ABO/Rh Blood Groups and the Temperament
(Mizaj) Based on Traditional Persian Medicine
Perspective: A Cross-sectional Study
Mohammad Mahdi Parvizi1,2, Mohadeseh Molayemat3, Maryam Rezaee4, Babak Shirazi Yeganeh5, Thomas Rampp6,
Mohammad Hashem Hashempur2
1 Molecular Dermatology Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
2 Research Center for Traditional Medicine and History of Medicine, Department of Persian Medicine, School of Medicine, Shiraz
University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
3 Student Research Committee, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
4 Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization, Fars Provence Branch, Shiraz, Iran
5 Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
6 Department of Internal and Integrative Medicine, Kliniken Essen-Mitte, Faculty of Medicine, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen,
Correspondence to:
Mohammad Hashem Hashempur, Research Center for
Traditional Medicine and History of Medicine, Zand
Telephone Number: +989173020786
Email Address: hashempur@gmail.com
Received 2023-05-14
Revised 2023-06-06
Accepted 2023-06-09
Background: Mizaj is a fundamental concept in traditional Persian medicine (TPM)
that explains the physiological and psychological traits of human beings. This study
aimed to investigate the association between the ABO/Rh blood groups and the Mizaj.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 18-60 years old individu-
als who visited the Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization, Shiraz Branch. We used Mojahedi’s
Mizaj questionnaire to determine the Mizaj of the participants. The participants’ blood group and
Rh were determined based on the antibodies against types A, B, and Rh antigens of their blood.
Results: We assessed 308 individuals consisting of 174 (56.49%) male and 134 (43.51%) fe-
male. The results of our study showed a signicant relationship between the AB blood group
and the cold Mizaj in both simple and compound Mizaj categories (P=0.012, P=0.014, respec-
tively). Logistic regression analysis revealed that people with the AB blood group were 2.88
times more likely to have cold Mizaj than people with the O blood group (OR=2.88, 95% CI:
1.16 to 7.15). In addition, those with the A blood group were found to be 54% less likely to have
a dry Mizaj than those with the O blood group (OR=0.46, 95% CI: 0.23 to 0.92). There was
no signicant association between the participants’ Mizaj and their Rh blood group (P>0.05).
Conclusion: It seems that there was a signicant relation between the AB blood
group and cold Mizaj, as well as the A blood group and dry Mizaj. However, fur-
ther studies are recommended with controlling the probable confounding factors.
[GMJ.2023;12:e3062] DOI:10.31661/gmj.v12i0.3062
Keywords: ABO Blood-Group System; Persian Medicine; Temperament; Traditional Medicine
Traditional Persian medicine (TPM) is one
of the most ancient forms of traditional
holistic medicine that is based on humoral
medical theories [1-3]. Mizaj (temperament)
is a fundamental TPM concept [4-8]. It is a
phenotype-based categorization describing
all physiological and psychological aspects
of human beings and can also explain the rea-
Copyright© 2021, Galen Medical Journal.
This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License
Parvizi MM, et al. ABO/Rh Blood Groups and the Mizaj
son for the dierence in the diseases’s presen-
tation and the response to treatment in each
person [6]. Moreover, Mizaj derives from the
interaction of contrary qualities of hotness,
coldness, dryness, and wetness in elements [6,
9]. Abnormal Mizaj or sue-Mizaj referred to
the condition of imbalance between the Mizaj
qualities and is classied into 9 general cate-
gories: hot, cold, dry, wet, cold-wet, hot-wet,
hot-dry, cold-dry, and medium type [6, 9, 10].
All humans have sanguineous (Dam), phleg-
matic (Balgham), bilious (Safra, yellow bile),
and melancholic (Savda) humor depending on
the dominant humor in the body [11, 6].
The dominant humor determined which dis-
eases the person is susceptible to, and which
treatments are more eective. In other words,
according to the concepts of TPM, Mizaj
could be dened as the presence of the hu-
mor(s) quality accumulated in the body, ac-
cording to the level of hotness and dryness.
When there is an imbalance in the amount of
humor in the body, people develop sue-Mizaj
(dystemperament) [11, 10, 12]. Previous
studies analyzed the association between the
Mizaj and many physical and mental charac-
teristics. For example, a recent study demon-
strated a correlation between hot temperament
and neuroticism [13].
