About the Journal

Galen Medical Journal (GMJ), an esteemed cornerstone of academic inquiry, proudly indexed in prestigious repositories including PubMed and Web of Science. GMJ stands as an intellectual bastion, facilitating the dissemination of scholarly contributions that resonate within the echelons of contemporary medical discourse. With an unwavering commitment to methodological rigor, ethical rectitude, and the promulgation of erudition, GMJ serves as an indispensable conduit for medical luminaries, researchers, and scholars.

GMJ's distinctive positioning within the echelons of PubMed and Web of Science bespeaks its elevated stature as a repository of paramount medical scholarship. As an ardent purveyor of knowledge, GMJ orchestrates the convergence of cutting-edge research, incisive analyses, and profound insights, encapsulating the gamut of medical sciences. This is fortified by our unwavering adherence to meticulous peer-review processes, ensuring the veracity and integrity of disseminated information. Scholars worldwide partake in our scholarly tapestry, engaging with a spectrum of erudite perspectives that encompass diverse medical disciplines, thereby fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas and catalyzing the trajectory of medical advancement.

We extend a scholarly invitation to explore the realm of GMJ  a realm where indexed prominence converges with erudition par excellence. Accompany us in unraveling the intricacies of medical scholarship, propelled by a commitment to academic excellence that resonates through every manuscript, study, and discourse featured within the journal's distinguished pages.


Publication of New Article in Press


We are pleased to announce that the Galen Medical Journal (GMJ) will publish a new Article in Press . The manuscript, which has completed the peer-review process, will initially appear as an Article in Press on the GMJ website to ensure the prompt dissemination of its important findings.

Shortly thereafter, we will release the article in the most appropriate upcoming issue of the Galen Medical Journal, where it will be indexed and made available in its final, formatted version. We believe this research will be of significant interest to our readers and contribute greatly to the ongoing scholarly dialogue in the field.

Read more about Publication of New Article in Press

Current Issue

Vol. 14 (2025): 2025: In Progress
					View Vol. 14 (2025): 2025: In Progress

The Galen Medical Journal is currently compiling manuscripts for Vol. 14 (2025), featuring cutting-edge research in various medical and health science disciplines. This upcoming volume, now “In Progress,” will include both Articles in Press—made available online immediately upon acceptance—and the finalized publications once they undergo full formatting and assignment. Stay tuned for innovative findings, comprehensive reviews, and clinical perspectives in the latest issue of GMJ.

Published: 2025-01-20
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