Comparative Bioinformatics Characteristic of Bladder Cancer Stage 2 from Stage 4 Expression Profile: A Network-Based Study
Bladder Neoplasm, Transcriptome, Protein Interaction Maps, BiomarkersAbstract
Background: Bladder cancer (BC) has remained as one of the most challenging issues in medicine. The aim of this study was to investigate the differential network analysis of stages 2 and 4 of BC to better understand the molecular pathology of these states. Materials and Methods: We chose gene expression data of GSE52519 from Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database analyzed by the GEO2R online tool. Cytoscape version 3.6.1 and its algorithms are the methods applied for the network construction and investigation of differentially expressed genes (DEG) in these states. Result: Our result revealed that the analysis DEGs provides useful information about a common molecular feature of stages 2 and 4 of BC. Conclusion: Consequently, the network finding revealed that more investigation about stage 2 is required to achieve an effective therapeutic protocol to block the transition from stage 2 to stage 4.[GMJ.2018;7:e1279]
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