It has also been shown that there is a signif-
icant correlation between hot and dry Mizaj
and type 1 diabetes mellitus [14]. In addition,
another study showed that non-melanoma
skin cancer (NMSC) was associated with dry
Mizaj [15]. Analysis of the association be-
tween body mass index and Mizaj showed
that there is a signicant relationship between
the fat mass and cold-dry and hot-wet Mizaj
[16]. Moreover, the results of a study showed
a signicant relationship between low body
mass index (BMI<18) in teenage girls and dry
Mizaj [17]. Determination of ABO antigen in
humans blood is one of the most important,
available, unchangeable, and valuable factors
for determining the fundamental dierence
among humans genotypes which was discov-
ered by Karl Landsteiner, a Viennese pathol-
ogist, in 1900 [18]. It was divided into four
blood groups consisting of A, B, AB, and O
according to the surface antigens of red blood
cells [18, 19]. Several studies revealed the
association between the ABO blood group
and some medical conditions including can-
cer [20, 21] gastric ulcer[22], some infectious
diseases including Plamodium falciparum
malaria [23], helicobacter pylori gastritis [24],
COVID-19 [25, 26], as well as some psycho-
logical conditions including anxiety and stress
[27, 28]. There is also some signicant evi-
dence that adherence to diets specic to one’s
blood type can reduce the risk of cardiovas-
cular disease and improve overall health. The
‘Blood-Type’ diet advises individuals to eat
according to their ABO blood type to improve
their health and reduce the risk of chronic dis-
eases [29]. Since the publication of the book
“Eat Right for Your Type” by D’Adamo, there
have been many controversial discussions
about the relationship between ABO blood
types, dietary habits, and human health [30].
However, there are few studies on the associ-
ation between physical characteristics, blood
type, and Mizaj [31, 32]. The result of a study
on 640 participants in 1930 showed a signif-
icant association between the blood group
and Mizaj [31]. Another study in this regard
investigated the association between 12 blood
markers and Mizaj [32].
In contrast to previous studies, results showed
no relation between the ABO and Rh alleles
and the Mizaj [32]. There was only a signif-
icant association between the Lewis alleles
and Mizaj [32].
To the best of our knowledge, there was little
evidence of a correlation between the Mizaj
and blood groups in humans. Therefore,
this study aimed to analyze the prevalence
of Mizajs among the Iranian population by
considering the individual’s ABO/Rh blood
groups and evaluating the relationship be-
tween blood group and Mizaj among the study
Materials and Methods
Study Design, Sample Size, and Participants
This cross-sectional study was conducted from
the 1st of August to the 10th of October, 2020
at the Iranian Blood Transfusion Organiza-
tion, Shiraz Branch (one of the main branches
in Iran), Fars Province, Iran. The study pop-
ulation consisted of all voluntary blood do-
nors, aged 18-60 years, who were referred to
this organization. The convenience sampling
ABO/Rh Blood Groups and the Mizaj Parvizi MM, et al.
method was used to enroll the participants in
our study. Participants with contraindications
of blood donation including taking anti-coag-
ulants, having high-risk sexual behaviors or
multiple sex partners, active seizure disease,
signicant pulmonary or cardiac diseases,
hepatitis, syphilis, and addiction to intrave-
nous drugs were excluded. Additionally, pa-
tients with kidney, hepatic, and thyroid disor-
ders were excluded due to the possible eects
of these diseases on the Mizaj. Before the en-
rollment, the study procedure was explained
to all participants, and written informed con-
sent was obtained from them.
According to the prevalence of dry Mizaj
(25%) among Rh-positive participants in our
initial pilot sampling, using the following for-
mula, the sample size was estimated to be at
least 288 with overall power of 95% at a sig-
nicant level of 0.05.
Ethics Statements
The study protocol was approved by the Eth-
ics Committee of Shiraz University of Med-
ical Sciences (Ethics Code: IR.SUMS.MED.
REC.1399.308). In addition, written informed
consent was obtained from all participants
before the enrollment. Moreover, participants
were assured that their data would remain
condential to the researchers.
