Postoperative Delirium and Dementia in Patients
Undergoing Cardiac Surgery: A Review of
Randomized Controlled Trials
Venus Shahabi Raberi1, Morteza Solati Kooshk Qazi2, Ali Zolfi gol3, Rahil GhorbaniNia4, Ozra Kahourian1, Reza
Faramarz Zadeh1
1 Seyed-Al-Shohada cardiology Hospital, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran
2 School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
3 Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Shahid Motahari Hospital, Hospital, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran
4 Noncommunicable Diseases Research Center, Bam University of Medical Sciences, Bam, Iran
Correspondence to:
Reza Faramarz Zadeh, Seyed-Al-Shohada ccardiology-
Hospital, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia,
Telephone Number: +989146048919
Email Address:
Received 2023-05-06
Revised 2023-05-15
Accepted 2023-05-30
Delirium and dementia are considered to be the most signicant postoperative neurocognitive
complications in patients undergoing cardiac surgery, particularly those aged 60 years and older,
which reduces the post-surgery quality of life, prolongs hospitalization, increases costs, and ele-
vated the rates of mortality. Nevertheless, the etiology, risk factors, and predictive biomarkers,
have not been well elucidated particularly, in patients with unmanifested underline cognitive im-
pairments. The present study aimed to review the ndings on the etiology, factors increasing the
risk of incidence, and predictive biomarkers of postoperative delirium and dementia after cardiac
surgery, and to describe the suggested pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions.
[GMJ.2023;12:e3045] DOI:10.31661/gmj.v12i0.3045
Keywords: Dementia; Postoperative Complications; Cardiac Surgery
Postoperative cognitive decline (POCD) is
a common sub-clinical condition follow-
ing cardiac and non-cardiac surgery [1, 2].
POCD is widely considered to be the most
prominent in people over the age of 65 [3],
and as the population all over the world is ag-
ing at an unprecedented rate, POCD has be-
come more common [4]. Patients with POCD
will generally experience a variety of neuro-
logical symptoms including anxiety, memory
impairment, personality change, and mental
confusion all of which lead to increased med-
ical costs, reduced life independence, and are
associated with mortality [4]. Currently, sev-
eral types of POCD-related disorders have
been listed, of which delirium and dementia
are the most well-known. In addition, the cog-
nitive decline caused by anesthesia or surgery
could be followed by delirium or dementia [5,
Delirium is considered an acute uctuating al-
teration in mental state that manifests as a dis-
turbance in consciousness and cognitive func-
tion. There is a suggestion that delirium has
a high incidence rate in hospitalized patients
and is followed by increased rates of morbid-
Copyright© 2021, Galen Medical Journal.
This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License
Shahabi Raberi V, et al. Postoperative Dementia and Cardiac Surgery
ity and mortality, and prolonged residence in
the intensive care unit (ICU) and the hospital,
thereby higher costs for both the patient and
the government [7]. Postoperative delirium
(POD) is described as a common complica-
tion after cardiac surgery [8] in which geri-
atric patients, cardiac surgery patients, and
patients hospitalized in ICU are highly at risk
of developing POD [9, 10]. POD patients are
widely believed to have longer hospital stays,
a higher risk of dementia, and a higher risk of
mortality [11].
Delirium can progress to dementia, which is
characterized by the loss of cognitive func-
tions including remembering, thinking, and
reasoning. The development of dementia after
delirium is of great concern to both third lead-
ing cause the patient and public health since
the signicant morbidity, mortality, and care-
giver burden associated with dementia have
been documented [12, 13].
Importantly, dementia has recently ranked as
the third leading cause of death in the United
States [14]. Annually, more than 47 million
people suer from dementia which is equiv-
alent to 5% of the world’s elderly population
More importantly, it is expected that the inci-
dence of dementia will increase substantially
in the following years due to an aging popu-
lation [14].
