Effects of First Wave of COVID-19 on Colon Cancer Multi-disciplinary Team Performance: A Two-Year Analysis
Effects of COVID-19 Outbreak on 2-year Outcomes of Colon Cancer Management
Bowel Cancer; Colon Cancer; COVID-19; Survival RateAbstract
Background: We investigated the effects of COVID-19-related delay on two-year outcomes of colon cancer treatment during the first wave of the pandemic. Materials and Methods: Ninety-two patients were referred for bowel cancer at our National Health Service (NHS) trust between March and July 2020, and 41 patients were treated for colon cancer and followed up (a two-year) through a multidisciplinary team (MDT). Treatment delays and overall survival (OS) were also assessed. Results: Treatment delays were observed in 48% of patients. The average delay was 31 days beyond the 62-day mark (P<0.001). Logistic and binary logistic regression models showed that a comorbid diagnosis of respiratory disease had a significant effect on delays in management and two-year outcomes (P=0.04), but without the likelihood of upstaging or a poorer outcome (P=0.942). The overall survival rate was 81.5%. Eight percent of bowel cancer surgeries could have been avoided if endoscopic visualization and biopsy were available, and 8% more surgeries could have been performed laparoscopically without fear of surrounding aerosols. Conclusion: The findings showed that oncologic care provided minimal disruption to trust during the COVID-19 pandemic owing to a quick association between the NHS site and a green non-NHS site, resulting in acceptable two-year outcomes for colon cancer patients.
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