Dierential Association of Dietary Linoleic Acid
and Alpha-linolenic Acid with Adipose Tissue in a
Sample of Iranian Adults; A Cohort-based Cross-
sectional Study
Esmail Karami1, Saeid Hadi2, Mohsen Mohit3, Seyed Jalil Masoumi4
1 Lifestyle Institute, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2 Department of Nutrition, School of Medicine, AJA University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3 Student Research Committee, Department of Clinical Nutrition, School of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Shiraz University of Medi-
cal Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
4 Department of Clinical Nutrition, School of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
Correspondence to:
Seyed Jalil Masoumi, Department of Clinical Nutrition,
School of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Shiraz Universi-
ty of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran.
Telephone Number: +989173150269
Email Address: masoumi7415@gmail.com
Received 2023-04-09
Revised 2023-04-30
Accepted 2023-05-03
Background: Overweight and obesity are the most critical risk factors for chronic diseases.
The quality of dietary fatty acids as one of the factors aecting fat accumulation has received
little attention. This study investigates the association between dietary linoleic acid (LA)
and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) with body fat indices in a sample of healthy Iranian adults.
Materials and Methods: In this cohort-based cross-sectional study, 3,195 individuals aged 20 to 60
who participated in the Shiraz University of Medical Science Employees Health Cohort study were
included. Dietary intake was assessed using a validated 118-item Food Frequency Questionnaire
(FFQ), and body composition was assessed by the bioelectrical impedance analysis method. Mul-
tiple linear regression adjusted for relevant confounders was used to determine the associations.
Results: Mean dietary intake of LA was 14.20 ± 7.01 mg/day for men and 13.90 ± 6.71 mg/day
for women. Additionally, the daily intake of ALA was 0.18 ± 0.18 mg/day in men and 0.17 ± 0.19
mg/day in women. Dietary intake of ALA for men had an inversely signicant association with
body fat mass (BFM) (β: -0.585, 95% CI: -1.137, -0.032, P=0.038), percentage of body fat (PBF)
(β: -0.537, 95% CI: -0.945, -0.129, P=0.010), Visceral Fat Area (VFA) (β: -2.998, 95% CI: -5.695,
-0.302, P=0.029), and Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) (β: -0.689, 95% CI: -1.339, -0.040, P=0.038).
Conclusion: Higher dietary ALA intake was associated with lower BFM, BFP, VAF, and WHR
in men. The present study conrms that ALA intake should be considered a preventive treat-
ment to improve body composition. However, further research is recommended in this regard.
[GMJ.2023;12:e3023] DOI:10.31661/gmj.v12i0.3023
Keywords: Fatty acids; Linoleic Acids; Alpha-linolenic Acid; Body Fat; Overweight
Overweight and obesity have doubled
during the last 40 years. About 30% of
the world’s population faces abnormal body
fat accumulation [1]. The overweight preva-
lence among Iranian adults reported 35.8%
(37% men, 35% women), 22.3% (16% men,
26.3% women) for obesity prevalence, and
31.1% (15.6% men, 41.2% women) for cen-
tral obesity prevalence [2]. Body fat is a mix-
ture of essential and storage fat. Essential fats
Copyright© 2021, Galen Medical Journal.
This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License
Karami E, et al. Linoleic Acid and Alpha-linolenic Acid Correlation with Adipose Tissue
are found in small amounts in bone marrow,
heart, lung, liver, kidney, and nervous sys-
tem; in men, about 3% of body fat is essential,
and in women, this amount is 12% of body
fat. Storage fat in adipose tissue is mainly
in the form of triglycerides, which are under
the skin and internal organs to protect them
against damage. The amount of total body fat
that is related to health is 18-24% in men and
31-25% in women [3]. Excess body fat and
visceral fat area (VFA) is strongly associated
with adverse metabolic outcomes, including a
disturbed lipid prole, blood glucose imbal-
ance, and insulin resistance [4, 5]. This con-
dition will increase the chances of cardiovas-
cular diseases, cancers, and diabetes [6, 7].
