The Regulation of Pyroptosis and Ferroptosis by MicroRNAs in Cardiovascular Diseases
Pyroptosis and Ferroptosis Regulation by Micro RNAs
Ferroptosis, Pyroptosis, MiRNAs, Cardiovascular Diseases, Heart FailureAbstract
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are considered the most prevalent noncommunicable disease and the leading cause of death worldwide. A plethora of evidence has revealed that microRNAs (miRNAs) could control the inhibition or progression of CVDs by regulating pivotal cell pro-cesses ranging from metabolism and homeostasis to programmed cell death (PCD). Pyroptosis and ferroptosis are two major types of nonapoptotic PCDs involved in the pathogenesis of heart failure. However, no study has discussed the crosstalk between miRNAs and these two types of PCDs in the CVDs. The current review demonstrated that different types of miRNAs can regu-late both ferroptosis and pyroptosis and thereby affect CVDs progression and inhibition. Alto-gether, the discussed content encourages further studies to confirm that mentioned pathways are suitable to be considered as novel therapeutic approaches against CVDs.
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