The Network between Heart and Liver from the View of Persian Medicine Versus Conventional Medicine
Heart-Liver Network
Heart Diseases, Liver Diseases, Network MedicineAbstract
Background: Liver and heart are two important organs in the human body, whose function strongly affects other organs. On the other hand, these two main organs affect each other due to common metabolic pathways. Therefore, a disorder in any of them can lead to disease in other organs. Today, using the network medicine perspective, these complex connections can be easily mapped and discovered. From the Persian medicine viewpoint, links are formed based on the material causes of diseases, while from the conventional medicine viewpoint, they are mostly formed due to metabolites, genes, and pathways. Materials and Methods: In this article, we first investigated the recent articles of conventional medicine that examine the relationship between heart and liver in the important databases. Then, we checked out the sources of Persian medicine and finally, using the RStudio software used in network medicine for text mining, we drew the communication network centered on heart and liver and their mutual causes from the perspective of Persian Medicine. Results: Examining the network connection between the heart and the liver showed that the definitions based on Persian medicine, which are based on the material causes of diseases, are very compatible with the genes, metabolites and pathways between these two organs. Conclusion: Understanding these concepts can be helpful in detecting the co-occurrence of diseases of these two organs, as well as predicting the possible occurrence of related diseases between the heart and liver, and ultimately in better treatment.
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