Data Collection
The Mojahedi’s Mizaj Questionnaire was uti-
lized to determine the Mizaj of participants
[33]. This questionnaire contains ten ques-
tions (scored from 1 to 3, based on a three-
point Likert scale). Eight of these questions
are related to the hot/cold quality and two oth-
ers are related to the wet/dry quality. There-
fore, each participant had two scores, one for
the hot/cold quality (ranges from 8 to 24) and
the other for the wet/dry quality (ranges from
2 to 6). Participants with ≥19 scores in the hot/
cold subscale were located in the category of
hot Mizaj and those with ≤14 scores were cate-
gorized as cold Mizaj. In the dry/wet subscale,
participants with a≥5 score had dry Mizaj and
with ≤3 the score had wet Mizaj. The psycho-
metric properties of this questionnaire were
approved in the Iranian population. The reli-
ability of this questionnaire was approved by
Cronbach’s α coecient of 0.71 in the Irani-
an population. Moreover, the sensitivity and
specicity of this questionnaire for detecting
the individual’s Mizaj were acceptable.
Also, the blood group information of the par-
ticipants was determined from their blood
samples by surveying the antibodies against
type A and B, as well as Rh in the participants’
Statistical Data Analysis
Data analysis was performed using SPSS
(IBM Corp. Released 2017. IBM SPSS Sta-
tistics for Windows, Version 25.0. Armonk,
NY: IBM Corp.) and Stata software version
14.2 (StataCorp LLC, 4905 Lakeway Drive,
College Station TX77845, USA). Qualita-
tive and quantitative data were represented as
frequency (percentage) and mean ± standard
deviation, respectively. Kolmogorov-Smirnov
test was used to determine the normality dis-
tribution of data. In addition, Chi-square and
independent t-test were used to analyze the re-
lationship between the variables. Furthermore,
multiple logistic regression was performed to
estimate the eect sizes with controlling the
eect of participants’ gender on the results of
the study. P<0.05 was considered statistically
A total of 308 subjects were enrolled in this
study. of these, 174 (56.49%) were male
and 134 (43.51%) were female. The mean
and standard deviation age of these patients
was 37.90±10.06 (CI 95%: 36.76 to 39.03).
Among the participants, 122 (39.61%) were
blood group O. The prevalence of A, B, and
AB blood groups was 27.27%, 22.40%,
and 10.71%, respectively. Moreover, 226
(73.38%) participants had positive and 82
(26.62%) of them had negative Rh group. Ta-
ble-1 shows the demographic information of
the participants in the study.
Table-2 shows the participants’ Mizaj con-
Parvizi MM, et al. ABO/Rh Blood Groups and the Mizaj
sidering their ABO/Rh blood group, as well
as the association between each simple and
compound Mizaj type with ABO/ Rh blood
groups. According to this Table, the per-
centage of cold Mizaj, in both simple and
compound Mizaj types, was signicantly
more prevalent in participants with the AB
blood group compared to other blood groups
(P=0.012 and P=0.014, respectively). In more
detail, our results indicated that the incidence
of cold Mizaj was signicantly lower in the
participants with the B blood group compared
to other blood groups (P=0.012).
We also analyzed the association between
gender and cold/hot qualities. The association
between these two variables was signicant
(P=0.029). In this regard, the frequency of hot
Mizaj was higher in men compared to women.
While there was no signicant association be-
tween wet/dry qualities and the participants’
gender (P=0.167). In addition, the moderate
Mizaj (in hotness and wetness qualities) were
the most common Mizaj types in both male
and female participants in this study.
According to logistic regression analysis,
individuals with the AB blood group were
2.88 times more likely to have cold Mizaj
(OR=2.88, 95% CI: 1.16 to 7.15) than those
Table 1. Demographic Characteristics of the Participants Enrolled Into the Study
ABO blood groups P
Rh blood groups P
Total A
Rh negative
mean±SD a
10.73 0.944 38.17±
10.00 37.13± 10.25 0.427
Gender, N
Male 174
(59.02) 0.834
(57.95) 43 (52.44) 0.387
Female 134
(40.98) 95 (42.04) 39 (47.56)
status, N
(%) b
Single 98
(34.17) 0.134
67 (30.18) 31 (37.80)
Married 206
(69.82) 51 (62.20)
level, N
(%) c
(7.28) 4 (4.88) 2 (2.94) 3(9.68) 13
15 (6.76) 7 (8.75)
Diploma 96
(27.27) 72 (32.43) 24 (30.00)
(46.40) 42 (52.50)
degree and
(14.05) 32 (14.41) 7 (8.75)
a. Missing data for 3 cases; b. Missing data for 4 cases; c. Missing data for 6 cases
ABO/Rh Blood Groups and the Mizaj Parvizi MM, et al.
