Fc Receptor-Like Gene Expression in Renal Transplantation Patients
Fc Receptor-Like Molecules; Kidney Transplantation; Peripheral Blood Mononuclear CellsAbstract
Background: It has been well-documented that the Fc receptor-like (FCRL) molecule contributes to the pathogenesis of certain autoimmune disorders. FCRL molecules belong to the immunoglobulin superfamily produced by B cells. Also, these molecules induce activating or inhibitory signals of B cells. According to this information and also considering the critical role of immune reactions in organ transplantation, the following experiment was performed to analyze the gene expression level of FCRLs in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of kidney transplant recipients. Materials and Methods: Blood samples were obtained from 32 renal transplant patients on days 1, 3, and 7 post-transplantations. Patients were divided into two groups according to the presence or absence of rejection. Also, 24 age-matched healthy subjects were enrolled as control group. After total RNA extraction from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and cDNA synthesis, the gene expression levels of FCRL1, FCRL2, and FCRL4 in each group were measured by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results: Our results showed that FCRL1 expression levels in kidney transplant patients were significantly less than healthy controls. The overall FCRL2 expression level was not significantly different between them. However, at days 1 and 7, following transplantation in the non-rejected group FCRL2 level was significantly higher than the control group. Comparing the FCRL4 gene expression levels of both groups with healthy controls showed a significant decrease in the third and seventh days post-transplantation. Conclusion: It can be concluded that mononuclear cells, mainly B cells, have an essential role to play in kidney transplantation. [GMJ.2020;9:e1730]
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