Adult Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care Services and Associated Factors Among Admitted Patients at Saint Paul’s Hospital, Millennium Medical College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2022: A Cross-Sectional Study
Patient Satisfaction, Adult, Inpatients, Nursing Care, Healthcare ServiceAbstract
Background: Providing comprehensive nursing care and ensuring patient satisfaction are essential health performance indicators worldwide. Despite some efforts to improve patient satisfaction with nursing care, the approach in developing countries, including Ethiopia, remains insufficient. This study aimed to assess the level of adult patient satisfaction and identify the factors affecting satisfaction. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study included 407 participants selected using a simple randomization technique. The samples were distributed using proportional allocation to each selected adult inpatient department. The participants were interviewed using a modified structured Amharic version of the Newcastle Satisfaction with Nursing Scale. Bivariate and multivariable logistic regression analyses were also performed.
Results: The overall level of patient satisfaction with nursing care services was 54.3%. Respondents without formal education (P=0.010), male sex (P=0.041), free service consumers (P<0.001), and health insurance users (P<0.001) were significantly associated with satisfaction with nursing care. In addition, previously hospitalized patients (P=0.001), governmental workers (P<0.001), and patients admitted to the medical ward (P=0.010) were associated with patient dissatisfaction with nursing care services.
Conclusion: This study revealed that adult patient satisfaction with nursing care services is low. A previous admission history, higher education level, paying cash for services, and private and governmental workers were significant predisposing factors for dissatisfaction with nursing care. On the other hand, patients without formal education, free-service consumers, and male sex were significant predictors of satisfaction with nursing care services. Therefore, hospital administrators are encouraged to focus on patients’ needs and expectations.
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