Several approaches including surgery, phar-
macological therapy, and diet therapy have
been proposed for obesity treatment [8].
Dietary factors play a key role in obesity man-
agement [9]. Although the intercellular path-
ways that inuence the distribution of body
fat mass are not well dened, dietary com-
ponents and macronutrient composition can
lead to dierent body fat distribution patterns
[10, 11]. Among the macronutrients, fats are
more accused of adipose tissue accumulation
because they produce more energy than car-
bohydrates and proteins by providing nine
kcal/g [12].
The percentage of dietary fat in the total di-
etary energy is estimated to be 20-35% to
prevent chronic diseases [13]. A direct as-
sociation was found between excess dietary
fat and body fat mass [14]. Fatty acids have
dierent eects on body composition and
fat distribution, but there is no consensus on
the exact impact of each [15, 16]. Also, it has
been conrmed that dietary fatty acid com-
position aects obesity-related genes and is
correlated with some mutations [17]. Poly-
unsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA) have at least
two double bonds in their chemical structure
[18]. PUFAs with more than 20 carbons are
called long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids
(LC-PUFA) [18]. Based on therapeutic life-
style change (TLC) recommendations, a max-
imum of 10% of total energy intake should be
allocated to PUFAs [19]. Linoleic acid (LA)
and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) are essential
LC-PUFAs with double bonds in the sixth
(Omega-6) and third bonds (Omega-3) from
the methyl side, respectively. LA and ALA are
used to produce some other essential fatty ac-
ids in the body [20, 21]. Insucient intake of
LA and ALA, causes deciency symptoms. It
is recommended to provide 1-2% of an indi-
vidual’s energy intake by LA and ALA, sep-
arately [22]. The main dietary sources of LA
include soybean oil, corn oil, sunower oil,
and almond oil [23]. Also, the main dietary
sources of ALA include canola oil, axseed
oil, sh oil, and chia seeds [20].
To date, there was no denitive consensus on
the relation between specic PUFAs, includ-
ing ALA and LA, and adipose tissue [24-27].
This study aimed to investigate the association
between dietary LA and ALA with body fat
mass (BFM), percentage of body fat (PBF),
VFA, body mass index (BMI), waist circum-
ference (WC), hip circumference (HC), and
waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) in a sample of Ira-
nian adults.
Materials and Methods
This study was approved by the Ethics Com-
mittee of Shiraz University of Medical Sci-
ences (No: IR.SUMS.REC.1399.744). Also,
all the methods of the current research were
performed according to the Helsinki guide-
lines [28]. Informed consent was obtained
from all the participants.
Study Population
The current study is a cohort-based cross-sec-
tional study conducted on the baseline data
obtained from August 2017 to February 2020
that was obtained from the Employees Health
Cohort registry system of the Shiraz Univer-
sity of Medical Science. The subjects were
employees of Shiraz University of Medical
Sciences and aged between 20-60 years old.
Individuals with chronic diseases including
high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovas-
cular disease unable to communicate to an-
swer (blind, deaf, dumb, and paralyzed people
unable to travel to the cohort center or patients
with mental and psychological disorders)
were also excluded from the study.
Data Collection
Participants’ demographic data including gen-
Linoleic Acid and Alpha-linolenic Acid Correlation with Adipose Tissue Karami E, et al.
der (male, female), age (years), marital status
(single, married, widow, and divorced), recent
educational degree (less than bachelors de-
gree, bachelors degree or higher), number of
children (under three, three and higher) were
collected via a standard social-demographic
questionnaire. Also, the mobility and physi-
cal activity of subjects was assessed using the
international physical activity questionnaire
(IPAQ) [29]. Physical activity scores were
calculated for walking (3/3 MET- min/week),
moderate (4 MET- min/week), and vigorous
activity (8 MET- min/week).
