Evaluation of Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin and Cystatin C in Early Diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease in the Absence of the Gold Standard
Chronic Kidney Diseases; Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin; Cystatin C; Bayesian Approach; Latent Class Model; Sensitivity; SpecificityAbstract
Background: Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is considered as a gold standard of kidney function. However, using GFR as the gold standard is not common in clinical practice, because its direct measurement is usually expensive, cumbersome, and invasive. In the present study, we assessed the predictive power of two other biomarkers, Cystatin-C (Cys-C) and Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin (NGAL) for early detection of chronic kidney diseases (CKD) in the absence of a gold standard. Materials and Methods: In this study, 72 patients who referred to the Shohadaye Tajrish Hospital of Tehran, Iran, for measuring their kidney function were studied. The ELISA method was utilized for measuring plasma NGAL (PNGAL) and serum Cys-C (SCys-C). The Bayesian latent class modeling approach was applied to asses the predictive power of these biomarkers. Results: While both the biomarkers had rather high sensitivities (PNGAL=91%, SCys-C= 89%), the specificity of SCys-C biomarker was very lower than the one of PNGAL (SCys-C=56%, PNGAL=94%). The estimated area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for SCys-C as the single biomarker for the diagnosis of CKD was about 0.76, while a similar estimate for PNGAL was 0.93. The added value of PNGAL to SCys-C for the diagnosis of CKD in terms of the ROC curve was about 0.19, while the added value of SCys-C to PNGAL was less than 0.02. Conclusion: In general, our findings suggest that PNGAL can be utilized as a single reliable biomarker for early detection of CKD. In addition, results showed that when a perfect gold standard is not available, Bayesian approaches to latent class models could lead to more precise sensitivity and specificity estimates of imperfect tests. [GMJ.2020;9:e1698]
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