Editorial Policies and Publication Ethics

Focus and Scope

Galen Medical Journal (GMJ), a prestigious peer-reviewed, open-access publication brought to you by SalviaPub, a division of Salvia Medical Sciences Ltd. Our journal is dedicated to disseminating the latest advancements and discoveries in the field of medicine, encompassing original articles, short communications, meta-analyses, reviews, letters to the editor, case reports/series, and study protocols conducted by medical researchers worldwide.

Adhering to the standards set by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), GMJ ensures rigorous review processes and upholds the highest ethical standards in publishing.

We welcome submissions of conference proceedings, which may be published electronically as a supplement issue or abstract book. Biomedical conferences are encouraged to reach out to us for publication opportunities.

Peer Review Process

GMJ upholds the principles of transparency and integrity in scholarly publishing. As a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), we endorse the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) Policy Statement on Editorial Decisions, along with the ICMJE Recommendations for Scholarly Work in Medical Journals.

Submitted manuscripts undergo thorough evaluation by our team of statisticians and internal screeners, ensuring adherence to methodological standards and journal guidelines. Each manuscript is assigned a unique submission code for communication purposes.

Following initial screening, manuscripts are peer-reviewed by at least two international reviewers, supplemented by reviewers suggested by the authors, provided they meet our criteria and accept our invitation. Our editorial board carefully considers reviewer feedback, alongside the journal's scope, in making publication decisions.

Authors can expect to receive the first decision within 4-6 weeks of submission.

Open Access Policy

At GMJ, we believe in the unrestricted dissemination of knowledge. Therefore, all content is made immediately accessible to the public, fostering global knowledge exchange and collaboration.


GMJ employs the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system, ensuring the creation of distributed archives in participating libraries. This facilitates long-term preservation and access to our content.

Permanency of Articles

To guarantee the permanency of published articles, GMJ ensures their deposition in various reputable open-access archives. In the event of any change in ownership, measures are in place to uphold the policy of unconditional open access for research articles.

Once an article is published, no changes are permitted, in line with our commitment to integrity and transparency.

For further details, please refer to our policies section. We thank you for considering GMJ as a platform for sharing your research contributions with the global medical community.


Article Removal

Preserving the integrity of scientific research is fundamental to GMJ. While every effort is made to ensure the availability of published material, in rare cases where content is deemed to infringe rights or is defamatory, GMJ reserves the right to remove such material from our site and associated repositories.

In instances where material must be removed, GMJ will maintain an indexed record of the article. However, instead of the article itself, a statement will be provided to explain its unavailability. An example of such a statement is:

"GMJ regrets that this article is no longer available due to potential legal concerns."

Editorial Independence

At GMJ, editorial decisions regarding publication or rejection of submitted articles are made solely by the editor in chief, free from interference by owners or economic interests.

Conflicts of Interest


GMJ requires full disclosure of any competing interests that could influence the impartiality of research presentation, peer review, editorial decisions, or publication.

Declaration Requirements

Authors, editors, reviewers, and readers must disclose all potential competing interests related to submitted or reviewed content.

Types of Competing Interests

Competing interests may be financial or non-financial and include involvement with organizations, relationships with individuals involved in the publication process, or personal convictions that could affect impartiality.


Authors must disclose funding sources and any affiliations relevant to the research. Editors and reviewers must declare their own competing interests and recuse themselves if necessary. Readers commenting on articles must also disclose competing interests.

Editorial Actions

GMJ editors consider competing interests during the review process and ensure their disclosure in published articles. Articles may be withheld if significant competing interests are identified, and reviewers with potential biases are not consulted.

For further details on our conflict of interest policy, please refer to our guidelines. We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining the integrity of scholarly publishing at GMJ.

Disclosure of Funding Sources


Authors submitting to GMJ must disclose all sources of funding that supported their research. This transparency not only acknowledges the contributions of funders but also enhances accountability and promotes openness in the research process. GMJ adheres to the Good Publication Practice for Communicating Company-Sponsored Medical Research (GPP2).