Dietary Assessment
The dietary intake was assessed using a re-
liable and validated 118-item food frequen-
cy questionnaire (FFQ) through face-to-face
interviews with the participants. The validity
of energy and nutrient estimates using FFQ
has been conrmed among Iranian adults
[30]. FFQ consists of standard serving sizes
of foods. Data was collected on daily, week-
ly, monthly, and annual consumption of each
food. FFQs were completed by an experi-
enced nutritionist. The amount of consumed
food was converted to grams of food per day,
and then intake of energy and nutrient were
obtained using the Nutritionist IV software
(version 4.0, supplied by First Databank, San
Francisco, United States).
Anthropometric Assessment
Participants’ height was measured with an
accuracy of 0.5 cm using a wall stadiometer
after standing without shoes (Seca, Germa-
ny). Also, the weight was recorded by a scale
with an accuracy of 100 g (Seca808; Seca,
Germany) with at least clothes. WC was mea-
sured in the middle of the distance between
the lowest rib margin and the iliac crest with
a tape measure while exhaling and standing.
HC was measured with tape around the wid-
est part of the hip over light clothes. All of
the measurements were evaluated by trained
experts. WHR was obtained by dividing WC
(cm) by HC (cm). BMI was also calculated
by dividing weight (Kg) by the square of the
height (m2) [31].
The bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA)
method and body composition measurement
device (InBody 770, InBody BSM170; made
in South Korea) was used to evaluate body
fat. After the calibration of the device, par-
ticipants stood on the device in their normal
attire, without shoes. They held the pads at a
45-degree angle so that the device could per-
form body analysis.
Statistical Analysis
Quantitative and qualitative data are present-
ed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) and fre-
quency (percent), respectively. Because the
total energy intake plays a determining role in
micronutrient intake, we adjusted the dietary
intake of LA, and ALA for total energy intake
and then categorized them into tertiles. The
residual method was employed for adjusting
the dietary LA and ALA from total energy in-
take. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
and the chi-squared test were used to com-
pare the means of quantitative and categori-
cal variables across tertiles of adjusted dietary
LA and ALA in both genders. The association
between dietary LA and ALA and body fat
parameters was investigated using multiple
linear regression with a 95% condence in-
terval. SPSS version 26 (developed by IBM,
Chicago, United States) software was used to
perform the analyses. The P<0.05 is consid-
ered a signicant level.
In the current cross-sectional study, out of 3195
subjects, men contained 43.91% (n=1403)
participants with a mean age of 40.89 ± 7.23
years, and women included 56.09 % (n=1792)
participants with a mean age of 40.99 ± 6.76
years. Total energy intake (2440.89 ± 772.84,
P:<0.001), dietary LA intake (14.58 ± 7.36,
P=0.007), and dietary ALA intake (0.20 ±
0.18, P<0.001) signicantly higher in men
than in women.
Other demographic characteristics of study
subjects, categorized by gender, and the ter-
tiles of energy-adjusted intake of LA and ALA
are presented in Tables-1 and -2.
The crude and multifactorial adjusted coe-
cients (β) with 95 percent condence intervals
of body fat indicators across tertiles of dietary
intake of LA and ALA in women and men
are shown in Tables-3 and -4, respectively.
Additionally, no signicant association was
Karami E, et al. Linoleic Acid and Alpha-linolenic Acid Correlation with Adipose Tissue
observed between tertiles of dietary intake
of LA and body fat parameters in both males
and females. There was a signicant inverse
association in the second adjusted model for
BFM, PBF, VFA, and WHR in men, in which
a higher dietary ALA intake was associated
with a lower BFM (β: -0.585, 95% CI: -1.137,
-0.032, P=0.038), PBF (β: -0.537, 95% CI:
-0.945, -0.129, P=0.010), VFA (β: -2.998,
95% CI: -5.695, -0.302, P=0.029), and WHR
(β: -0.689, 95% CI: -1.339, -0.040, P=0.038).
Also, unlike men, in women, no signicant
association was found between dietary ALA
intake and body fat in dierent models (Ta-
To the best of our knowledge, this was the
rst cohort-based cross-sectional study inves-
tigating the association of specic PUFAs,
including dietary LA and ALA intake, with
adipose tissue. Our nding showed that di-
etary intake of ALA in men had an inversely
signicant association with BFM, PBF, VFA,
WC, and WHR.