Recent studies have demonstrated that cardi-
ac surgery could be associated with increased
levels of biomarkers related to neurodegen-
eration including neurolament light chain
and Tau [16-18]. Despite the mentioned im-
portance of postoperative delirium and de-
mentia after cardiac surgery, the etiology of
its occurrence has not been elucidated, and
contradictory propositions have been hypoth-
esized. Therefore, the present study attempted
to clarify the main causes of postoperative de-
lirium and dementia after cardiac surgery and
compensatory pre-, intra-, and post-operative
proceedings to prevent/reduce its incidence
by reviewing the randomized controlled trials.
Cardiac Surgery Leads to Delirium and De-
In general, the pre-surgery cognitive state, the
application of anesthetics, procedures and in-
juries during surgery, along with induced in-
ammation and stress are the most important
assumptions about the etiology of cardiac sur-
gery-related cognitive impairment. However,
contradictions still exist in this regard, as new
ndings consistently weaken certain hypothe-
ses and strengthen others. Thereby, the current
study will review randomized controlled trials
to analyze the assumptions about the etiolo-
gy of postoperative delirium and dementia in
patients undergoing cardiac surgery and then
will assess the necessary proceedings to con-
front it.
Initially, it was thought that anesthetics used
beforecardiac surgery would be the most im-
portant cause of POCD and subsequent POD
and post-operative dementia, although sub-
sequent studies have shown that the surgi-
cal process is associated with inammation,
oxidative stress, hypoxemia, and damage to
the blood-brain barrier (BBB) as a causative
agent, too [5, 6]. It seems that patients who
have an underlying neurodegenerative com-
plication, although not manifested yet, are
more susceptible to experiencing a condition
known as a second hit. In fact, second hits are
able to accelerate the process of neurodegen-
eration by the induction of cognitive decline
after cardiac surgery [19]. The measurement
of pre-and post-surgery levels of a critical bio-
marker of Alzheimers disease, cerebrospinal
uid (CSF) amyloid-β42 (Aβ42), in patients
with POCD can be considered the most im-
portant nding supporting this hypothesis
Induction of inammation can be described
as a common feature of surgical procedures,
especially cardiac surgery, which can be
assumed as a bridge between surgery and
POCD, POD, and postoperative dementia
due to the involvement of inammation in
the development of neurodegenerative disor-
ders [21-23]. C-reactive protein (CRP), for
example, is an appropriate marker of inam-
mation in patients with delirium particularly
those undergoing surgery [24]. Moreover, a
dramatic elevation in the levels of inamma-
tory markers including interleukin-6 (IL-6),
broblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) and 23,
and CC-chemokine ligand 2 (CCL2) is re-
ported [25-27]. Furthermore, glial brillary
acidic protein (GFAP) is a neuroinammatory
marker that could represent the link between
Postoperative Dementia and Cardiac Surgery Shahabi Raberi V, et al.
inammation and neurodegenerative compli-
cations [28].
Risk Factors of Postoperative Delirium and
Dementia after Cardiac Surgery
The determination of the association between
the operative procedure, anesthetics, inam-
mation, and so forth, also postoperative neu-
rological complications could benet the
understanding of the etiology of POD and
postoperative dementia, however, it requires
comprehensive studies. Indeed, multidis-
ciplinary studies are needed to explore the
overlap between preexisting cognitive im-
pairment and POCD, POD, and postoperative
dementia in the elds of anesthesia, surgery,
and old age psychiatry and neurology. The in-
tradisciplinary alignment of the terminology
and diagnostic criteria may improve our un-
derstanding of the etiology, biomarkers, and
preventive strategies [5, 29].
Understanding the cause of cognitive impair-
ment after cardiac surgery can lead to the de-
termination of relevant biomarkers. As a re-
sult, the potential biomarkers might estimate
the probability of POD and the development
of POD to dementia in patients undergoing
cardiac surgery before and after the procedure
[30, 31].