What to Declare

Each author must individually declare all funding sources related to the submitted research. This includes naming granting agencies, providing grant numbers, and describing the role of each funder. If a funder had no involvement in the research, authors must explicitly state so.

Authors are not required to list unrelated grants that do not pertain to the published research.

Funding Statement

A Funding Statement, containing the declared funding information, is included in the metadata of every published article.

In cases where inaccurate funding information is discovered post-publication, corrections may be necessary.

How to Declare

Funding details should be entered into the online submission system during the submission process.

Exclusion of Funding from Tobacco Companies

GMJ does not consider for publication any manuscripts funded, wholly or partially, by tobacco companies, covering research costs or authors' salaries.

Content License

GMJ applies the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license to published works, facilitating open access and permitting unrestricted reuse of original content.

Under this license, articles can be freely copied, distributed, or reused for any purpose, provided proper citation is given to the author and original source.

Using GMJ Content

Reuse or repurposing of GMJ content does not require permission, as long as proper citation is provided. This includes figures, tables, and images published under the CC BY license.

For reuse of non-article items, such as featured issue images, appropriate attribution must be given.

Submitting Copyrighted or Proprietary Content

Authors should not submit copyrighted or proprietary content without obtaining written permission from the copyright holder. This includes maps, slogans, logos, and social media content.

Ethical Publishing Practice


GMJ is committed to ethical publishing practices and is a member of COPE, adhering to its Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines. Additionally, GMJ endorses the WAME Policy Statement on Editorial Decisions and the ICMJE Recommendations for Scholarly Work in Medical Journals.

Authors, editors, and reviewers are expected to adhere to best practices in publication ethics, including authorship guidelines, avoidance of plagiarism, and disclosure of competing interests.

Investigation of Misconduct

GMJ will thoroughly investigate allegations of research or publication misconduct, following COPE guidelines. Conclusive evidence of misconduct may result in corrective actions such as issuing corrections or retractions.

Concerns about potential misconduct should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief or Editorial Director.

Additional resources on publication ethics are available from COPE and WAME.

Ethics and Consent

In adherence to ethical standards and transparency, Galen Medical Journal (GMJ) upholds rigorous guidelines concerning research ethics and consent.

2.1. Ethics Approval

Research involving human subjects, material, or data must comply with the Declaration of Helsinki and receive approval from an appropriate ethics committee. Manuscripts must detail this approval, including the committee's name and reference number. Exemptions from ethics approval must also be disclosed, with supporting documentation available upon request.

2.2. Retrospective Ethics Approval

Manuscripts lacking prior ethics approval may not be considered for peer review. The Editor may exercise discretion on whether to proceed with review in such cases.

2.3. Consent to Participate

Informed consent from participants (or guardians for minors) is required for research involving human subjects. Manuscripts must include a statement confirming consent. For studies involving vulnerable groups or uncertain consent, editorial consideration will be at the Editor's discretion.

2.4. Reporting Guidelines

Authors are expected to adhere to standard reporting guidelines for study designs to ensure transparency and reproducibility.

2.5. Human Subjects Research

Authors conducting research involving human participants must:

  • Obtain approval from an institutional review board (IRB)
  • Declare compliance with ethical practices
  • Report details of informed consent procedures
  • Provide documentation of IRB approval upon request

2.6. Patient Privacy and Consent for Publication

GMJ respects patient privacy rights and requires written consent for the publication of identifying information. Submissions including such information without consent will not be considered for publication.

2.7. Cell Lines

Authors must declare the use of cell lines, ensuring compliance with ethical standards for their use. Approval from appropriate ethics committees and consent from donors are necessary for de novo cell lines derived from human tissue.

2.8. Animal Research

Studies involving animals must adhere to international standards and receive approval from Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUCs). Detailed reporting on animal welfare measures is required, along with compliance with the ARRIVE guidelines.


GMJ does not tolerate plagiarism in submissions. Authors must ensure originality in their work, with proper attribution of sources. Plagiarized content will be rejected, and COPE guidelines will be followed in addressing instances of plagiarism.