Table 1. Demographic Characteristics of Study Subjects by Gender
Variables Total
(n=1403) P-value
Age (years) 40.95 ± 6.97 40.99 ± 6.76 40.89 ± 7.23 0.695
Marital status, n (%)
Other (divorced, widow)
457 (14.30%)
2580 (80.75%)
158 (4.94%)
344 (19.2%)
1309 (73.04%)
139 (7.75%)
113 (8.05%)
1271 (90.6%)
19 (1.35%)
Last educaon degree, n (%)
Under BSc
BSc and higher
1176 (36.8%)
2019 (63.2%)
503 (28.34%)
1289 (71.93%)
673 (47.96%)
730 (52.03%)
Number of children, n (%)
Under 3
3 and higher
2868 (89.76%)
327 (10.23%)
1658 (92.52%)
135 (7.53%)
1210 (86.24%)
192 (13.68%)
Physical acvity (Met-min/
Low and Moderate
1892 (59.21%)
1303 (40.79%)
1160 (64.73%)
632 (35.26%)
732 (52.17%)
671 (47.82%)
Energy intake (Kcal/d)
2172.47 ±
1962.46 ±
2440.89 ±
772.84 <0.001
Dietary LA intake (g/d) 14.2 ± 7.01 13.90 ± 6.71 14.58 ± 7.36 0.007
Dietary ALA intake (g/d) 0.18 ± 0.18 0.17 ± 0.19 0.2 ± 0.18 <0.001
Quantitative data are presented as mean ± standard deviation, qualitative data are presented as number
The P-value was obtained from a one-way analysis of variance test (ANOVA) and chi-square test for quan-
titative and qualitative data, respectively.
A signicant P-value is considered at P<0.05.
Linoleic Acid and Alpha-linolenic Acid Correlation with Adipose Tissue Karami E, et al.
Table 2. Demographic Characteristics of Study Subjects by Energy-adjusted Tertiles of LA and ALA Intake
Age (years) 41.78 ±
40.99 ±
40.08 ±
<0.001 41.47 ±
41.25 ±
40.12 ±
Gender, n (%)
Status, n (%)
degree, n (%)
Under BSc
BSc and
Number of
children, n (%)
Under 3
3 and higher
acvity (Met-
Low and
Energy intake
2194.8 ±
± 638.09
2261 ±
698.19 <0.001 2386.1 ±
± 562.16
2192 ±
682.13 <0.001
Total LA
intake (g/d)
8.73 ±
12.72 ±
21.15 ±
6.93 <0.001 14.09 ±
12.5 ±
16.00 ±
7.83 <0.001
Quantitative data are reported as mean ± standard deviation, qualitative data are presented as number
(%). The P-value was obtained from a one-way analysis of variance test (ANOVA) and chi-square test for
quantitative and qualitative data, respectively. The signicant P-value is considered at P<0.05.
