
community with a paucity of Lactobacillus
species was associated with persistent hr-HPV
The normal vaginal microbiota usually
maintains the acidic environment in the
vagina by producing lactic acid and maintains
the self-purication eect of the vagina
[21,22]. In the normal vaginal environment,
the quantity and function of L. acidophilus
play an important role in maintaining the
vaginal microenvironment [22]. When the
number of L. acidophilus decreases, the
normal acidic environment of the vagina
is impaired, and the antimicrobial eect is
reduced. Pathogenic bacteria could invade the
vagina and proliferate, resulting in infection
of the reproductive system and changes in the
microenvironment of bacteria in the vagina
Table 3. Histopathological Findings of Studied Women
hr-HPV OR (95%
CI) P-value* P-value**
NC 80 (37.74) 272 (90.6) 0.35 (0.23
to 0.53) 0.002 <0.001
LSIL 32 (15.09) 12 (4) 0.23 (0.11
to 0.46) 0.008 <0.001
HSIL 90 (42.45) 15 (5) 0.07 (0.04
to 0.12) <0.001 <0.001
CC 10 (4.72) 1 (0.4) 0.06 (0.009
to 0.53) 0.024 0.01
* Between two groups based on Chi-square test
**Logistic regression
HPV: Human papillomavirus; NC: Non-cancer, LSIL: Low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion; HSIL:
High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion; CC: Cervical cancer; OR: Odds ratio; CI: Condence interval
Indeed, reproductive system infection could
lead to abnormal levels of sialidase and
other enzymes and increase the risk of HPV
infection. For example, G. vaginalis infection
may disrupt the protective mucosal barrier,
cause micro damage and/or change of epithelial
cells, and increase HPV susceptibility [23]. In
our study, G. vaginalis infection was more
observed among women with HPV-positive
infection. Hence, it seems that one of the
possible roles of the microenvironment of the
vagina in the protection of HPV infection is
related to the increase of G. vaginalis.
Fungal infection can cause inammatory
reactions, increase tissue permeability,
produce invasive enzymes, destroy epithelial
cells, and increase HPV susceptibility [5].
Hydrogen peroxide has antibacterial activity,
while catalase inhibits hydrogen peroxide;
consequently, the susceptibility to HPV
infection dramatically increased. Our results
showed that the catalase activity in the HPV-
positive group was markedly higher than in
the control group.
The LSIL, especially in young women, is
usually due to transient HPV infection, while
persistent HPV infection is associated with
HSIL and CC [24, 25]. Our study indicated
that the rate of HPV infection in patients with
high-grade cervical lesions (LSIL, HSIL, CC
groups) was higher than that in the NC group.
Chan et al. [26] showed that the rate of HPV-
positive infection in patients with CIN grade
I was signicantly lower than that in patients
with CIN II- III and invasive CC. In the early
stage of HPV infection, the virus is generally
in an active replication period, but the immune
system can recognize it. However, when
the vaginal environment is abnormal, and
the vaginal mucosa and cervical epithelium
are damaged, it may enhance the persistent
infection of HPV, reduce the clearance rate of
HPV, and ultimately increase the risk of high-
grade CIN [27].
In this study, we only examined some
important microbial parameters, while other
microbial species as well as a larger sample
size, could provide better evidence regarding
the exact role of the vaginal microenvironment
in the increase of HPV infection.
The hr-HPV infection is closely related to the
vaginal microenvironment, and G. vaginalis
and yeast infections play an important role
in increasing the rate of HPV infection. Also,
HPV infection could lead to high-grade
cervical lesions and elevate the rate of CC.
Conict of Interest
The authors of the study declare there were no
conicts of interest.
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