Effects of Dexmedetomidine On the Postoperative Shivering, Nausea, and Vomiting Among Opium User Patients Undergoing Elective Supratentorial Brain Tumor Surgery: A Randomized, Placebo, Controlled Clinical trials
Dexmedetomidine; General Anesthesia; Nausea; Vomiting; ShiveringAbstract
Background: Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), and shivering are common general anesthesia complications. Hence, this study evaluates the effect of dexmedetomidine, given as a premedication, on PONV and shivering in patients with opium use who underwent elective supratentorial brain tumor surgeries. Materials and Methods: In a randomized clinical trial, 100 opium user patients who were candidates for elective supra-tentorial brain tumor surgery under general anesthesia were studied in two groups of 50 patients. The intervention group received dexmedetomidine (within 10 and 30 minutes infusion) before the anesthesia induction. Group placebo that received normal saline as a group. PONV and shivering rates were compared between the two groups. Results: Both groups did not differ in hemodynamic parameters during operation, including pulse rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and anesthesia duration. In the dexmedetomidine group, patients suffered less from PONV and shivering rather than controls, and these differences were both significant (P=0.001 and P=0.027, respectively). Discussion: Dexmedetomidine administration before major surgeries might reduce post-operative nausea and vomiting and the occurrence of shivering, particularly in opium-addicted patients.[GMJ.2021;10:e2146]
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