LA; linoleic acid, ALA; alpha-linolenic acid
Karami E, et al. Linoleic Acid and Alpha-linolenic Acid Correlation with Adipose Tissue
Table 3. Association of Dietary LA and ALA Intake with Body Fat and Anthropometric Indices in Iranian
β ± SE R295 % CI P
-value β ± SE R295 % CI P
Crude 0.068 ± 0.23 <0.001 -0.383,
0.520 0.767 0.126 ±
0.234 <0.001 -0.333,
0.584 0.591
Model 1 0.130 ±
0.226 0.067 -0.312,
0.572 0.565 0.284 ±
0.229 0.06 -0.164,
0.733 0.214
Model 2 0.099 ±
0.225 0.076 -0.342,
0.541 0.659 0.326 ±
0.229 0.077 -0.123,
0.775 0.155
Crude 0.096 ±
0.172 <0.001 -0.242,
0.434 0.577 -0.176 ±
0.175 0.001 -0.52,
0.167 0.313
Model 1 0.150 ±
0.168 0.07 -0.181,
0.480 0.375 -0.037 ±
0.171 0.069 -0.372,
0.298 0.828
Model 2 0.145 ±
0.169 0.072 -0.186,
0.476 0.39 -0.032 ±
0.172 0.071 -0.369,
0.305 0.851
Crude 0.651 ±
1.234 <0.001 -1.769,
3.071 0.598 -0.077 ±
1.253 <0.001 -2.533,
2.380 0.951
Model 1 1.118 ±
1.199 0.081 -1.233,
3.468 0.351 0.932 ±
1.215 0.08 -1.152,
3.315 0.443
Model 2 1.008 ±
1.199 0.086 -1.344,
3.361 0.401 1.081 ±
1.22 0.086 -1.311,
3.472 0.376
Crude -0.028 ±
0.125 <0.001 -0.272,
0.217 0.825 0.035 ±
0.126 <0.001 -0.213,
0.283 0.782
Model 1 0.009 ± 0.12 0.092 -0.227,
0.245 0.942 0.123 ±
0.122 0.092 -0.116,
0.362 0.313
Model 2 -0.006 ±
0.12 0.104 -0.241,
0.229 0.96 0.141 ±
0.122 0.105 -0.098,
0.381 0.246
Crude -0.282 ±
0.295 0.001 -0.862,
0.297 0.339 -0.07 ±
0.3 <0.001 -0.658,
0.518 0.815
Model 1 -0.129 ±
0.283 0.103 -0.685,
0.427 0.649 0.196 ±
0.287 0.103 -0.367,
0.76 0.494
Model 2 -0.187 ±
0.283 0.111 -0.742,
0.368 0.509 0.273 ±
0.288 0.111 -0.292,
0.837 0.343
Crude -0.002 ±
0.229 <0.001 -0.451,
0.447 0.992 0.227 ±
0.232 0.001 -0.228,
0.683 0.328
Model 1 0.045 ±
0.227 0.036 -0.401,
0.491 0.843 0.312 ±
0.230 0.037 -0.14,
0.764 0.176
Model 2 -0.005 ±
0.227 0.047 -0.450,
0.440 0.981 0.381 ±
0.231 0.048 -0.071,
0.833 0.098
Crude -0.003 ±
0.002 0.001
0.001 0.157 -0.003 ±
0.002 0.001 -0.007,
0.001 0.131
Model 1 -0.002 ±
0.002 0.087 -0.005,
0.002 0.384 -0.001 ±
0.002 0.087 -0.005,
0.003 0.56
Model 2 -0.002 ±
0.002 0.088 -0.006,
0.002 0.348 -0.001 ±
0.002 0.087 -0.005,
0.003 0.615
Results obtained from multiple linear regression analysis. Data presented as β coe󰀩cients (95%) ±
standard error. Model 1: adjusted for age, Marital Status, Last education degree, number of children, and
physical activity. Model 2: additionally, adjusted for energy intake, and dietary ber.
The signicant P-value is considered at P<0.05.
LA; linoleic acid, ALA; alpha-linolenic acid, SE; standard error, BFM; body fat mass, PBF; percentage of
body fat, VFA; visceral fat area, BMI; body mass index, WC; waist circumference, HC; hip circumference,
WHR; waist to hip ratio
Linoleic Acid and Alpha-linolenic Acid Correlation with Adipose Tissue Karami E, et al.
Table 4. Association of Dietary LA and ALA Intake with Body Fat and Anthropometric Indices in Iranian Men.
