Preventive Efficacy of Dried Lime (Citrus aurantifulia) in Common Cold Among Hajj Pilgrims: A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial
Citrus aurantifulia; Common Cold; Coryza; Clinical Trial; Herbal MedicineAbstract
Background: Dried lime (Citrus aurantifulia) is one of the herbal preparations used especially by Iranian pilgrims as a preventative agent and self-remedy for respiratory tracts symptoms in folklore medicine. Therefore, we evaluated the preventive efficacy of dried lime preparation in common cold among Iranian pilgrims. Materials and Methods: In this randomized, double-blinded, clinical trial patients in the drug group received dried lime capsules, 500 mg in a single dose per day for four weeks. In the placebo group, the patients received placebo capsules using the same method. The primary outcome measure in this trial was the severity of cold symptoms assessed by a self-administered questionnaire. Results: There were no significant differences between the two groups in terms of the trend of cold symptoms severity during the study period. However, in the second week, the severity of all the cold symptoms in the drug group was less, compared to the placebo, but at the end of the study, comparison of the two groups revealed no significant difference in any of the investigated options. Conclusion: The findings revealed that although the severity of all the cold symptoms in the drug group was less as compared to the placebo group, the dried lime capsule showed no statistically significant effect on the control of these symptoms in Iranian pilgrims. [GMJ.2020;9:e1462]
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