Dual Ectopic Multinodular Goiter: A Case Report


  • Mohammad Hossein Khosravi
  • Masoumeh Saeedi 1-Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.




Ectopic Thyroid, Nodular Goiter, Multinodular Goiter


Background: As the first endocrine gland to form during embryogenesis, Thyroid develops in the 7th embryonic week through migration from foramen cecum to its adult position, anterolat­eral of 2nd and 4th tracheal cartilages. Ectopic Thyroid can be found anywhere along the migra­tion path with or without co-existence of a normally located Thyroid. Ectopic thyroid glands at two different locations are so rare that only about 24 cases of dual ectopia have been reported. We present the first case of dual ectopic submandibular multinudolar goiter. Case Report: We describe a 35-year-old housewife who consulted us complaining two huge and gradually-grow­ing swellings in right and left upper neck regions. In physical examination, two great well-de­fined masses, one in right and one in left submandibular regions, were seen which had firm for­midability with no mobility, tenderness or evidence of inflammation. Imaging and fine-needle aspiration confirmed the diagnosis of dual ectopic submandibular multinodular goiter in our patient as the first case of occurrence. Conclusion: Finally, we recommend ectopic thyroid to be considered in the diagnosis of laterally located and submandibular neck masses especially in the absence of normally located thyroid. Additionally, we confirmed the idea that not all the laterally-located ectopic thyroids are malignant.[GMJ.2016;5(2):98-102]



How to Cite

Khosravi, M. H., & Saeedi, M. (2016). Dual Ectopic Multinodular Goiter: A Case Report: . Galen Medical Journal, 5(2), e648. https://doi.org/10.31661/gmj.v5i2.648



Case Report/Series