Although the relevant biomarkers have not
been fully understood, it is documented that
elder hospitalized patients with delirium rep-
resent a remarkable 12-fold increase in de-
veloping dementia, hence delirium could be
considered a reliable marker of postoperative
dementia [32, 33]. Along with that, several
attempts have recently been made to identify
risk factors associated with POD and demen-
tia after cardiac surgery. Although scientists
believed that underlying cognitive impair-
ments before surgery, whose symptoms did
not manifest were responsible for POD and
dementia after cardiac surgery, Lewis et al.
reported evidence against this belief [34].
By examining 320 patients who underwent
cardiac surgery, it was found that 15.6% of
patients had depression before surgery and
13.4% of patients experienced depression af-
ter surgery. Interestingly, preoperative depres-
sion was mainly associated with increased
anxiety and decreased self-ratings on several
quality-of-life domains, while the experience
of postoperative depression four weeks after
surgery was associated with neurocognitive
complications including as poor memory, at-
tention, processing speed, verbal uency, and
ne motor speed [34]. As a result, it can be as-
sumed that although preoperative depression
does not cause further neurocognitive disor-
ders, postoperative depression could be re-
lated to several cognitive impairments, hence
following the patients’ condition in terms of
depression after surgery can be a preventive
approach to confront delirium and dementia.
In addition, a 5-year follow-up study of 114
elderly patients aged 70 and over who under-
went cardiac surgery showed that preopera-
tive mild cognitive impairment might be a risk
factor for delirium and dementia after cardiac
surgery [35].
Also, 87% of the patients who had experi-
enced dementia within 5 years after surgery
had experienced POD, too [35]. Therefore,
POD can be considered a potential risk factor
for the development of dementia after cardiac
surgery. In fact, assessment of the preopera-
tive cognitive function in elderly patients un-
dergoing cardiac surgery should be screened.
Moreover, patients who have experienced
POD should be followed up to enable the
early detection of dementia symptoms and to
prevent the subsequent drastic consequences.
In addition to pre- and postoperative cognitive
status, a number of cardiac and inammato-
ry biomarkers can be considered risk factors
for POD and subsequent dementia. CRP,
for example, is considered the most reliable
preoperative biomarker for the prediction of
POD in patients undergoing noncardiac sur-
gery [36]. Similarly, the increased levels of
IL-2 and TNF-α were signicantly associat-
ed with POD in patients undergoing coronary
artery bypass grafting, and more importantly,
researchers have provided cuto scores for in-
creased risk [37].
In patients undergoing cardiac surgery, par-
ticularly those experiencing cardiopulmonary
bypass, a systematic stress and subsequently
systematic inammatory response occurs ac-
companied by elevated levels of inammatory
markers including cytokines and chemokines.
Also that could contribute to devastating pro-
cesses including the dysfunction of endothelial
and the disruption of BBB [38]. Consequently,
Shahabi Raberi V, et al. Postoperative Dementia and Cardiac Surgery
these processes could be followed by the sus-
ceptibility of the brain to neuronal damage by
neuroinammatory mediators and the activa-
tion of microglia leading to the development
of POD [39]. In addition, plasma levels of
several neurotransmitters including reduced
cholinesterase and increased dopamine could
be considered biomarkers of POD [39, 40].
On the contrary, Wiberg et al., by studying
193 patients undergoing coronary artery by-
pass grafting and/or aortic valve replacement,
demonstrated that higher (70-80 mmHg) or
lower (40-50 mmHg) scores of mean arterial
pressure during cardiopulmonary bypass had
no signicant association with cerebral injury
biomarkers including neuron-specic enolase,
tau, neurolament light, and the glial marker
known as glial brillary acidic protein [41]. In
this sense, it is encouraged to conduct further
randomized controlled trials measuring pre,
inter, and postoperative heart-related markers
and assess their association with biomarkers
of cerebral injury and outcomes of pre and
post surgery brain imaging tests.