The peer review process and all correspondence are confidential. Any breaches of confidentiality will be thoroughly investigated, following COPE guidelines.


Reviewers may choose to remain anonymous or sign their reviews. All parties involved in the review process must maintain confidentiality.

Submission and Publication of Related Studies

Authors must disclose related manuscripts under consideration or published elsewhere. Prior publication in theses, conferences, or preprint servers will not affect consideration. Duplicate submissions or publications will be rejected.

Biosecurity and Dual-Use Research of Concern

Research with potential biosecurity concerns will be carefully evaluated. Authors must disclose such concerns, and editors and reviewers are expected to assess risks accordingly.

Research Conducted by GMJ

GMJ conducts ongoing research on manuscript handling processes. Participation does not affect editorial decisions or confidentiality policies. Individual research projects undergo ethical review, with specific consent obtained when necessary.

For further information on ethical guidelines and submission requirements, please refer to our Instructions for Authors. We appreciate your commitment to ethical research practices at GMJ.


Galen Medical Journal (GMJ) upholds strict criteria for authorship to ensure transparency and accountability in research contributions.

Authorship Criteria:

  • Authors must have made substantial intellectual contributions to the study, including conception and design, data acquisition, analysis and interpretation, and drafting or critical revision of the manuscript.
  • Each author should approve the final version of the manuscript and agree to be accountable for its content's accuracy and integrity.
  • Acquisition of funding or supervision of the research group alone does not justify authorship.

Group Authorship:

  • For research conducted by large, multicenter groups, individuals directly responsible for the manuscript must meet authorship criteria. Other group members should be acknowledged in the acknowledgments section.
  • Disclosure of individual authorship and group affiliation is required, with corresponding authors clearly indicating preferred citations.

Author Contributions:

  • GMJ employs the CRediT Taxonomy for author contributions. Authors must agree on and disclose their contributions before submission.
  • Contributors who do not meet authorship criteria should be acknowledged in the manuscript's acknowledgments section.

Corresponding Author Responsibilities:

  • Corresponding authors bear responsibility for the manuscript's content and serve as the primary contact for queries.
  • They ensure compliance with GMJ policies and obtain consent from all authors regarding submission and any requested changes to authorship.

Professional Medical Writers:

  • Involvement of medical writers must be acknowledged, along with funding sources, following European Medical Writers Association (EMWA) guidelines.

Author Identification:

  • Authors are encouraged to register and use ORCID identifiers to facilitate identification and attribution.

Editor and Reviewer Requirements:

  • Editors and reviewers must be vigilant in assessing author lists, affiliations, and potential conflicts of interest, reporting any concerns to GMJ.


  • Authors should cite relevant literature to support their claims, avoiding excessive self-citation and ensuring accuracy and balance in citation practices.

Corrections and Retractions:

  • GMJ follows COPE guidelines for publishing corrections or retractions when necessary to maintain the integrity of the academic record.

Appeals and Complaints:

  • GMJ adheres to COPE guidelines for handling appeals and complaints regarding editorial decisions.

Advertising Policies:

  • GMJ's advertising policy aligns with WAME principles for publication ethics policies.

Checklist of Ethical Requirements and Responsibilities:

  • Authors, reviewers, and editors have specific responsibilities regarding originality, confidentiality, conflicts of interest, and ethical conduct.

By adhering to these guidelines, GMJ maintains the highest standards of integrity and transparency in research publication.


GMJ maintains strict criteria for authorship, ensuring that all listed authors meet the established standards and contribute substantially to the research. Here are the key points regarding authorship:

  • Criteria: Authors must meet the criteria outlined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). This includes substantial contributions to conception, design, data acquisition, analysis, interpretation, drafting, critical revision, final approval, and accountability for the work's integrity.

  • Funding and Supervision: Acquisition of funding or general supervision alone does not justify authorship.

  • Group Authorship: In cases of large, multicenter studies, individuals directly responsible for the manuscript should be identified. Group authors must fulfill authorship criteria, with individual contributions acknowledged in the manuscript.

