Editorial Policies

1. Peer Review Process The Galen Medical Journal (GMJ) is committed to maintaining a rigorous and transparent peer review process to ensure the publication of high-quality research. All submitted manuscripts undergo an initial evaluation by the editorial team to assess their suitability for the journal’s scope and adherence to basic submission requirements. Manuscripts that pass this initial screening are then subjected to a double-blind peer review process, where both the authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other.

  • Reviewer Selection: Reviewers are chosen based on their expertise in the relevant field. GMJ ensures that reviewers provide constructive feedback and evaluate manuscripts based on originality, methodological rigor, clarity, and significance of findings.
  • Review Timeline: GMJ strives to complete the peer review process within a reasonable timeframe to ensure timely publication of research. However, the duration may vary depending on the availability of reviewers and the complexity of the subject matter.
  • Decision Making: Based on the reviewers’ recommendations, the Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with the editorial board, makes the final decision on the manuscript. Possible outcomes include acceptance, minor or major revisions, or rejection.

2. Manuscript Submission and Preparation GMJ accepts original research articles, reviews, case reports, and other types of scholarly work related to non-communicable diseases, trauma surgery, and traditional medicine. Authors are required to submit manuscripts through the online submission system, following the guidelines provided on the journal’s website.

  • Formatting Requirements: Manuscripts must adhere to the journal’s formatting guidelines, including structure, referencing style, and figure/table presentation. Detailed instructions for authors are available on the GMJ website.
  • Originality and Plagiarism: Submissions must be original and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. GMJ uses plagiarism detection tools to screen all submissions for originality.
  • Authorship Criteria: All listed authors must have made significant contributions to the research and approved the final version of the manuscript. GMJ follows the ICMJE guidelines for authorship.

3. Open Access Policy GMJ is an open access journal, meaning all published articles are freely available to the public without subscription fees. This policy ensures that research published in GMJ is accessible to a global audience, promoting the dissemination and impact of the work. Authors retain copyright of their articles, which are published under a Creative Commons license.

4. Ethical Standards GMJ adheres to the highest ethical standards in scholarly publishing. The journal follows the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and requires that all research involving human participants or animals complies with ethical standards and has received appropriate approval from institutional review boards or ethics committees.

  • Conflicts of Interest: Authors, reviewers, and editors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the outcomes of the research or the publication process.
  • Corrections and Retractions: GMJ is committed to maintaining the integrity of the scientific record. Corrections or retractions will be issued if errors or ethical concerns are identified in published articles.

5. Data Sharing and Reproducibility GMJ encourages transparency and reproducibility in research. Authors are encouraged to share the data supporting their findings, either by providing access to data within the manuscript or through data repositories. Where applicable, manuscripts should include a data availability statement.

6. Appeals and Complaints Authors who believe that their manuscript was unjustly rejected can appeal the decision by contacting the Editor-in-Chief. Appeals must provide detailed justification and will be reviewed by an independent member of the editorial board. The decision on an appeal is final.

Complaints regarding the editorial process, peer review, or other issues related to the journal’s policies can be submitted to the editorial office. GMJ takes all complaints seriously and will investigate them in accordance with COPE guidelines.

7. Post-Publication Discussions GMJ welcomes post-publication discussions and encourages the academic community to engage with published research through comments or letters to the editor. Such discussions are important for the advancement of knowledge and can lead to further clarification, corrections, or retractions if necessary.

8. Advertising and Sponsorship GMJ accepts advertisements and sponsorships related to the field of medicine and healthcare. However, all advertising material must be clearly distinguishable from editorial content and must not influence editorial decisions. The journal adheres to strict ethical guidelines to avoid conflicts of interest in advertising.

9. Editorial Independence GMJ upholds the principle of editorial independence. All editorial decisions are made based on the scientific merit of the submitted work, free from the influence of advertisers, sponsors, or external organizations. The editorial board is responsible for safeguarding the journal’s integrity and maintaining trust with authors, reviewers, and readers.

By adhering to these editorial policies, GMJ ensures the publication of high-quality, ethically sound research that contributes to the advancement of medical science and practice.