Preventive Interventions for Delirium and De-
mentia after Cardiac Surgery
Although the etiology, risk factors, and bio-
markers of delirium and dementia after car-
diac surgery are still not fully understood,
interventions have been conducted in several
randomized controlled trials to prevent post-
operative cognitive impairment in patients
undergoing cardiac surgery. In addition to
addressing undesirable neurocognitive conse-
quences after surgery, such interventions can
elucidate the causes of occurrence and make
available risk factors. The randomized con-
trolled trials conducted so far have attempted
to prevent delirium and dementia after heart
surgery through two types of interventions,
including pharmacological interventions and
non-pharmacological (operative) interven-
tions reviewed below.
Pharmacological Interventions
Anesthesia and cardiac surgery procedures
have been hypothesized as the main possible
causes of cognitive post surgery impairments
due to inducing systematic inammation and
oxidative stress. Therefore, in several stud-
ies, researchers have attempted to reduce or
eliminate the neurocognitive adverse eects
of surgery through pharmacological interven-
tions capable of reducing inammation and
stress. Ketamine is an anesthetic with anti-in-
ammatory properties that can reduce POD in
animal studies [42, 43]. Moreover, a human
study revealed that adding ketamine to rou-
tine anesthetics could reduce POD from 31%
in the placebo group to 3% [44]. A random-
ized controlled trial on patients aged 65 years
and older undergoing cardiac surgery with
cardiopulmonary bypass demonstrated that
during cardiopulmonary bypass the infusion
of ketamine (31.25%) signicantly reduced
24-h POD after surgery compared to propofol
(56.25%) [45].
The application of sedative compounds is an-
other pharmacological intervention that has
been studied to reduce or eliminate neurocog-
nitive consequences. Dexmedetomidine, an
α2 adrenoceptor agonist, is frequently admin-
istered to patients in the intensive care unit
due to its sedative and analgesic properties
[46, 47]. Perioperative administration of dex-
medetomidine was accompanied by desired
outcomes including reduction of opioid uti-
lization, improvement of postoperative anal-
gesia, and suppression of inammation all of
which are considered possible causes of cog-
nitive impairment [48, 49]. In addition, post-
operative administration of dexmedetomidine
led to a lower risk of suering from mental
complaints in patients who underwent cardiac
surgery [50].
A single-center, double-blind, randomized
controlled clinical trial on 508 patients under-
going cardiac surgery, of which 251 people
received dexmedetomidine and 257 partici-
pated in the placebo group, revealed that psy-
chological impairment could be signicantly
reduced in the dexmedetomidine group rela-
tive to the placebo group [51]. Similarly, an-
other single-blinded, prospective, randomized
controlled trial in 183 elder patients 60 years
or older undergoing cardiac surgery, of which
91 patients in the dexmedetomidine group
and others received propofol, demonstrated
that this sedative agent compared to propofol
reduced the incidence (17.5% compared to
31.5%), delayed onset (day 2 versus day 1),
and shortened duration of POD (2 days versus
3 days) [52].
Postoperative Dementia and Cardiac Surgery Shahabi Raberi V, et al.
Moreover, the participation of 46 patients who
underwent coronary artery bypass graft sur-
gery participated in a randomized controlled
trial, suggested that dexmedetomidine com-
pared to typical anesthesia could increase the
levels of neural protective biomarkers includ-
ing matrix metalloproteinase-12 and myelin
basic protein [53]. However, a higher rate of
hypotension was reported as an adverse eect
of dexmedetomidine administration requiring
further studies to elucidate other possible side
eects [51].
Piracetam is a derivative of the neurotransmit-
ter γ-aminobutyric acid with cerebroprotective
properties that its administration leads to bet-
ter cognitive function in patients undergoing
coronary artery bypass surgery and reduces
the early postoperative substantial decline of
neuropsychological performances [54]. Mel-
atonin is a pineal gland hormone thought to
be important in sleep/wake regulation which
has been used in a wide range of studies from
neurological disorders to environmental im-
provements [55, 56].
Several studies over the past decade have
shown that the administration of this hormone
can signicantly reduce POD and post-surgery
sleep/wake complications [55]. However, a
randomized double-blind controlled clinical
trial 7 days of treatment with melatonin start-
ing 2 days before the surgery did not support
the prophylactic application of this hormone
to prevent POD [57].