  • Author Contributions: Contributions of all authors must be described using the CRediT Taxonomy of author contributions. All authors should agree on their contributions before submission.

  • Acknowledgments: Individuals who do not meet authorship criteria but contribute to the research should be acknowledged appropriately in the Acknowledgments section.

  • Corresponding Author Responsibilities: The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring adherence to editorial policies, author agreements, and final manuscript approval by all authors.


Authors are encouraged to cite relevant literature accurately and responsibly, avoiding excessive self-citation or biased citation practices. Guidelines include citing external sources when necessary, avoiding citation of derivative works, ensuring accuracy of citations, and refraining from preferential citation of own or affiliated works.

Corrections and Retractions

GMJ maintains a policy for publishing corrections or retractions when necessary to uphold the integrity of the academic record. Corrections address errors that do not invalidate the article, while retractions occur when scientific information is substantially undermined. Original articles remain publicly available, with corrections or retractions linked prominently.

Appeals and Complaints

GMJ follows COPE guidelines for handling appeals and complaints regarding editorial decisions. Authors may contact GMJ via email for further information or resolution of concerns.

Advertising Policies

GMJ's advertising policies align with recommendations for publication ethics in medical journals. Advertising content should adhere to ethical standards, and GMJ reserves the right to reject inappropriate advertisements.

Checklist of Ethical Requirements and Responsibilities

Authors, reviewers, and editors have specific responsibilities outlined to ensure the integrity and quality of published research. Responsibilities include adherence to ethical guidelines, confidentiality, objectivity, and transparency throughout the publication process.

These policies aim to uphold ethical standards, maintain transparency, and ensure the integrity of published research in GMJ. For further details or inquiries, authors may refer to the complete guidelines provided by GMJ.


Authors' Responsibilities:

  1. Certify that the manuscript is their original work.
  2. Ensure the manuscript has not been previously published elsewhere or submitted to another journal for review.
  3. Participate in the peer review process and address reviewers' comments.
  4. Provide retractions or corrections for any mistakes found in their work.
  5. Ensure all authors significantly contributed to the research and define their contributions in the "Authors' Contributions" section.
  6. State that all data in the paper are real and authentic.
  7. Notify editors of any conflicts of interest.
  8. Identify all sources used in creating the manuscript.
  9. Report any errors discovered in their published paper to the editors.
  10. Refrain from using irrelevant sources that may benefit other researchers or journals.
  11. Cannot withdraw articles during the review process or after accceptance without penalty as defined by the publisher. The penalty is variable up to article proccesing charge. 

Peer-Review/Responsibility for Reviewers:

  1. Maintain confidentiality of all information regarding papers and treat them as privileged.
  2. Conduct reviews objectively, avoiding personal criticism of the author.
  3. Express views clearly with supporting arguments in 500 to 1000 words.
  4. Identify relevant published work not cited by the authors.
  5. Alert the Editor-in-Chief to any substantial similarity or overlap with other published papers.
  6. Refrain from reviewing manuscripts with conflicts of interest resulting from relationships with authors, companies, or institutions involved.

Editorial Responsibilities:

  1. Have complete responsibility and authority to reject/accept articles.
  2. Ensure the contents and overall quality of the publication.
  3. Consider the needs of authors and readers when improving the publication.
  4. Guarantee the quality of papers and the integrity of the academic record.
  5. Publish errata or corrections when necessary.
  6. Understand the research's funding sources.
  7. Base decisions solely on papers' importance, originality, clarity, and relevance.
  8. Preserve reviewer anonymity in half-blind peer review journals.
  9. Ensure all published research material conforms to international ethical guidelines.
  10. Only accept papers when reasonably certain.
  11. Act if misconduct is suspected and persist in resolving any issues.
  12. Avoid rejecting papers based on suspicions without evidence.
  13. Prevent conflicts of interest between staff, authors, reviewers, and board members.
  14. Refrain from changing decisions after submission without serious reason.