Table 2. Study Participants’ Mizaj with Considering Their ABO/Rh Blood Group and the Association
between Each Simple and Compound Mizaj Types with ABO/ Rh Blood Groups
ABO blood group Rh blood group
Mizaj N (%) A B AB O P
value*Rh positive Rh negative P
Simple Mizaj types
Hot 91
(36.07%) 0.063 66 (29.2%) 25 (30.49%) 0.888
Moderate 166
(50.82%) 0.728 125
(55.31%) 41 (50.00%) 0.439
Cold 51
(22.62%) 6 (8.70%) 10
(13.11%) 0.012 35 (15.49%) 16 (19.51%) 0.488
Total 308 84
(100%) 122 (100) 226 (100%) 82 (100%)
Wet 107
(32.79%) 0.387 73 (32.30%) 34 (41.46%) 0.139
Moderate 122
(36.89%) 0.073 89 (39.38%) 33 (40.24%) 0.896
Dry 79
(30.33%) 0.112 64 (28.32%) 15 (18.29%) 0.079
Total 308 84
(100%) 122 (100) 226 (100%) 82 (100%)
Compound Mizaj types
Cold and
(4.22) 5 (5.95%) 3 (4.35%) 1 (3.03%) 4 (3.28%) 0.799 9 (3.98%) 4 (4.88%) 0.730
Hot and
(10.06) 7 (8.33%) 11
(15.94%) 1 (3.03%) 12
(9.84%) 0.193 22 (9.73%) 9 (10.98%) 0.743
Hot and
(7.47) 2 (2.38%) 6 (8.70%) 1 (3.03%) 14
(11.48%) 0.070 17 (7.52%) 6 (7.32%) 0.952
Cold and
(3.57) 3 (3.57%) 2 (2.90%) 3 (9.09%) 3 (2.46%) 0.328 9 (3.98%) 2 (2.44%) 0.519
Hot 37
(13.10%) 5 (7.25%) 3 (9.09%) 18
(14.75%) 0.439 27 (11.95%) 10 (12.20%) 0.953
Cold 27
(13.10%) 1 (1.45%) 6
(18.18%) 9 (7.38%) 0.014 17 (7.52%) 10 (12.20%) 0.200
Wet 63
(19.67%) 0.801 42 (18.58%) 21 (25.61%) 0.177
Dry 45
(16.39%) 0.454 38 (16.81%) 7 (8.54%) 0.069
Moderate 58
(23.19%) 3 (9.09%) 18
(14.75%) 0.097 45(19.91%) 13 (15.85%) 0.421
Total 308 84
(100%) 226 (100%) 82 (100%)
*The P-values were calculated using chi-square test by comparing each of temperament with other tem-
peraments. P-value≤ 0.05 was considered signicant.
Parvizi MM, et al. ABO/Rh Blood Groups and the Mizaj
Table 3. Association between Mizaj And ABO and RH Blood Groups Subtypes Using Multiple Logistic Regression Adjusting by the Participants’ Gender
Hotness quality
Blood group
Hot Mizaj Moderate Mizaj Cold Mizaj
ABO Blood
Odds ratio
(95% CIb)P-value Odds ratioa
(95% CI) P-value Odds ratio
(95% CI) p-value Odds ratio
(95% CI) P-value Odds ratio
(95% CI) P-value Odds ratio
(95% CI) P-value
O1 1 1 1 1 1
(0.30 to 1.03) 0.063 0.56
(0.30 to 1.05) 0.070 1.12
(0.64 to 1.94) 0.698 1.11
(0.63 to 1.93) 0.725 1.94
(0.93 to 4.03) 0.077 1.92
(0.92 to 4.01) 0.082
(0.44 to 1.55) 0.560 0.87
(0.46 to 1.66) 0.659 1.42
(0.78 to 2.58) 0.253 1.39
(0.76 to 2.53) 0.285 0.63
(0.23 to 1.70) 0.361 0.61
(0.23 to 1.65) 0.334
AB 0.32
(0.11 to 0.88) 0.027* 0.31
(0.12 to 0.87) 0.027* 1.16
(0.54 to 2.51) 0.704 1.16
(0.53 to 2.51) 0.713 2.88
(1.16 to 7.15) 0.023* 2.88
(1.16 to 7.18) 0.023*
RH RH positive 0.94
(0.54 to1.63) 0.827 0.90
(0.52 to 1.58) 0.722 1.24
(0.75 to 2.05) 0.409 1.26
(0.76 to 2.10) 0.364 0.76
(0.39 to 1.45) 0.402 0.77
(0.40 to 1.48) 0.435
Wetness quality
Blood group
Wet Mizaj Moderate Mizaj Dry Mizaj
Odds ratio
