The Fasa Registry on Systolic Heart Failure (FaRSH): Feasibility Study and the First 5-year Reports
Heart Failure, Systolic, Registry, IranAbstract
Background: The literature on patients with heart failure (HF) from the Middle East, besides a few existing registries, is scarce. We report, for the first time in our country, a hospital-based registry for systolic HF. Materials and Methods: This was a web-based registry on HF, conducted in Vali-Asr Hospital affiliated with Fasa University of Medical Sciences, Fasa, Iran. The goal of this registry was to define overall baseline clinical characteristics and natural history of hospitalized patients with systolic HF, to evaluate current management schema and implementation of practice guidelines, and to determine the correlation between genetic predisposition environmental effects, individuals’ characteristics of health, lifestyle, morbidity, and mortality in relation with the effects of medication. Results: To date, 2378 individuals with a mean of age 67.08±13.07 years have been registered. Among which, 1381 (58.07%) patients were diagnosed with denovo HF. Most of the patients (60.1%) were male, and 8.9% had admissions during the past 30 days. The most common causes of HF were ischemic heart disease (86.5%) and hypertension (5.3%). Most patients had NYHA class one (44.3%) and three (20.4%). Overall, near 30% had diabetes and more than 38% had hyperlipidemia. Most individuals have been not a history of cigarette smoking (68.7%) or water-pipe smoking (96.9%). Also, 22.2% were current opium users, and 3.2% were previous opium users. Conclusions: The findings of this registry could make a realistic view of HF as a chronic disease with a burden. Therefore, policymakers can design programs and guidelines to prevent disease and better survival and quality of life. [GMJ.2021;10:e2111]
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