Nursing Interventions and Care Strategies for Patients with Coronary Heart Disease: A Comprehensive Review
Nursing Care for Patients with CHD
Coronary Heart Disease, Nursing Care, Patient Education, Quality of Life, Cardiac RehabilitationAbstract
Cardiovascular diseases are a major cause of death worldwide, and coronary heart disease (CHD) is a prevalent cardiovascular condition and a significant health burden for the population. In this disease, insufficient blood flow to the heart due to plaque accumulation in the coronary arteries causes chest pain, heart attack, and even death. So, it is vital to identify risk factors, prevention, appropriate treatment, and rehabilitation. Nurses play an indispensable role in managing and caring for patients with CHD. Indeed, they possess a deep understanding of the disease and its complexities, enabling them to provide comprehensive care to patients. Nurses monitor vital signs, administer medications, and perform diagnostic tests, ensuring patients receive timely and appropriate interventions. They also educate patients and their families about CHD, emphasizing lifestyle modifications, medication adherence, and self-care practices. Moreover, nurses offer emotional support, guiding patients through the physical and psychological challenges associated with CHD. Their expertise, compassion, and dedication significantly improve patient outcomes and overall quality of life. Nurses are responsible for assessing, diagnosing, and counseling patients on how to manage their disease, making them the front line of defense in preventing and addressing this serious condition. In the current study, we reviewed the literature to consider the best practices and emerging trends in nursing interventions and care strategies for patients with CHD.
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