(95% CI) P-value Odds ratio
(95% CI) P-value Odds ratio
(95% CI) P-value Odds ratio
(95% CI) P-value Odds ratio
(95% CI) P-value Odds ratio
(95% CI) P-value
ABO Blood
O1 1 1 1 1 1
(0.54 to 1.76) 0.923 0.96
(0.53 to 1.75) 0.903 1.79
(1.02 to 3.15) 0.042* 1.79
(1.02 to 3.14) 0.044* 0.46
(0.23 to 0.92) 0.028* 0.46
(0.23 to 0.93) 0.030*
(0.86 to 2.90) 0.142 1.55
(0.84 to 2.85) 0.157 0.80
(0.43 to 1.50) 0.487 0.79
(0.42 to 1.48) 0.465 0.75
(0.38 to 1.47) 0.402 0.78
(0.39 to 1.52) 0.459
AB 0.89
(0.39 to 2.05) 0.787 0.89
(0.39 to 2.05) 0.780 0.98
(0.44 to 2.17) 0.956 0.98
(0.44 to 2.17) 0.951 1.15
(0.51 to 2.61) 0.741 1.16
(0.51 to 2.65) 0.726
RH RH positive 0.67
(0.40 to 1.13) 0.137 0.68
(0.40 to 1.15) 0.150 0.96
(0.58 to 1.62) 0.891 0.97
(0.58 to 1.63) 0.918 1.77
(0.94 to 3.31) 0.077 1.73
(0.92 to 3.25) 0.091
a. Odds ratio adjusted by gender of the participants; b. CI: condence interval; *P-value≤0.05 was considered signicant
ABO/Rh Blood Groups and the Mizaj Parvizi MM, et al.
with the O blood group. Furthermore, people
with the A blood group were 54 percent less
likely to have a dry Mizaj (OR=0.46, 95%
CI: 0.23 to 0.92) than those with the O blood
group. Otherwise, the logistic regression anal-
ysis showed that there was not any signicant
association between the individuals’ Rh blood
group and the participants’ Mizaj (P>0.05).
These associations did not change after con-
trolling the individuals’ gender as a probable
confounding factor using multiple logistic re-
gression analysis, as shown in Table-3.
The results of our study showed that there is a
signicant association between the AB blood
group and the cold Mizaj. In addition, nd-
ings revealed that the most common Mizaj
types in all ABO blood groups were moder-
ate in both hotness and wetness qualities. This
nding was in line with the study of Parvizi
et al. which demonstrated that the prevalence
of moderate Mizaj was higher than its other
types in a normal population including uni-
versity sta [13]. On the other hand, there
was no signicant association between the Rh
blood group and the participants’ Mizaj.
It seems that the current study was the rst
study that analyzed the association between
the Mizaj types and the blood groups in Iran.
While, there were a few studies analyzing
the association of the Mizaj types with the
physical and mental characteristics of the in-
dividuals, as well as the association of ABO
blood groups with the psychological charac-
teristics of individuals. However, there were
few studies assessing the relationship between
the ABO/Rh blood groups and the Mizaj. A
study conducted by Furukawa T. et al. in 1930
showed that there was a signicant correlation
between the ABO blood groups and the Mizaj
[31]. The results of our study also showed a
relation between the cold Mizaj and the ABO
blood group [31].