Similarly, a double-blind, randomized, con-
trolled study showed that dietary melatonin
therapy in patients with mild cognitive im-
pairment can signicantly increase hippo-
campal volume and signicantly reduce CSF
T-tau protein levels [58].
Because mild cognitive impairment is a tran-
sitory state to dementia, while delirium is a
reliable risk factor for progression to demen-
tia, administration of melatonin is associated
with cardiac surgery, although no conrmato-
ry studies have been performed. Insulin is an-
other hormone its administration at normogly-
cemia during cardiac surgery may lead to the
prevention of short- and long-term memory
decline postoperatively [59].
A randomized, double-blind controlled trial
revealed that the administration of insulin in-
tranasally during cardiac surgery in patients
with type 2 diabetes does not cause hypogly-
cemia which could be important for neural
cells [60].
Non-pharmacological Interventions
Non-pharmacological interventions to reduce
delirium and dementia after cardiac surgery
can be divided into three categories: pre-, in-
tra-, and post-surgery interventions. Howev-
er, most of the interventions are related to the
procedures during and after surgery.
Cognitive training is a well-studied peri and
intraoperative intervention though to be able
to durably improve cognitive reserve in POCD
and POD and thereby could potentially reduce
the risk of postoperative cognitive impairment
in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. A ran-
domized, single-center, controlled trial studied
the perioperative cognitive training ecacy in
65 patients elderly aged 60-90. The ndings
showed that this program could signicantly
reduce the risk of POCD and POD although
further studies were encouraged [61].
In addition, another randomized clinical tri-
al on 60 elderly patients revealed that post-
operative cognitive training could improve
health-related quality of life and reduce cog-
nitive failure three months after heart valve
surgery [62]. Early mobilization was anoth-
er strategy that Shirvani et al. introduced to
reduce POD via a double-blind randomized
clinical trial on 92 patients undergoing coro-
nary artery bypass grafting [63].
Other interventions have been focused on ce-
rebral oxygenation. A randomized controlled
pilot study on 82 patients, older than 65, who
underwent coronary artery bypass graft sur-
gery on cardiopulmonary bypass revealed that
the incidence of POD in the intervention group
of patients, was signicantly lower (2.4%)
compared to controls (20%) in patients whose
regional cerebral tissue desaturations of more
than 15% of the pre-induction value or below
50% were avoided [64].
Similarly, the optimization of cerebral ox-
ygenation and observance of intraoperative
oxygen concentration are considered strat-
egies for reducing the risk of postoperative
impairment of cognitive ability in elderly pa-
tients undergoing cardiac surgery [65, 66]. In
addition, hemodilution during coronary artery
bypass grafting using cardiopulmonary by-
Shahabi Raberi V, et al. Postoperative Dementia and Cardiac Surgery
pass (maintaining the hematocrit above 25%
by transfusion of packed red blood cells), per-
forming an aortic o-pump coronary artery
bypass instead of conventional procedure, and
the application of conservative strategies (cor-
onary angiogram only if recurrent ischemia or
heart failure) instead of invasive approaches
(routine coronary angiogram) are among the
most important interventions conducted to re-
duce the risk of delirium and dementia after
heart surgery [67-69].
Delirium and dementia are among the most
important neurocognitive complications after
cardiac surgery. However, the major caus-
ative factors are not fully understood, nor are
the risk factors and biomarkers. The present
study revealed that despite the valuable eorts
during recent years, the etiology and deni-
tive diagnosis of these complications, espe-
cially in elderly people who do not manifest
symptoms of precognitive disorders, requires
further investigations. In addition, pharma-
cological interventions including sedative
agents or adjuvant anesthetics along with
non-pharmacological interventions such as
cognitive training, cerebral oxygenation, nov-
el surgical approaches, and hemodilution can
signicantly reduce the risk of postoperative
delirium and dementia.
Conict of Interest
The authors declare that there are no conicts
of interests.
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