Self-Care Management, Patient Education, and Nursing Support in Patients with Diabetes and Hypertension
Self-care Management in Diabetes and Hypertension
Self-Care; Diabetes; Hypertension; Education; LifestyleAbstract
Diabetes and related complications such as hypertension are considered major public health issues throughout the world as they are the most important causes of death and disability and cause huge economic implications for both patients and the public health system. Sufficient management of these complications along with novel patient education and self-care strategies are documented as ideal approaches able to postpone the onset of morbidity and disability and thereby delay the onset of preventable costs. However, contradictions regarding the efficacy of the studied self-care strategies are mentioned, thereby the current study aimed to review self-care strategies as a preventive approach to disease management and improving clinical outcomes in patients with diabetes and hypertension. The findings revealed that self-care through patient education with nursing support can improve medication adherence and lifestyle. However, clinical outcomes have revealed relative inconsistencies that require further studies.
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