Influences of Serotonin Hydrochloride on Adiponectin, Ghrelin and KiSS1 Genes Expression
Serotonin; Kisspeptin; Ghrelin; AdiponectinAbstract
Background: Serotonin and kisspeptin stimulates gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) release while ghrelin and adiponectin inhibit them. In the present experimental study, the effects of central injection of serotonin were investigated on LH concentration, KiSS1, adiponectin, and ghrelin genes expression. Materials and Methods: Fifteen Wistar male rats in three groups received saline or serotonin hydrochloride via the third cerebral ventricle. Blood samples were collected via the tail vein. Serum LH concentration and relative gene expression were evaluated by radioimmunoassay and real-time polymerase chain reaction method, respectively. Results: Serotonin significantly increased the mean serum LH concentration and KiSS1 gene expression levels compared to the saline group. Serotonin significantly decreased the mean ghrelin and adiponectin genes expression levels compared to the saline group. Conclusion: The serotonergic pathway may have stimulatory effects on hypothalamic kisspeptin synthesis, partly via inhibiting hypothalamic ghrelin and adiponectin neural activity.[GMJ.2020;9:e1767]
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