Variables LA ALA
β ± SE R295 %
-value β ± SE R295 % CI P
Crude 0.112 ±
0.286 <0.001 -0.449,
0.673 0.696 -0.502 ±
0.281 0.002 -1.052,
0.049 0.074
Model 1 0.140 ±
0.288 0.014 -0.425,
0.704 0.628 -0.569 ±
0.282 0.017 -1.123,
-0.016 0.044
Model 2 0.020 ±
0.287 0.032 -0.543,
0.582 0.945 -0.585 ±
0.282 0.035 -1.137,
-0.032 0.038
Crude -0.233 ±
0.211 0.001 -0.648,
0.181 0.269 -0.559 ±
0.207 0.005 -0.964,
-0.153 0.007
Model 1 -0.114 ±
0.212 0.021 -0.53,
0.301 0.59 -0.504 ±
0.207 0.025 -0.911,
-0.097 0.015
Model 2 -0.162 ±
0.212 0.029 -0.578,
0.254 0.444 -0.537 ±
0.208 0.033 -0.945,
-0.129 0.01
Crude 0.566 ±
1.395 <0.001 -2.171,
3.304 0.685 -2.744 ±
1.368 0.003 -5.428,
-0.059 0.045
Model 1 0.835 ±
1.406 0.012 -1.922,
3.593 0.552 -2.897 ±
1.378 0.015 -5.599,
-0.195 0.036
Model 2 0.258 ±
1.400 0.029 -2.488,
3.004 0.854 -2.998 ±
1.374 0.033 -5.695,
-0.302 0.029
Crude 0.033 ±
0.134 <0.001 -0.230,
0.295 0.808 - 0.182 ±
0.131 0.001 -0.440,
0.075 0.165
Model 1 0.027 ±
0.135 0.011 -0.237,
0.292 0.839 -0.225 ±
0.132 0.013 -0.485,
0.034 0.088
Model 2 -0.038 ±
0.134 0.033 -0.301,
0.224 0.774 -0.225 ±
0.132 0.035 -0.482,
0.033 0.088
Crude 0.397 ±
0.337 0.001 -0.263,
1.058 0.238 -0.582 ±
0.330 0.002 -1.230,
0.066 0.078
Model 1 0.431 ±
0.339 0.014 -0.233,
1.096 0.203 -0.670 ±
0.332 0.016 -1.322,
-0.018 0.044
Model 2 0.283 ±
0.337 0.034 -0.378,
0.945 0.401 -0.689 ±
0.331 0.036 -1.339,
-0.040 0.038
Crude 0.400 ±
0.249 0.002 -0.088,
0.888 0.108 -0.203 ±
0.244 <0.001 -0.683,
0.276 0.406
Model 1 0.321 ±
0.249 0.024 -0.168,
0.810 0.198 -0.378 ±
0.245 0.024 -0.858,
0.102 0.123
Model 2 0.209 ±
0.248 0.041 -0.278,
0.696 0.4 -0.364 ±
0.244 0.042 -0.843,
0.114 0.136
Crude 0.000 ±
0.002 <0.001 -0.003,
0.003 0.883 -0.004 ±
0.002 0.004 -0.007,
-0.001 0.016
Model 1 0.001 ±
0.002 0.03 -0.002,
0.005 0.424 -0.003 ±
0.002 0.033 -0.006,
0.000 0.052
Model 2 0.001 ±
0.002 0.039 -0.002,
0.004 0.573 -0.003 ±
0.002 0.042 -0.007,
0.000 0.034
Results obtained from multiple linear regression analysis. Data presented as β coe󰀩cients (95%) ±
standard error. Model 1: adjusted for age, Marital Status, Last education degree, number of children,
and physical activity. Model 2: additionally, adjusted for energy intake, and dietary ber.The signicant
P-value is considered at P<0.05. LA; linoleic acid, ALA; alpha-linolenic acid, SE; standard error, BFM;
body fat mass, PBF; percentage of body fat, VFA; visceral fat area, BMI; body mass index, WC; waist
circumference, HC; hip circumference, WHR; waist to hip ratio
Karami E, et al. Linoleic Acid and Alpha-linolenic Acid Correlation with Adipose Tissue
Obesity has been an ongoing trend in many
societies for decades[32]. The most eective
approach to treat obesity is lifestyle chang-
es including a restrictive diet and increasing
physical activity.
However, weight loss diets recommend re-
ducing the percentage of fats, and all fatty
acid types were reduced with this approach.
