Fasa Registry on Diabetes Mellitus (FaRD): Feasibility Study and Pilot Phase Results
Diabetes Mellitus; Registry System; Feasibility Study; FasaAbstract
Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is the most common chronic disease. This disease is the main risk factor for fatal diseases such as myocardial infarction and stroke. As there is no cure for DM, an effective strategy must control it. Every attempt to control DM and patients’ outcomes require a surveillance system to consider the efficacy and safety measures. Fasa Registry on Diabetes mellitus (FaRD) is the first population-based registry for DM in Iran, which aims to provide an accurate description of social, mental health, clinical, and laboratory values of patients in order to consider the management patterns of these patients and discover the degree of adherence to the recommendations. Materials and Methods: The level of plasma glucose characterizes the diagnosis of diabetes (Type I and II). The pregnant women were excluded from this study. Three registrar nurses collected data from demographics, physical exams, past medical history, medication history, and laboratory findings. Results: The pilot phase included the first 381 patients, of which 257 (67.5%) were women, and 124 (32.5%) were men with a mean age of 57.54 ± 12.12 years among subjects, the 347 (94.5%) cases had DM type 2, and 20 (5.4%) ones had type 1. Conclusion: Based on our results, the characteristics of patients suffering from DM indicated that the jobless ones could not afford their medical expenditures; therefore, the majority of the patients were not adherent to the practice guidelines. The achievement of FaRD helps physicians and patients in improved management of the DM. The findings of this pilot study show the FaRD is feasible, and it will make a comprehensive population-based registry for DM in the region. [GMJ.2021;10:e2137]
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