According to the Seyed Mahtab Ali et al.’s
study, conducted in Aligarh in New Delhi,
the bilious Mizaj was the most common one
among participants with B positive blood
group [34]. Another study by Harburg et al.
showed a signicant association between the
Lewis blood marker and the Mizaj. However,
the association between the ABO/ Rh blood
group and the dierent types of Mizaj was not
signicant. Furthermore, according to the re-
sults of this study, Males’ Anger and Impul-
sivity were strongly connected with the Lewis
red blood cell phenotypes, while Females’
Sensation-seeking (a subscale of impulsivity)
was signicantly associated with the Lewis
red blood cell morphologies [32]. Although
the evidence showed that there was a signif-
icant relationship between Mizaj and person-
ality type [13], analyzing this association was
not considered in this study. It is necessary
to consider that the various results among
the Mizaj- related studies could be based on
several factors including the ethnicity of the
participants, the tools for determination of the
Mizaj, and the dierent age ranges of the par-
In addition, one of the important factors in the
determination of Mizaj from the TPM view-
point is psychological and mental conditions
[9, 6]. A study by Yogeeshwaran et al. showed
that there was no relationship between ABO
blood groups and the level of stress among
students [35]. While according to the study
of Pisk et al. psychiatric disorders were more
common in people with AB blood group com-
pared to other blood groups [36]. Moreover,
Kakathkar et al. found that children with AB
blood group had a signicantly higher level of
dental anxiety compared to the children with
other blood groups [27]. However, according
to the TPM, Mizaj is an inherent feature in
people, it should be considered that several
factors including gender, age, place of resi-
dence, job and occupation, lifestyle, and food
habits aect the Mizaj quality [37-39]. There-
fore, it is probable that the individual’s Mizaj
has been changed during their lifetime [9, 10].
But, the blood group is one of the non-change-
able characteristics of each person, so it seems
that this could be considered as an initial fac-
tor with the potential capacity to aect the in-
dividual’s Mizaj.
Multiple logistic regression demonstrated a
relationship between people’s Mizaj and their
ABO blood group. In this regard, it seems
that having both A and B antigens together in
the blood makes that person up to 2.88 times
more susceptible to cold Mizaj. On the other
hand, it seems that having only the A antigen
Parvizi MM, et al. ABO/Rh Blood Groups and the Mizaj
in the blood may be a protective factor against
dry Mizaj. These results could be considered
as a base for further studies to clarify more
physiological aspects of this phenomenon.
The distribution of the ABO (without con-
sidering RH) blood group in the Iranian pop-
ulation has been reported as % 38 for the O
blood group, 33% for the A, % 22 for the B,
and 7% for the AB in a previous study [40],
which were similar to our study. Therefore, it
seems that the participants of this study could
be considered representative of the normal
population of Iran. However, there were some
limitations in our study.
First, our study was a single-center study.
So multi-center studies are recommended in
this regard. Second, the ethnicity of the par-
ticipants was not considered in this study.
Ethnicity could probably be a confounding
factor in our study. Therefore, considering
the participants’ ethnicity is recommended for
further studies. Next, the temperament of the
individuals may be aected by several factors,
especially nutrition, food habits, occupation,
smoking, and psychological conditions which
were not controlled in this study. Consider-
ing the probable eects of these lifestyle and
environmental factors, it is recommended to
repeat this study using related tools, ques-
tionnaires, and developed analytical models.
Next, this study was conducted on healthy
participants who were referred to the Irani-
an Blood Transfusion Organization, Shiraz
Branch, so it could be possible that the results
of this study may not apply to unhealthy indi-
viduals and patients with Sue-Mizaj. Finally,
in this study, we only analyzed the relation-
ship between the RBO blood groups and the
Rh antigen. Future studies are proposed to
consider other surface antigens of RBCs.
This study showed that the cold Mizaj was
signicantly more common in participants
with the AB blood group and it was less in
participants with the B blood group compared
to other blood groups. In contrast, there was
no association between temperament and the
presence of Rh antigen on the surface of red
blood cells. Overall, this was a basic research
to analyze the relationship between two in-
dividual phenotypes, one from modern med-
icine (ABO/Rh blood groups) and the other
from the TPM concept (Mizaj). The practical
key point of this study could be emerging a
theory that manages the nutrition and food,
occupation, the place for residency, or other
factors. Depending on an individual’s blood
type, Mizaj may help people improve their
health, quality of life, and professional per-
formance. More studies are recommended on
this issue with controlling some probable con-
founding factors.
This study was a part of a thesis written by
Mohadese Molayemat as partial fulllment
of the requirements for obtaining her medical
degree (Project number: 21052). The authors
thank the Vice Chancellor of Research of Shi-
raz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz,
Iran for nancial support.
Conict of Interest
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Parvizi MM, et al. ABO/Rh Blood Groups and the Mizaj