Dietary fatty acid quality has received little at-
tention in weight loss diets. Our study indicat-
ed that dietary AL and ALA can have dierent
eects on adipose tissue, so it is recommend-
ed to reduce the dietary sources of LA and
increase the dietary sources of ALA instead
of reducing the dietary sources of both fatty
acids in weight loss diets.
Consistent with these results, a clinical trial
reported that consuming ALA for 12 weeks
signicantly reduced visceral fat area, body
weight, and WC compared to a placebo
group [24]. A cohort-based cross-sectional
study showed that serum levels of ALA had
a protective eect on body weight and were
inversely associated with weight gain in chil-
dren aged 5 to 12 years [25].
An experimental study by Adrina et al. showed
that in the group fed with chia seeds as a rich
source of ALA for three weeks, visceral fat
tissue was signicantly reduced compared to
the control group.
Additionally, benecial eects on blood lip-
ids and glucose tolerance have been report-
ed in the intervention group [33]. In contrast
to the above studies, Australian and Spanish
cross-sectional studies reported that plasma
ALA concentration had a positive correlation
with body fat and obesity [26, 27]. To address
the challenge of inconsistent study results, a
study with a larger sample size and consider-
ing gender was needed.
Therefore, this study was designed with a
larger sample size and separate analyzes for
each gender. Also, in the case of the men-
tioned studies, supplementation [24] and plas-
ma level [25-27] are considered the criteria
for evaluating AL and ALA intake, but we
assessed the dietary intake of ALA and LA.
The following cellular mechanisms have been
proposed to explain the relationship between
higher intake of ALA and adiposity: a) ALA
decreases body fat by stimulating the expres-
sion of hepatic fat oxidation and intestinal be-
ta-oxidation genes [34, 35]; b) ALA can inhib-
it the conversion of LA to arachidonic acid,
which is a stimulator for adipogenesis through
prostaglandin synthesis and CAMP activation
[36]; c) by increasing the intake of dietary fat-
ty acids, their tendency to accumulate increas-
es. Among fatty acids, ALA has the highest
tendency to oxidation and the lowest tendency
to accumulate in humans [37].
In our study, a dierence was observed be-
tween the males and females in the relation-
ship between ALA dietary intake and adipose
tissue. Dierent responses of body composi-
tion to intake of fatty acids in the gender have
been observed in previous studies [38, 39].
Men have been reported to have higher rates
of fatty acid oxidation and lower resting ener-
gy expenditure than women [39]. In addition,
the dierence in sex hormones and adipose
tissue percentage can aect the fats’ oxidation
and storage [40].
The strength of the current study was the large
sample size (3195 subjects) and using of an
accurate method, and bioelectrical Impedance
analysis, to evaluate body fat. Also, all re-
quired information was collected with validat-
ed questionnaires by trained experts to reduce
any possible errors.
Additionally, because of a physiological dif-
ference between men and women in body fat
percentage, the analysis was performed sepa-
rately for both genders. Furthermore, to pre-
vent the eect of energy intake, the dietary
intake of ALA and AL was adjusted for total
energy intake. However, there were some lim-
itations in our study.
Firstly, the intake of ALA acid and LA includ-
ed in our study was completely based on the
consumption of meals, and the intake of pos-
sible supplements was not considered, which
in some people could aect the daily intake of
ALA and LA.
Secondly, factors including food preparation
and cooking steps aecting the content of
ALA and LA in foods have not been consid-
ered. Also, in this study, FFQ was used for as-
sessing food intake.
FFQ is usually a tool for long-term evaluation
of food intake, and estimating the amount of
food consumed from an FFQ is not complete-
ly accurate, so measurement errors are always
Our ndings show that a higher intake of
ALA is associated with lower body fat in men.
These results are important because, until
now, all types of fatty acids have been equal-
ly accused of fat accumulation. Future studies
on the quality of dietary fatty acids in weight
management programs are suggested.
The authors would like to thank all those who
participated in this study. This study was sup-
ported by the Vice Chancellor of Research
and Technology of Shiraz University of Med-
ical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran. (grant No # 1399-
Conict of Interest
We have declared that there is no conict of
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